# Snipmate Snippets for Pandoc Markdown
# Many snippets have starred versions, i.e., versions
# that end with an asterisk (`*`). These snippets use
# vim's `"*` register---i.e., the contents of the
# system clipboard---to insert text.

# Insert Title Block
snippet %%
	% ${1:`Filename('', 'title')`}
	% ${2:`g:snips_author`}
	% ${3:`strftime("%d %B %Y")`}

snippet %%*
	% ${1:`Filename('', @*)`}
	% ${2:`g:snips_author`}
	% ${3:`strftime("%d %b %Y")`}


# Insert Definition List
snippet ::
	  ~  ${2:definition}

# Underline with `=`s or `-`s
snippet ===
	`repeat('=', strlen(getline(line(".") - 1)))`
snippet ---
	`repeat('-', strlen(getline(line(".") - 1)))`

# Links and their kin
# -------------------
# (These don't play very well with delimitMate)

snippet [
	[${1:link}](http://${2:url} "${3:title}")${4}
snippet [*
	[${1:link}](${2:`@*`} "${3:title}")${4}

snippet [:
	[${1:id}]: http://${2:url} "${3:title}"
snippet [:*
	[${1:id}]: ${2:`@*`} "${3:title}"

snippet [@
snippet [@*

snippet [:@
	[${1:id}]: mailto:${2:email} "${3:title}"
snippet [:@*
	[${1:id}]: mailto:${2:`@*`} "${3:title}"

snippet ![
	![${1:alt}](${2:url} "${3:title}")${4}
snippet ![*
	![${1:alt}](${2:`@*`} "${3:title}")${4}

snippet ![:
	![${1:id}]: ${2:url} "${3:title}"
snippet ![:*
	![${1:id}]: ${2:`@*`} "${3:title}"

snippet [^:
	[^${1:id}]: ${2:note}
snippet [^:*
	[^${1:id}]: ${2:`@*`}


# library()
snippet req
	require(${1:}, quietly = TRUE)
# If Condition
snippet if
	if ( ${1:condition} )
snippet el

# Function
snippet fun
	${1:funname} <- 			# ${2:}
# repeat
snippet re
	  if(${1:condition}) break

# matrix
snippet ma
	matrix(NA, nrow = ${1:}, ncol = ${2:})

# data frame
snippet df
	data.frame(${1:}, header = TRUE)

snippet cmdarg
	args <- commandArgs(TRUE)
	if (length(args) == 0)
	    stop("Please give ${1:}!")
	if (!all(file.exists(args)))
	     stop("Couln't find input files!")

snippet getopt
	require('getopt', quietly = TRUE)
	opt_spec <- matrix(c(
					'help',     'h', 0, "logical", 	"Getting help",
					'file',     'f', 1, "character","File to process"
	                ), ncol = 5, byrow = TRUE)
	opt <- getopt(spec = opt_spec)
	if ( !is.null(opt$help) || is.null(commandArgs()) )   {
	    cat(getopt(spec = opt_spec, usage = TRUE, command = "yourCmd"))
	# some inital value
	if ( is.null(opt$???) )    { opt$??? <- ??? }

snippet optparse
	require("optparse", quietly = TRUE)
	option_list <-
	    list(make_option(c("-n", "--add_numbers"), action="store_true", default=FALSE,
	                     help="Print line number at the beginning of each line [default]")
	parser <- OptionParser(usage = "%prog [options] file", option_list=option_list)
	arguments <- parse_args(parser, positional_arguments = TRUE)
	opt <- arguments$options
	if(length(arguments$args) != 1) {
	    cat("Incorrect number of required positional arguments\n\n")
	} else {
	    file <- arguments$args
	if( file.access(file) == -1) {
	    stop(sprintf("Specified file ( %s ) does not exist", file))
	} else {
	    file_text <- readLines(file)

snippet #!
	#!/usr/bin/env Rscript

snippet debug
	# Development & Debugging, don't forget to uncomment afterwards!
	#opt <- list(${2:}
	#            )

# Took from pandoc-plugin <<<<
# Underline with `=`s or `-`s
snippet #===
	#`repeat('=', strlen(getline(line(".") - 1)))`
snippet #---
	#`repeat('-', strlen(getline(line(".") - 1)))`

# >>>>

snippet r
	\`\`\`{r ${1:chung_tag}, echo = FALSE ${2:options}}
snippet ri
	\`{r ${1:}}\`

snippet copt
	\`\`\` {r setup, echo = FALSE}
		opts_chunk$set(fig.path='../figures/${1:}', cache.path='../cache/-'
		, fig.align='center', fig.show='hold', par=TRUE)	
		#opts_knit$set(upload.fun = imgur_upload) # upload images

# End of File ===================================================================
# vim: set noexpandtab: