snippet mod
	module `substitute(substitute(expand('%:r'), '[/\\]','.','g'),'^\%(\l*\.\)\?','','')` exposing (${1})
snippet imp
	import ${0:Http}
snippet impe
	import ${1:Html} exposing (${0:..})
snippet impae
	import ${1:Json.Encode} as ${2:Encode} exposing (${0:Value})
snippet fn
	${1:fn} : ${2:a} -> ${3:a}
	$1 ${4} =
snippet fn1
	${1:fn} : ${2:a} -> ${3:a}
	$1 ${4} =
snippet fn2
	${1:fn} : ${2:a} -> ${3:a} -> ${4:a}
	$1 ${5} =
snippet fn3
	${1:fn} : ${2:a} -> ${3:a} -> ${4:a} -> ${5:a}
	$1 ${6} =
snippet fn0
	${1:fn} : ${2:a}
	$1 =
snippet case
	case ${1} of
		${2} ->
snippet -
	${1} ->
snippet let
		${1} =
snippet if
	if ${1} then
snippet ty
	type ${1:Msg}
		= ${0}
snippet tya
	type alias ${1:Model} =
snippet test
	test "${1}" <| \_ -> $0
snippet doc
	{-| ${0}
snippet p
	|> ${0}
snippet program Elm 0.18 program
	import Html exposing (Html)

	type alias Model =

	type Msg
		= Noop

	main : Program Never Model Msg
	main =
			{ init = init
			, view = view
			, update = update
			, subscriptions = subscriptions

	init : ( Model, Cmd Msg )
	init =
		{} ! []

	update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
	update msg model =
		case msg of
			Noop ->
				model ! []

	subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
	subscriptions model =

	view : Model -> Html Msg
	view model =
		Html.text "Hello, sailor!"
snippet element
	module Main exposing (Model, Msg(..), init, main, subscriptions, update, view)

	import Browser
	import Html exposing (..)
	import Json.Encode

	main : Program Flags Model Msg
	main =
			{ init = init
			, update = update
			, subscriptions = subscriptions
			, view = view

	type alias Model =

	type alias Flags =

	init : Flags -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
	init flags_ =
		( {}
		, Cmd.none

	type Msg
		= Noop

	update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
	update msg model =
		case msg of
			Noop ->
				( model
				, Cmd.none

	subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
	subscriptions model =

	view : Model -> Html Msg
	view model =
		h1 [] [ text "Hello, world!" ]