require 'rspec/expectations' require 'tmpdir' require 'vimrunner' require 'vimrunner/rspec' GVIM_PATH_FILE = File.expand_path('../../.gvim_path', __FILE__) class Buffer FOLD_PLACEHOLDER = ''.freeze def initialize(vim, type) @file = ".fixture.#{type}" @vim = vim end def reindent(content) with_file content do min_indent = { |line| line[/\s*/].size }.min cmd = "ggVG:s/\\s\\{0,#{min_indent}}//" # remove all indentation cmd += 'gg=G' # force vim to indent the file @vim.normal cmd end end def type(content) with_file do @vim.normal 'gg' lines = content.each_line count = lines.count @vim.type("i") lines.each_with_index do |line, index| @vim.type("#{line.strip}") @vim.type("") if index < count - 1 end end end def syntax(content, pattern) with_file content # Using this function with a `pattern` that is not in `content` is pointless. # # silently fails if a pattern is not found and the cursor # won't move. So, if the current cursor position happens to sport the # expected syntax group already, this can lead to false positive tests. # # We work around this by using Vim's search() function, which returns 0 if # there is no match. if @vim.echo("search(#{pattern.inspect})") == '0' return [] end syngroups = @vim.echo <<~EOF map(synstack(line('.'), col('.')), 'synIDattr(v:val, "name")') EOF # From: "['elixirRecordDeclaration', 'elixirAtom']" # To: ["elixirRecordDeclaration", "elixirAtom"] syngroups.gsub!(/["'\[\]]/, '').split(', ') end def fold_and_replace(content, fold_on_line) with_file content do cmd = ":set foldmethod=syntax" cmd += "zO" cmd += "#{fold_on_line}G" cmd += "zc" cmd += "cc#{FOLD_PLACEHOLDER}" cmd += ":.s/\s*//" @vim.normal(cmd) end end private def with_file(content = nil) edit_file(content) yield if block_given? @vim.normal ":w" @vim.normal ":redraw" end def edit_file(content) File.write(@file, content) if content @vim.edit @file end end class Differ def self.diff(result, expected) instance.diff(result, expected) end def self.instance @instance ||= new end def initialize @differ = object_preparer: -> (object) do RSpec::Matchers::Composable.surface_descriptions_in(object) end, color: RSpec::Matchers.configuration.color? ) end def diff(result, expected) @differ.diff_as_string(result, expected) end end module ExBuffer def, :ex) end end module EexBuffer def, :eex) end end module HeexBuffer def, :heex) end end module LeexBuffer def, :leex) end end module SurfaceBuffer def, :sface) end end RSpec::Matchers.define :be_typed_with_right_indent do |syntax| buffer =, syntax || :ex) match do |code| @typed = buffer.type(code) @typed == code end failure_message do |code| <<~EOM Expected #{@typed} to be indented as #{code} when typed EOM end end { be_elixir_indentation: :ex, be_eelixir_indentation: :eex, be_heelixir_indentation: :heex, be_leelixir_indentation: :leex, be_surface_indentation: :sface }.each do |matcher, type| RSpec::Matchers.define matcher do buffer =, type) match do |code| reindented = buffer.reindent(code) reindented == code end failure_message do |code| <<~EOM Expected #{buffer.reindent(code)} to be indented as #{code} when bulk indented EOM end end end { include_elixir_syntax: :ex, include_eelixir_syntax: :eex, include_heelixir_syntax: :heex, include_leelixir_syntax: :leex, include_surface_syntax: :sface }.each do |matcher, type| RSpec::Matchers.define matcher do |syntax, pattern| buffer =, type) match do |code| buffer.syntax(code, pattern).include? syntax.to_s end failure_message do |code| <<~EOF expected #{buffer.syntax(code, pattern)} to include syntax '#{syntax}' for pattern: /#{pattern}/ in: #{code} EOF end failure_message_when_negated do |code| <<~EOF expected #{buffer.syntax(code, pattern)} *NOT* to include syntax '#{syntax}' for pattern: /#{pattern}/ in: #{code} EOF end end end RSpec::Matchers.define :fold_lines do buffer =, :ex) match do |code| @code = code pattern = /# fold\s*$/ placeholder_set = false @expected = code.each_line.reduce([]) do |acc, line| if line =~ pattern if !placeholder_set placeholder_set = true acc << (Buffer::FOLD_PLACEHOLDER + "\n") end else acc << line end acc end.join fold_on_line = code.each_line.find_index { |l| l =~ pattern } + 1 @actual = buffer.fold_and_replace(code, fold_on_line) @expected == @actual end failure_message do |code| <<~EOF Folded #{@code} and unexpectedly got #{@actual} EOF end end Vimrunner::RSpec.configure do |config| config.reuse_server = true config.start_vim do VIM = if File.exists?(GVIM_PATH_FILE) else Vimrunner.start_gvim end VIM.add_plugin(File.expand_path('..', __dir__)) cmd = ':filetype off' cmd += ':filetype plugin indent on' cmd += ':autocmd FileType * setlocal formatoptions-=c formatoptions-=r formatoptions-=o' # disable automatic comment continuation cmd += ":set ignorecase" # make sure we test ignorecase VIM.normal(cmd) VIM end end RSpec.configure do |config| config.order = :random # Run a single spec by adding the `focus: true` option config.filter_run_including focus: true config.run_all_when_everything_filtered = true end RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup.instance_eval do def i(str) gen_tests(:it, str) end def ip(str) gen_tests(:pending, str) end private def gen_tests(method, str) send method, "\n#{str}" do expect(str).to be_elixir_indentation end send method, "typed: \n#{str}" do expect(str).to be_typed_with_right_indent end end end