if exists('g:loaded_syntastic_util_autoload') || !exists("g:loaded_syntastic_plugin") finish endif let g:loaded_syntastic_util_autoload = 1 let s:save_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim " Public functions {{{1 function! syntastic#util#isRunningWindows() abort " {{{2 return has('win16') || has('win32') || has('win64') endfunction " }}}2 function! syntastic#util#DevNull() abort " {{{2 if syntastic#util#isRunningWindows() return 'NUL' endif return '/dev/null' endfunction " }}}2 " Get directory separator function! syntastic#util#Slash() abort " {{{2 return (!exists("+shellslash") || &shellslash) ? '/' : '\' endfunction " }}}2 function! syntastic#util#CygwinPath(path) abort " {{{2 return substitute(system('cygpath -m ' . syntastic#util#shescape(a:path)), "\n", '', 'g') endfunction " }}}2 " Create a temporary directory function! syntastic#util#tmpdir() abort " {{{2 let tempdir = '' if (has('unix') || has('mac')) && executable('mktemp') " TODO: option "-t" to mktemp(1) is not portable let tmp = $TMPDIR != '' ? $TMPDIR : $TMP != '' ? $TMP : '/tmp' let out = split(system('mktemp -q -d ' . tmp . '/vim-syntastic-' . getpid() . '-XXXXXXXX'), "\n") if v:shell_error == 0 && len(out) == 1 let tempdir = out[0] endif endif if tempdir == '' if has('win32') || has('win64') let tempdir = $TEMP . syntastic#util#Slash() . 'vim-syntastic-' . getpid() elseif has('win32unix') let tempdir = syntastic#util#CygwinPath('/tmp/vim-syntastic-' . getpid()) elseif $TMPDIR != '' let tempdir = $TMPDIR . '/vim-syntastic-' . getpid() else let tempdir = '/tmp/vim-syntastic-' . getpid() endif try call mkdir(tempdir, 'p', 0700) catch /\m^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E739/ call syntastic#log#error(v:exception) let tempdir = '.' endtry endif return tempdir endfunction " }}}2 " Recursively remove a directory function! syntastic#util#rmrf(what) abort " {{{2 " try to make sure we don't delete directories we didn't create if a:what !~? 'vim-syntastic-' return endif if getftype(a:what) ==# 'dir' if !exists('s:rmrf') let s:rmrf = \ has('unix') || has('mac') ? 'rm -rf' : \ has('win32') || has('win64') ? 'rmdir /S /Q' : \ has('win16') || has('win95') || has('dos16') || has('dos32') ? 'deltree /Y' : '' endif if s:rmrf != '' silent! call system(s:rmrf . ' ' . syntastic#util#shescape(a:what)) else call s:_rmrf(a:what) endif else silent! call delete(a:what) endif endfunction " }}}2 "search the first 5 lines of the file for a magic number and return a map "containing the args and the executable " "e.g. " "#!/usr/bin/perl -f -bar " "returns " "{'exe': '/usr/bin/perl', 'args': ['-f', '-bar']} function! syntastic#util#parseShebang() abort " {{{2 for lnum in range(1, 5) let line = getline(lnum) if line =~ '^#!' let line = substitute(line, '\v^#!\s*(\S+/env(\s+-\S+)*\s+)?', '', '') let exe = matchstr(line, '\m^\S*\ze') let args = split(matchstr(line, '\m^\S*\zs.*')) return { 'exe': exe, 'args': args } endif endfor return { 'exe': '', 'args': [] } endfunction " }}}2 " Get the value of a variable. Allow local variables to override global ones. function! syntastic#util#var(name, ...) abort " {{{2 return \ exists('b:syntastic_' . a:name) ? b:syntastic_{a:name} : \ exists('g:syntastic_' . a:name) ? g:syntastic_{a:name} : \ a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : '' endfunction " }}}2 " Parse a version string. Return an array of version components. function! syntastic#util#parseVersion(version) abort " {{{2 return map(split(matchstr( a:version, '\v^\D*\zs\d+(\.