# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' describe 'with' do i <<~EOF with {:ok, msg} <- Msgpax.unpack(payload) do {:ok, rebuild(msg)} else error -> error end EOF i <<~EOF with {:ok, width} <- Map.fetch(opts, :width), double_width = width * 2, {:ok, height} <- Map.fetch(opts, :height) do {:ok, double_width * height} end EOF i <<~EOF with {:ok, width} <- Map.fetch(opts, :width), double_width = width * 2, {:ok, height} <- Map.fetch(opts, :height), do: {:ok, double_width * height} EOF i <<~EOF with {:ok, width} <- Map.fetch(opts, :width), {:ok, height} <- Map.fetch(opts, :height) do {:ok, width * height} else :error -> {:error, :wrong_data} end EOF i <<~EOF with {:ok, width} <- Map.fetch(opts, :width), {:ok, height} <- Map.fetch(opts, :height), do: {:ok, width * height * height * height * height * height * height * height * height * height * height * height * height * height * height * height * height}, else: (:error -> {:error, :wrong_data}) EOF i <<~'EOF' # This file is responsible for configuring your application # and its dependencies with the aid of the Mix.Config module. use Mix.Config import_config "#{Mix.env}.exs" EOF i <<~'EOF' with {:ok, %File.Stat{size: size}} when size > 0 <- File.stat(first_frame_path) do File.rename(first_frame_path, output_path) {:ok, %Result{path: output_path}} else error -> {:error, error} end EOF i <<~'EOF' def resend_confirmation(username) when is_binary(username) do with user = %User{confirmed_at: nil} <- get_by(username: username) do {:ok, user} = user |> DB.add_confirm_token |> update_user() Log.info(%Log{user: user.id, message: "send new confirmation"}) send_welcome(user) {:ok, user} else nil -> {:error, "not found"} %User{email: email} -> Email.already_confirmed(email) {:error, "already confirmed"} end end EOF i <<~'EOF' def create_user(params) do profile = UserProfile.registration_changeset(%UserProfile{}, params) user_cs = %User{} |> User.registration_changeset(params) |> put_assoc(:user_profile, profile) with {:ok, user} <- Repo.insert(user_cs, returning: false) do Log.info(%Log{user: user.id, message: "user created"}) send_welcome(user) {:ok, user} end end EOF i <<~'EOF' def my_function do with :ok <- some_call, :ok <- another_call do end end EOF i <<~'EOF' with {:ok, foo} <- thing(1), {:ok, bar} <- thing(2) do foo + bar end EOF end