# Based on nebjak/snipmate.vim/snippets/php.snippets # Controller snippet ci_controller <?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed'); class ${1:ClassName} extends CI_Controller { function __construct() { parent::__construct(); ${2:// code...} } function ${3:index}() { ${4:// code...} } } # Model snippet ci_model <?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed'); class ${1:ClassName_model} extends CI_Model { function __construct() { parent::__construct(); ${2:// code...} } } snippet ci_model_crudl <?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed'); class ${1:ClassName_model} extends CI_Model { private $table = '${2:table_name}'; function __construct() { parent::__construct(); ${3:// code...} } // public create(data) {{{ /** * create * * @param mixed $data * @access public * @return boolean */ public function create($data) { if($this->db->insert($table, $data)) return true; else return false; } // }}} // public read(id) {{{ /** * read * * @param int $id * @access public * @return boolean */ public function read($id) { return $this->db->get_where($table, array('id', $id))->result(); } // }}} // public update(id,data) {{{ /** * update * * @param int $id * @param mixed $data * @access public * @return boolean */ public function update($id, $data) { if($this->db->update($table, $data, array('id' => $id))) return true; else return false; } // }}} // public delete(id) {{{ /** * delete * * @param mixed $id (int o array of int) * @access public * @return boolean */ public function delete($id) { if(is_array($id)) { $this->db->trans_start(); foreach($id as $elem) $this->db->delete($table, array('id' => $elem)); $this->db->trans_complete(); } else { if($this->db->delete($table, array('id' => $id))) return true; else return false; } } // }}} // public listRows(limit=null,offset=0) {{{ /** * listRows * * @param int $limit * @param int $offset * @access public * @return boolean */ public function listRows($limit = null, $offset = 0) { if(!is_null($limit)) $this->db->limit($limit, $offset); return $this->db->get($table)->result(); } // }}} } # Load view snippet ci_load-view $this->load->view("${1:view_name}", $${2:data});${3} # DB Class snippets snippet ci_db-insert $this->db->insert("${1:table}", $${2:data});${3} snippet ci_db-select $this->db->select("${1:id, ...}");${2} snippet ci_db-from $this->db->from("${1:table}");${2} snippet ci_db-join $this->db->join("${1:table}", "${2:condition}", "${3:type}");${4} snippet ci_db-where $this->db->where("${1:key}", "${2:value}");${3} snippet ci_db-or_where $this->db->or_where("${1:key}", "${2:value}");${3} snippet ci_db-get $this->db->get("${1:table}", ${2:limit}, ${3:offset});${4} snippet ci_db-delete $this->db->delete("${1:table}", "${2:where}");${3} snippet ci_db-update $this->db->update("${1:table}", $${2:set}, $${3:where});${4} # Input Class snippets snippet ci_input-post $this->input->post("${1:index}");${2} snippet ci_input-get $this->input->get("${1:index}");${2} snippet ci_input-cookie $this->input->cookie("${1:index}");${2} snippet ci_input-server $this->input->server("${1:index}");${2} snippet ci_input-user_agent $this->input->user_agent();${1} snippet ci_input-is_ajax_request $this->input->is_ajax_request();${1} snippet ci_input-is_cli_request $this->input->is_cli_request();${1} # Form Validation Class and Form Helper snippets snippet ci_form_validation-set_rules $this->form_validation->set_rules("${1:field}", "${2:label}", "${3:trim|required}");${4} snippet ci_form_open form_open("${1:action}");${2} snippet ci_form_open_multipart form_open_multipart("${1:action}");${2} snippet ci_form_hidden form_hidden("${1:name}", "${2:value}");${3} snippet ci_form_input form_input("${1:name}", "${2:value}");${3} snippet ci_form_password form_password("${1:name}", "${2:value}");${3} snippet ci_form_upload form_upload("${1:name}", "${2:value}");${3} snippet ci_form_textarea form_textarea("${1:name}", "${2:value}");${3} snippet ci_form_dropdown form_dropdown("${1:name}", $${2:options}, $${3:selected);${4} snippet ci_form_checkbox form_checkbox("${1:name}", "${2:value}");${3} snippet ci_form_radio form_radio("${1:name}", "${2:value}");${3} snippet ci_form_submit form_submit("${1:name}", "${2:value}");${3} snippet ci_form_reset form_reset("${1:name}", "${2:value}");${3} snippet ci_form_button form_button("${1:name}", "${2:value}");${3} snippet ci_form_label form_label("${1:label text}", "${2:id}");${3} snippet ci_form_close form_close();${1} snippet ci_validation_errors validation_errors();${1} # Session Class snippets snippet ci_session_userdata $this->session->userdata("${1:item}");${2} snippet ci_session_set_userdata $this->session->set_userdata($${1:array});${2} snippet ci_session_flashdata $this->session->flashdata("${1:item}");${2} snippet ci_session_set_flashdata $this->session->set_flashdata("${1:item}", "${2:value}");${3}