\d+)+\ze' ), '\m\.'), 'str2nr(v:val)') endfunction " }}}2 " Verify that the 'installed' version is at least the 'required' version. " " 'installed' and 'required' must be arrays. If they have different lengths, " the "missing" elements will be assumed to be 0 for the purposes of checking. " " See http://semver.org for info about version numbers. function! syntastic#util#versionIsAtLeast(installed, required) abort " {{{2 return syntastic#util#compareLexi(a:installed, a:required) >= 0 endfunction " }}}2 " Almost lexicographic comparison of two lists of integers. :) If lists " have different lengths, the "missing" elements are assumed to be 0. function! syntastic#util#compareLexi(a, b) abort " {{{2 for idx in range(max([len(a:a), len(a:b)])) let a_element = str2nr(get(a:a, idx, 0)) let b_element = str2nr(get(a:b, idx, 0)) if a_element != b_element return a_element > b_element ? 1 : -1 endif endfor " Everything matched, so it is at least the required version. return 0 endfunction " }}}2 " strwidth() was added in Vim 7.3; if it doesn't exist, we use strlen() " and hope for the best :) let s:_width = function(exists('*strwidth') ? 'strwidth' : 'strlen') lockvar s:_width function! syntastic#util#screenWidth(str, tabstop) abort " {{{2 let chunks = split(a:str, "\t", 1) let width = s:_width(chunks[-1]) for c in chunks[:-2] let cwidth = s:_width(c) let width += cwidth + a:tabstop - cwidth % a:tabstop endfor return width endfunction " }}}2 "print as much of a:msg as possible without "Press Enter" prompt appearing function! syntastic#util#wideMsg(msg) abort " {{{2 let old_ruler = &ruler let old_showcmd = &showcmd "This is here because it is possible for some error messages to "begin with \n which will cause a "press enter" prompt. let msg = substitute(a:msg, "\n", "", "g") "convert tabs to spaces so that the tabs count towards the window "width as the proper amount of characters let chunks = split(msg, "\t", 1) let msg = join(map(chunks[:-2], 'v:val . repeat(" ", &tabstop - s:_width(v:val) % &tabstop)'), '') . chunks[-1] let msg = strpart(msg, 0, &columns - 1) set noruler noshowcmd call syntastic#util#redraw(0) echo msg let &ruler = old_ruler let &showcmd = old_showcmd endfunction " }}}2 " Check whether a buffer is loaded, listed, and not hidden function! syntastic#util#bufIsActive(buffer) abort " {{{2 " convert to number, or hell breaks loose let buf = str2nr(a:buffer) if !bufloaded(buf) || !buflisted(buf) return 0 endif " get rid of hidden buffers for tab in range(1, tabpagenr('$')) if index(tabpagebuflist(tab), buf) >= 0 return 1 endif endfor return 0 endfunction " }}}2 " start in directory a:where and walk up the parent folders until it " finds a file matching a:what; return path to that file function! syntastic#util#findInParent(what, where) abort " {{{2 let here = fnamemodify(a:where, ':p') let root = syntastic#util#Slash() if syntastic#util#isRunningWindows() && here[1] == ':' " The drive letter is an ever-green source of fun. That's because " we don't care about running syntastic on Amiga these days. ;) let root = fnamemodify(root, ':p') let root = here[0] . root[1:] endif let old = '' while here != '' let p = split(globpath(here, a:what, 1), '\n') if !empty(p) return fnamemodify(p[0], ':p') elseif here ==? root || here ==? old break endif let old = here " we use ':h:h' rather than ':h' since ':p' adds a trailing '/' " if 'here' is a directory let here = fnamemodify(here, ':p:h:h') endwhile return '' endfunction " }}}2 " Returns unique elements in a list function! syntastic#util#unique(list) abort " {{{2 let seen = {} let uniques = [] for e in a:list if !has_key(seen, e) let seen[e] = 1 call add(uniques, e) endif endfor return uniques endfunction " }}}2 " A less noisy shellescape() function! syntastic#util#shescape(string) abort " {{{2 return a:string =~# '\m^[A-Za-z0-9_/.