################################################################ # © Copyright 2011 Konstantin Gorodinskiy. All Rights Reserved.# # Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License, Version 2. # # See http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/COPYING for more details. # ################################################################ # Scala lang #if snippet if if (${1}) ${0:${VISUAL}} #if not snippet ifn if (!${1}) ${0:${VISUAL}} #if-else snippet ife if (${1}) ${2:${VISUAL}} else ${0} #if-else-if snippet ifelif if (${1}) ${2:${VISUAL}} else if (${3}) ${0:${VISUAL}} snippet eif else if (${3}) ${0:${VISUAL}} #while loop snippet wh while (${1:obj}) { ${0:${VISUAL}} } #for loop(classic) snippet for for (${1:item} <- ${2:obj}) { ${0} } #for loop(indexed) snippet fori for (${1:i} <- ${2:0} to ${3:obj}.length) { ${0} } #for comprehension snippet fory for { ${1:item} <- ${2:obj} } yield ${0} #exceptions snippet try try { ${1:${VISUAL}} } catch { case e: FileNotFoundException => ${2} case e: IOException => ${3} } finally { ${0} } #match snippet match ${1: obj} match { case ${2:e} => ${3} case _ => ${0} } #case snippet case case ${1:value} => ${0} ############################ # methods and arguments # #arg snippet arg ${1:a}: ${2:T}${0:, arg} #args snippet args ${1:args}: ${0:T}* #def snippet def def ${1:name}(${2:arg}) = ${0:} #private def snippet prdef private def ${1:name}(${2:arg}) = ${0:} #override def snippet ovdef override def ${1:name}(${2:arg}) = ${0:} #first class function(see scalabook p 188) snippet fcf (${1:a}: ${2:T}) => $1 ${0} snippet => ${1:name} => ${0} #recursion snippet rec def ${1:name}(${0:arg}) = if($2) $2 else $1($2) #curried method snippet crdef def ${1:name}(${2:arg})(${3:arg}) = ${0:} #main method #check validity of T snippet main def main(args: Array[String]):${1:T} = ${0:} ############################ # basic types(general purpose) # you might want to use basic types snippets #1 snippet T Double dbl #2 snippet T Int int #3 snippet T Long lng #4 snippet T Char chr #5 snippet T String str #6 snippet T Array arr #7 snippet T Buffer buf #8 snippet T List list #9 snippet T Tuple tpl #10 snippet T Set set #11 snippet T Map map #12 snippet T HashSet hset #13 snippet T HashMap hmap #14 snippet T Boolean bool #end #named snippets for types snippet bool Boolean snippet anyr AnyRef snippet dbl Double snippet int Int snippet str String snippet chr Char snippet lng Long snippet arr Array${1:[T]}${0:()} snippet buf Buffer${1:[T]}${0:()} snippet list List${1:[T]}${0:()} snippet tpl Tuple${1:2}[${2:T},${0:T}] snippet set Set${1:[T]}${0:()} snippet hset HashSet${1:[T]}${0:()} snippet mhset mutable.HashSet${1:[T]}${0:()} #for maps snippet keyval ${1:key}->${2:val}${0:, keyval} snippet map Map[${1:T},${2:T}]${0:(keyval)} snippet hmap HashMap[${1:T},${2:T}]${0:(keyval)} snippet mmap mutable.Map[${1:T},${2:T}]${0:(keyval)} snippet mhmap mutable.HashMap[${1:T},${2:T}]${0:(keyval)} #TODO add TreeMap and TreeSet #asInstanceOf[] snippet as ${1:name}.asInstanceOf[${2:T}] #isInstanceOf[] snippet is ${1:name}.isInstanceOf[${2:T}] #collections methods #scope() with one arg snippet (a (${1:a} => ${0}) #scope() with two args snippet {( {(${1:a},${2:b}) => ${0} } #filter snippet filter ${0:name}.filter (a #map function snippet mapf ${0:name}.map (a #flatmap snippet flatmap ${1:name}.flatMap${0:[T]}(a #fold left snippet fldl ${1:name}.foldLeft(${0:first}) {( #fold right snippet fldr ${1:name}.foldRight(${0:first}) {( #fold left operator(if u wanna reduce readability of ur code) #use wildcard symbols snippet /: (${1:first}/:${2:name})(${0}) #fold right operator snippet :\ (${1:first}:\${2:name})(${0}) #reduce left snippet redl ${1:name}.reduceLeft[${0:T}] {( #reduce right snippet redr ${1:name}.reduceRight[${0:T}] {( #zipWithIndex(safe way). #see http://daily-scala.blogspot.com/2010/05/zipwithindex.html snippet zipwi ${0:name}.view.zipWithIndex #split snippet spl ${1:name}.split("${0:,}") #end snippet val val ${1:name}${2:: T} = ${0:value} snippet var var ${1:name}${2:: T} = ${0:value} ############################ # classes # #extends snippet extends extends ${0:what} #with snippet with with ${1:what}${0: with} #auxiliary constructor(a. this) snippet athis def this(arg) = this(arg) #abstract class snippet abstract abstract class ${1:name}${2:(arg)}${3: extends }${4: with} { ${5:override def toString = "$1"} ${0} } #class snippet class class ${1:name}${2:(arg)}${3: extends }${4: with} { ${5:override def toString = "$1"} ${0} } #object snippet object object ${1:name}${2:(arg)}${3: extends }${4: with} ${0:} #trait snippet trait trait ${1:name}${2: extends }${3: with} { ${0:} } #class with trait Ordered(page 265) snippet ordered class ${1:name}${2:(arg)} extends Ordered[$1] ${3: with} { ${4:override def toString = "$1"} def compare(that: $1) = ${5:this - that} ${0} } #case class snippet casecl case class ${1:name}${2:(arg)}${3: extends }${4: with} ${0:} ############################ # testing # #scalatest imports snippet scalatest ${1:import org.scalatest.Suite} ${0:import org.scalatest.FunSuite} #assert snippet assert assert(${1:a} === ${0:b}) #ensuring(p 296) snippet ensuring ifel ensuring(${1:a}==${0:b}) #expect snippet expect expect(${1:what}) { ${0} } #intercept snippet intercept intercept[${1:IllegalArgumentException}] { ${0} } #test snippet test test("${1:description}") { ${0} } #suite snippet suite class ${0:name} extends Suite { def test() { } #funsuite snippet fsuite class ${1:name} extends FunSuite { test("${0:description}") { } ############################ # SBT # snippet webproject import sbt._ class ${1:Name}(info: ProjectInfo) extends DefaultWebProject(info) { val liftVersion = "${0:2.3}" override def libraryDependencies = Set( ) ++ super.libraryDependencies val snapshots = ScalaToolsSnapshots } #depencies snippet liftjar "net.liftweb" %% "${0:lib}" % liftVersion % "compile->default", snippet jettyjar "org.mortbay.jetty" % "jetty" % "${0:version}" % "test->default", ############################ # Lift # #lift imports snippet liftimports import _root_.net.liftweb.http._ import S._ import _root_.net.liftweb.util._ import Helpers._ import _root_.scala.xml._ #TODO LIFT,SBT,WEB.XML,HTML snippets