" don't spam the user when Vim is started in Vi compatibility mode let s:cpo_save = &cpo set cpo&vim " PathSep returns the appropriate OS specific path separator. function! go#util#PathSep() abort if go#util#IsWin() return '\' endif return '/' endfunction " PathListSep returns the appropriate OS specific path list separator. function! go#util#PathListSep() abort if go#util#IsWin() return ";" endif return ":" endfunction " LineEnding returns the correct line ending, based on the current fileformat function! go#util#LineEnding() abort if &fileformat == 'dos' return "\r\n" elseif &fileformat == 'mac' return "\r" endif return "\n" endfunction " Join joins any number of path elements into a single path, adding a " Separator if necessary and returns the result function! go#util#Join(...) abort return join(a:000, go#util#PathSep()) endfunction " IsWin returns 1 if current OS is Windows or 0 otherwise " Note that has('win32') is always 1 when has('win64') is 1, so has('win32') is enough. function! go#util#IsWin() abort return has('win32') endfunction " IsMac returns 1 if current OS is macOS or 0 otherwise. function! go#util#IsMac() abort return has('mac') || \ has('macunix') || \ has('gui_macvim') || \ go#util#Exec(['uname'])[0] =~? '^darwin' endfunction " Checks if using: " 1) Windows system, " 2) And has cygpath executable, " 3) And uses *sh* as 'shell' function! go#util#IsUsingCygwinShell() return go#util#IsWin() && executable('cygpath') && &shell =~ '.*sh.*' endfunction " Check if Vim jobs API is supported. " " The (optional) first parameter can be added to indicate the 'cwd' or 'env' " parameters will be used, which wasn't added until a later version. function! go#util#has_job(...) abort return has('job') || has('nvim') endfunction let s:env_cache = {} " env returns the go environment variable for the given key. Where key can be " GOARCH, GOOS, GOROOT, etc... It caches the result and returns the cached " version. function! go#util#env(key) abort let l:key = tolower(a:key) if has_key(s:env_cache, l:key) return s:env_cache[l:key] endif if executable('go') let l:var = call('go#util#'.l:key, []) if go#util#ShellError() != 0 call go#util#EchoError(printf("'go env %s' failed", toupper(l:key))) return '' endif else let l:var = eval("$".toupper(a:key)) endif let s:env_cache[l:key] = l:var return l:var endfunction " gobin returns 'go env GOBIN'. This is an internal function and shouldn't be " used. Use go#util#env('gobin') instead. function! go#util#gobin() abort return substitute(s:exec(['go', 'env', 'GOBIN'])[0], '\n', '', 'g') endfunction " goarch returns 'go env GOARCH'. This is an internal function and shouldn't " be used. Use go#util#env('goarch') instead. function! go#util#goarch() abort return substitute(s:exec(['go', 'env', 'GOARCH'])[0], '\n', '', 'g') endfunction " goos returns 'go env GOOS'. This is an internal function and shouldn't be " used. Use go#util#env('goos') instead. function! go#util#goos() abort return substitute(s:exec(['go', 'env', 'GOOS'])[0], '\n', '', 'g') endfunction " goroot returns 'go env GOROOT'. This is an internal function and shouldn't " be used. Use go#util#env('goroot') instead. function! go#util#goroot() abort return substitute(s:exec(['go', 'env', 'GOROOT'])[0], '\n', '', 'g') endfunction " gopath returns 'go env GOPATH'. This is an internal function and shouldn't " be used. Use go#util#env('gopath') instead. function! go#util#gopath() abort return substitute(s:exec(['go', 'env', 'GOPATH'])[0], '\n', '', 'g') endfunction " gomod returns 'go env GOMOD'. gomod changes depending on the folder. Don't " use