-]\+$' ? a:string : shellescape(a:string) endfunction " }}}2 " A less noisy shellescape(expand()) function! syntastic#util#shexpand(string, ...) abort " {{{2 return syntastic#util#shescape(a:0 ? expand(a:string, a:1) : expand(a:string, 1)) endfunction " }}}2 " Escape arguments function! syntastic#util#argsescape(opt) abort " {{{2 if type(a:opt) == type('') && a:opt != '' return [a:opt] elseif type(a:opt) == type([]) return map(copy(a:opt), 'syntastic#util#shescape(v:val)') endif return [] endfunction " }}}2 " decode XML entities function! syntastic#util#decodeXMLEntities(string) abort " {{{2 let str = a:string let str = substitute(str, '\m<', '<', 'g') let str = substitute(str, '\m>', '>', 'g') let str = substitute(str, '\m"', '"', 'g') let str = substitute(str, '\m'', "'", 'g') let str = substitute(str, '\m&', '\&', 'g') return str endfunction " }}}2 function! syntastic#util#redraw(full) abort " {{{2 if a:full redraw! else redraw endif endfunction " }}}2 function! syntastic#util#dictFilter(errors, filter) abort " {{{2 let rules = s:_translateFilter(a:filter) " call syntastic#log#debug(g:_SYNTASTIC_DEBUG_TRACE, "applying filter:", rules) try call filter(a:errors, rules) catch /\m^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E/ let msg = matchstr(v:exception, '\m^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:\zs.*') call syntastic#log#error('quiet_messages: ' . msg) endtry endfunction " }}}2 " Return a [high, low] list of integers, representing the time " (hopefully high resolution) since program start " TODO: This assumes reltime() returns a list of integers. function! syntastic#util#stamp() abort " {{{2 return reltime(g:_SYNTASTIC_START) endfunction " }}}2 " }}}1 " Private functions {{{1 function! s:_translateFilter(filters) abort " {{{2 let conditions = [] for k in keys(a:filters) if type(a:filters[k]) == type([]) call extend(conditions, map(copy(a:filters[k]), 's:_translateElement(k, v:val)')) else call add(conditions, s:_translateElement(k, a:filters[k])) endif endfor if conditions == [] let conditions = ["1"] endif return len(conditions) == 1 ? conditions[0] : join(map(conditions, '"(" . v:val . ")"'), ' && ') endfunction " }}}2 function! s:_translateElement(key, term) abort " {{{2 let fkey = a:key if fkey[0] == '!' let fkey = fkey[1:] let not = 1 else let not = 0 endif if fkey ==? 'level' let op = not ? ' ==? ' : ' !=? ' let ret = 'v:val["type"]' . op . string(a:term[0]) elseif fkey ==? 'type' if a:term ==? 'style' let op = not ? ' ==? ' : ' !=? ' let ret = 'get(v:val, "subtype", "")' . op . '"style"' else let op = not ? '!' : '' let ret = op . 'has_key(v:val, "subtype")' endif elseif fkey ==? 'regex' let op = not ? ' =~? ' : ' !~? ' let ret = 'v:val["text"]' . op . string(a:term) elseif fkey ==? 'file' || fkey[:4] ==? 'file:' let op = not ? ' =~# ' : ' !~# ' let ret = 'bufname(str2nr(v:val["bufnr"]))' let mod = fkey[4:] if mod != '' let ret = 'fnamemodify(' . ret . ', ' . string(mod) . ')' endif let ret .= op . string(a:term) else call syntastic#log#warn('quiet_messages: ignoring invalid key ' . strtrans(string(fkey))) let ret = "1" endif return ret endfunction " }}}2 function! s:_rmrf(what) abort " {{{2 if !exists('s:rmdir') let s:rmdir = syntastic#util#shescape(get(g:, 'netrw_localrmdir', 'rmdir')) endif if getftype(a:what) ==# 'dir' if filewritable(a:what) != 2 return endif for f in split(globpath(a:what, '*', 1), "\n") call s:_rmrf(f) endfor silent! call system(s:rmdir . ' ' . syntastic#util#shescape(a:what)) else silent! call delete(a:what) endif endfunction " }}}2 " }}}1 let &cpo = s:save_cpo unlet s:save_cpo " vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et fdm=marker: