" Visual Mark " 2005-10-27, brian wang " " Acknowledgements: " - Thanks to Hari Krishna Dara's genutils.vim (http://vim.sourceforge.net/scripts/script.php?script_id=197) " - Thanks to Mr. Charles E. Campbell, Jr. for making this script more plugin-like :-) " - Thanks to Mr. Charles E. Campbell, Jr. for making this script adapt to " dark/light backgrounds " - Thanks to Evgeny Filatov for noticing a nasty bug in Vm_get_line_number :-) if exists("loaded_VisualMark") finish endif let loaded_VisualMark = 1 if !has("signs") echoerr "***sorry*** [".expand("%")."] your vim doesn't support signs" finish endif if &bg == "dark" highlight SignColor ctermfg=white ctermbg=blue guifg=white guibg=RoyalBlue3 else highlight SignColor ctermbg=white ctermfg=blue guibg=grey guifg=RoyalBlue3 endif " --------------------------------------------------------------------- " Public Interface: if !hasmapto('Vm_toggle_sign') map Vm_toggle_sign map mm Vm_toggle_sign endif nnoremap