go#util#env as it caches the value. function! go#util#gomod() abort return substitute(s:exec(['go', 'env', 'GOMOD'])[0], '\n', '', 'g') endfunction " gomodcache returns 'go env GOMODCACHE'. This is an internal function and " shouldn't be used. Use go#util#env('gomodcache') instead. function! go#util#gomodcache() abort return substitute(s:exec(['go', 'env', 'GOMODCACHE'])[0], '\n', '', 'g') endfunction " hostosarch returns the OS and ARCH values that the go binary is intended for. function! go#util#hostosarch() abort let [l:hostos, l:err] = s:exec(['go', 'env', 'GOHOSTOS']) let [l:hostarch, l:err] = s:exec(['go', 'env', 'GOHOSTARCH']) return [substitute(l:hostos, '\n', '', 'g'), substitute(l:hostarch, '\n', '', 'g')] endfunction " go#util#ModuleRoot returns the root directory of the module of the current " buffer. An optional argument can be provided to check an arbitrary " directory. function! go#util#ModuleRoot(...) abort let l:wd = '' if a:0 > 0 let l:wd = go#util#Chdir(a:1) endif try let [l:out, l:err] = go#util#ExecInDir(['go', 'env', 'GOMOD']) if l:err != 0 return -1 endif finally if l:wd != '' call go#util#Chdir(l:wd) endif endtry let l:module = split(l:out, '\n', 1)[0] " When run with `GO111MODULE=on and not in a module directory, the module will be reported as /dev/null. let l:fakeModule = '/dev/null' if go#util#IsWin() let l:fakeModule = 'NUL' endif if l:fakeModule == l:module return expand('%:p:h') endif return resolve(fnamemodify(l:module, ':p:h')) endfunction " Run a shell command. " " It will temporary set the shell to /bin/sh for Unix-like systems if possible, " so that we always use a standard POSIX-compatible Bourne shell (and not e.g. " csh, fish, etc.) See #988 and #1276. function! s:system(cmd, ...) abort " Preserve original shell, shellredir and shellcmdflag values let l:shell = &shell let l:shellredir = &shellredir let l:shellcmdflag = &shellcmdflag let l:shellquote = &shellquote let l:shellxquote = &shellxquote if !go#util#IsWin() && executable('/bin/sh') set shell=/bin/sh shellredir=>%s\ 2>&1 shellcmdflag=-c endif if go#util#IsWin() if executable($COMSPEC) let &shell = $COMSPEC set shellcmdflag=/C set shellquote& set shellxquote& endif endif try return call('system', [a:cmd] + a:000) finally " Restore original values let &shell = l:shell let &shellredir = l:shellredir let &shellcmdflag = l:shellcmdflag let &shellquote = l:shellquote let &shellxquote = l:shellxquote endtry endfunction " System runs a shell command "str". Every arguments after "str" is passed to " stdin. function! go#util#System(str, ...) abort return call('s:system', [a:str] + a:000) endfunction " Exec runs a shell command "cmd", which must be a list, one argument per item. " Every list entry will be automatically shell-escaped " Every other argument is passed to stdin. function! go#util#Exec(cmd, ...) abort if len(a:cmd) == 0 call go#util#EchoError("go#util#Exec() called with empty a:cmd") return ['', 1] endif let l:bin = a:cmd[0] " Lookup the full path, respecting settings such as 'go_bin_path'. On errors, " CheckBinPath will show a warning for us. let l:bin = go#path#CheckBinPath(l:bin) if empty(l:bin) return ['', 1] endif " Finally execute the command using the full, resolved path. Do not pass the " unmodified command as the correct program might not exist in $PATH. return call('s:exec', [[l:bin] + a:cmd[1:]] + a:000) endfunction " ExecInDir will execute cmd with the working directory set to the current " buffer's directory. function! go#util#ExecInDir(cmd, ...) abort let l:wd = expand('%:p:h') return call('go#util#ExecInWorkDir', [a:cmd, l:wd] + a:000) endfunction " ExecInWorkDir will execute cmd with the working diretory set to wd. Additional arguments will be passed " to cmd. function! go#util#ExecInWorkDir(cmd, wd, ...) abort if !isdirectory(a:wd) return ['', 1] endif let l:dir = go#util#Chdir(a:wd) try let [l:out, l:err] = call('go#util#Exec', [a:cmd] + a:000) finally call go#util#Chdir(l:dir) endtry return [l:out, l:err] endfunction function! s:exec(cmd, ...) abort let l:bin = a:cmd[0] let l:cmd = go#util#Shelljoin([l:bin] + a:cmd[1:]) if go#util#HasDebug('shell-commands') call go#util#EchoInfo('shell command: ' . l:cmd) endif let l:out = call('s:system', [l:cmd] + a:000) return [l:out, go#util#ShellError()] endfunction function! go#util#ShellError() abort return v:shell_error endfunction " StripPath strips the path's last character if it's a path separator. " example: '/foo/bar/' -> '/foo/bar' function! go#util#StripPathSep(path) abort let last_char = strlen(a:path) - 1 if a:path[last_char] == go#util#PathSep() return strpart(a:path, 0, last_char) endif return a:path endfunction " StripTrailingSlash strips the trailing slash from the given path list. " example: ['/foo/bar/'] -> ['/foo/bar'] function! go#util#StripTrailingSlash(paths) abort return map(copy(a:paths), 'go#util#StripPathSep(v:val)') endfunction " Shelljoin returns a shell-safe string representation of arglist. The " {special} argument of shellescape() may optionally be passed. function! go#util#Shelljoin(arglist, ...) abort try let ssl_save = &shellslash set noshellslash if a:0 return join(map(copy(a:arglist), 'shellescape(v:val, ' . a:1 . ')'), ' ') endif return join(map(copy(a:arglist), 'shellescape(v:val)'), ' ') finally let &shellslash = ssl_save endtry endfunction fu! go#util#Shellescape(arg) try let ssl_save = &shellslash set noshellslash return shellescape(a:arg) finally let &shellslash = ssl_save endtry endf " Shelllist returns a shell-safe representation of the items in the given " arglist. The {special} argument of shellescape() may optionally be passed. function! go#util#Shelllist(arglist, ...) abort try let ssl_save = &shellslash set noshellslash if a:0 return map(copy(a:arglist), 'shellescape(v:val, ' . a:1 . ')') endif return map(copy(a:arglist), 'shellescape(v:val)') finally let &shellslash = ssl_save endtry endfunction " Returns the byte offset for line and column function! go#util#Offset(line, col) abort if &encoding != 'utf-8' let sep = go#util#LineEnding() let buf = a:line == 1 ? '' : (join(getline(1, a:line-1), sep) . sep) let buf .= a:col == 1 ? '' : getline('.')[:a:col-2] return len(iconv(buf, &encoding, 'utf-8')) endif return line2byte(a:line) + (a:col-2) endfunction " " Returns the byte offset for the cursor function! go#util#OffsetCursor() abort return go#util#Offset(line('.'), col('.')) endfunction " Windo is like the built-in :windo, only it returns to the window the command " was issued from function! go#util#Windo(command) abort let s:currentWindow = winnr() try execute "windo " . a:command finally execute s:currentWindow. "wincmd w" unlet s:currentWindow endtry endfunction " snippetcase converts the given word to given preferred snippet setting type " case. function! go#util#snippetcase(word) abort let l:snippet_case = go#config#AddtagsTransform() if l:snippet_case == "snakecase" return go#util#snakecase(a:word) elseif l:snippet_case == "camelcase" return go#util#camelcase(a:word) else return a:word " do nothing endif endfunction " snakecase converts a string to snake case. i.e: FooBar -> foo_bar " Copied from tpope/vim-abolish function! go#util#snakecase(word) abort let word = substitute(a:word, '::', '/', 'g') let word = substitute(word, '\(\u\+\)\(\u\l\)', '\1_\2', 'g') let word = substitute(word, '\(\l\|\d\)\(\u\)', '\1_\2', 'g') let word = substitute(word, '[.-]', '_', 'g') let word = tolower(word) return word endfunction " camelcase converts a string to camel case. e.g. FooBar or foo_bar will become " fooBar. " Copied from tpope/vim-abolish. function! go#util#camelcase(word) abort let word = substitute(a:word, '-', '_', 'g') if word !~# '_' && word =~# '\l' return substitute(word, '^.', '\l&', '') else return substitute(word, '\C\(_\)\=\(.\)', '\=submatch(1)==""?tolower(submatch(2)) : toupper(submatch(2))','g') endif endfunction " pascalcase converts a string to 'PascalCase'. e.g. fooBar or foo_bar will " become FooBar. function! go#util#pascalcase(word) abort let word = go#util#camelcase(a:word) return toupper(word[0]) . word[1:] endfunction " Echo a message to the screen and highlight it with the group in a:hi. " " The message can be a list or string; every line with be :echomsg'd separately. function! s:echo(msg, hi) let l:msg = [] if type(a:msg) != type([]) let l:msg = split(a:msg, "\n") else let l:msg = a:msg endif " Tabs display as ^I or <09>, so manually expand them. let l:msg = map(l:msg, 'substitute(v:val, "\t", " ", "")') exe 'echohl ' . a:hi for line in l:msg echom "vim-go: " . line endfor echohl None endfunction function! go#util#EchoSuccess(msg) call s:echo(a:msg, 'Function') endfunction function! go#util#EchoError(msg) call s:echo(a:msg, 'ErrorMsg') endfunction function! go#util#EchoWarning(msg) call s:echo(a:msg, 'WarningMsg') endfunction function! go#util#EchoProgress(msg) redraw call s:echo(a:msg, 'Identifier') endfunction function! go#util#EchoInfo(msg) call s:echo(a:msg, 'Debug') endfunction " Get all lines in the buffer as a a list. function! go#util#GetLines() let buf = getline(1, '$') if &encoding != 'utf-8' let buf = map(buf, 'iconv(v:val, &encoding, "utf-8")') endif if &l:fileformat == 'dos' " XXX: line2byte() depend on 'fileformat' option. " so if fileformat is 'dos', 'buf' must include '\r'. let buf = map(buf, 'v:val."\r"') endif return buf endfunction " Convert the current buffer to the "archive" format of " golang.org/x/tools/go/buildutil: " https://godoc.org/golang.org/x/tools/go/buildutil#ParseOverlayArchive " " > The archive consists of a series of files. Each file consists of a name, a " > decimal file size and the file contents, separated by newlinews. No newline " > follows after the file contents. function! go#util#archive() let l:buffer = join(go#util#GetLines(), "\n") return expand("%:p:gs!\\!/!") . "\n" . strlen(l:buffer) . "\n" . l:buffer endfunction " Make a named temporary directory which starts with "prefix". " " Unfortunately Vim's tempname() is not portable enough across various systems; " see: https://github.com/mattn/vim-go/pull/3#discussion_r138084911 function! go#util#tempdir(prefix) abort " See :help tempfile if go#util#IsWin() let l:dirs = [$TMP, $TEMP, 'c:\tmp', 'c:\temp'] else let l:dirs = [$TMPDIR, '/tmp', './', $HOME] endif let l:dir = '' for l:d in dirs if !empty(l:d) && filewritable(l:d) == 2 let l:dir = l:d break endif endfor if l:dir == '' call go#util#EchoError('Unable to find directory to store temporary directory in') return endif " Not great randomness, but "good enough" for our purpose here. let l:rnd = sha256(printf('%s%s', reltimestr(reltime()), fnamemodify(bufname(''), ":p"))) let l:tmp = printf("%s/%s%s", l:dir, a:prefix, l:rnd) call mkdir(l:tmp, 'p', 0700) return l:tmp endfunction " Report if the user enabled a debug flag in g:go_debug. function! go#util#HasDebug(flag) return index(go#config#Debug(), a:flag) >= 0 endfunction function! go#util#OpenBrowser(url) abort let l:cmd = go#config#PlayBrowserCommand() if len(l:cmd) == 0 redraw echohl WarningMsg echo "It seems that you don't have general web browser. Open URL below." echohl None echo a:url return endif " if setting starts with a !. if l:cmd =~ '^!' let l:cmd = substitute(l:cmd, '%URL%', '\=escape(shellescape(a:url), "#")', 'g') silent! exec l:cmd elseif cmd =~ '^:[A-Z]' let l:cmd = substitute(l:cmd, '%URL%', '\=escape(a:url,"#")', 'g') exec l:cmd else let l:cmd = substitute(l:cmd, '%URL%', '\=shellescape(a:url)', 'g') call go#util#System(l:cmd) endif endfunction function! go#util#ParseErrors(lines) abort let errors = [] for line in a:lines let fatalerrors = matchlist(line, '^\(fatal error:.*\)$') let tokens = matchlist(line, '^\s*\(.\{-}\):\(\d\+\):\s*\(.*\)') if !empty(fatalerrors) call add(errors, {"text": fatalerrors[1]}) elseif !empty(tokens) " strip endlines of form ^M let out = substitute(tokens[3], '\r$', '', '') call add(errors, { \ "filename" : fnamemodify(tokens[1], ':p'), \ "lnum" : tokens[2], \ "text" : out, \ }) elseif !empty(errors) " Preserve indented lines. " This comes up especially with multi-line test output. if match(line, '^\s') >= 0 call add(errors, {"text": substitute(line, '\r$', '', '')}) endif endif endfor return errors endfunction function! go#util#ShowInfo(info) if empty(a:info) return endif echo "vim-go: " | echohl Function | echon a:info | echohl None endfunction " go#util#SetEnv takes the name of an environment variable and what its value " should be and returns a function that will restore it to its original value. function! go#util#SetEnv(name, value) abort let l:state = {} if len(a:name) == 0 return function('s:noop', [], l:state) endif let l:remove = 0 if exists('$' . a:name) let l:oldvalue = eval('$' . a:name) else let l:remove = 1 endif " wrap the value in single quotes so that it will work on windows when there " are backslashes present in the value (e.g. $PATH). call execute('let $' . a:name . " = '" . a:value . "'") if l:remove return function('s:unset', [a:name], l:state) endif return function('go#util#SetEnv', [a:name, l:oldvalue], l:state) endfunction function! go#util#ClearHighlights(group) abort if has('textprop') " the property type may not exist when syntax highlighting is not enabled. if empty(prop_type_get(a:group)) return endif if !has('patch-8.1.1035') return prop_remove({'type': a:group, 'all': 1}, 1, line('$')) endif return prop_remove({'type': a:group, 'all': 1}) endif if exists("*matchaddpos") return s:clear_group_from_matches(a:group) endif endfunction function! s:clear_group_from_matches(group) abort let l:cleared = 0 let m = getmatches() for item in m if item['group'] == a:group call matchdelete(item['id']) let l:cleared = 1 endif endfor return l:cleared endfunction function! s:unset(name) abort try " unlet $VAR was introducted in Vim 8.0.1832, which is newer than the " minimal version that vim-go supports. Set the environment variable to " the empty string in that case. It's not perfect, but it will work fine " for most things, and is really the best alternative that's available. if !has('patch-8.0.1832') call go#util#SetEnv(a:name, '') return endif call execute('unlet $' . a:name) catch call go#util#EchoError(printf('could not unset $%s: %s', a:name, v:exception)) endtry endfunction function! s:noop(...) abort dict endfunction " go#util#HighlightPositions highlights using text properties if possible and " falls back to matchaddpos() if necessary. It works around matchaddpos()'s " limit of only 8 positions per call by calling matchaddpos() with no more " than 8 positions per call. " " pos should be a list of 3 element lists. The lists should be [line, col, " length] as used by matchaddpos(). function! go#util#HighlightPositions(group, pos) abort if has('textprop') for l:pos in a:pos " use a single line prop by default let l:prop = {'type': a:group, 'length': l:pos[2]} let l:line = getline(l:pos[0]) " l:max is the 1-based index within the buffer of the first character after l:pos. let l:max = line2byte(l:pos[0]) + l:pos[1] + l:pos[2] - 1 if has('patch-8.2.115') " Use byte2line as long as 8.2.115 (which resolved " https://github.com/vim/vim/issues/5334) is available. let l:end_lnum = byte2line(l:max) " specify end line and column if needed. if l:pos[0] != l:end_lnum let l:end_col = l:max - line2byte(l:end_lnum) let l:prop = {'type': a:group, 'end_lnum': l:end_lnum, 'end_col': l:end_col} endif elseif l:pos[1] + l:pos[2] - 1 > len(l:line) let l:end_lnum = l:pos[0] while line2byte(l:end_lnum+1) < l:max let l:end_lnum += 1 endwhile " l:end_col is the full length - the byte position of l:end_lnum + " the number of newlines (number of newlines is l:end_lnum - " l:pos[0]. let l:end_col = l:max - line2byte(l:end_lnum) + l:end_lnum - l:pos[0] let l:prop = {'type': a:group, 'end_lnum': l:end_lnum, 'end_col': l:end_col} endif try call prop_add(l:pos[0], l:pos[1], l:prop) catch " Swallow any exceptions encountered while trying to add the property " Due to the asynchronous nature, it's possible that the buffer has " changed since the buffer was analyzed and that the specified " position is no longer valid. endtry endfor return endif if exists('*matchaddpos') return s:matchaddpos(a:group, a:pos) endif endfunction " s:matchaddpos works around matchaddpos()'s limit of only 8 positions per " call by calling matchaddpos() with no more than 8 positions per call. function! s:matchaddpos(group, pos) abort let l:partitions = [] let l:partitionsIdx = 0 let l:posIdx = 0 for l:pos in a:pos if l:posIdx % 8 == 0 let l:partitions = add(l:partitions, []) let l:partitionsIdx = len(l:partitions) - 1 endif let l:partitions[l:partitionsIdx] = add(l:partitions[l:partitionsIdx], l:pos) let l:posIdx = l:posIdx + 1 endfor for l:positions in l:partitions call matchaddpos(a:group, l:positions) endfor endfunction function! go#util#Chdir(dir) abort if !exists('*chdir') let l:olddir = getcwd() let cd = exists('*haslocaldir') && haslocaldir() ? 'lcd' : 'cd' execute printf('%s %s', cd, fnameescape(a:dir)) return l:olddir endif return chdir(a:dir) endfunction " go#util#TestName returns the name of the test function that preceeds the " cursor. function go#util#TestName() abort " search flags legend (used only) " 'b' search backward instead of forward " 'c' accept a match at the cursor position " 'n' do Not move the cursor " 'W' don't wrap around the end of the file " " for the full list " :help search let l:line = search('func \(Test\|Example\)', "bcnW") if l:line == 0 return '' endif let l:decl = getline(l:line) return split(split(l:decl, " ")[1], "(")[0] endfunction function go#util#ExpandPattern(...) abort let l:packages = [] for l:pattern in a:000 let l:pkgs = go#tool#List(l:pattern) if l:pkgs is -1 call go#util#EchoError('could not expand package pattern') continue endif let l:packages = extend(l:packages, l:pkgs) call go#util#EchoInfo(printf("l:packages = %s, l:pkgs = %s", l:packages, l:pkgs)) endfor return uniq(sort(l:packages)) endfunction " restore Vi compatibility settings let &cpo = s:cpo_save unlet s:cpo_save " vim: sw=2 ts=2 et