" ============================================================================= " File: autoload/ctrlp/autoignore.vim " Description: Auto-ignore Extension " Author: Ludovic Chabant <github.com/ludovicchabant> " ============================================================================= " Global Settings {{{ if exists('g:ctrlp_autoignore_loaded') && g:ctrlp_autoignore_loaded \ && !g:ctrlp_autoignore_debug finish endif let g:ctrlp_autoignore_loaded = 1 if !exists('g:ctrlp_autoignore_debug') let g:ctrlp_autoignore_debug = 0 endif if !exists('g:ctrlp_autoignore_trace') let g:ctrlp_autoignore_trace = 0 endif " }}} " Initialization {{{ if !exists('g:ctrlp_custom_ignore') let g:ctrlp_custom_ignore = {} endif let g:ctrlp_custom_ignore['func'] = 'ctrlp#autoignore#ignore' let g:ctrlp_custom_ignore['func-init'] = 'ctrlp#autoignore#ignore_init' let g:ctrlp_custom_ignore['func-close'] = 'ctrlp#autoignore#ignore_close' if !exists('g:ctrlp_root_markers') let g:ctrlp_root_markers = [] endif call add(g:ctrlp_root_markers, '.ctrlpignore') " }}} " Internals {{{ function! s:trace(message) abort if g:ctrlp_autoignore_trace echom "ctrlp_autoignore: " . a:message endif endfunction let s:proj_cache = {} let s:active_cwd = '' let s:active_cwd_len = 0 let s:active_patterns = [] let s:changed_wildignore = 0 let s:prev_wildignore = '' function! s:load_project_patterns(root_dir) abort let l:ign_path = a:root_dir . '/.ctrlpignore' if !filereadable(l:ign_path) call s:trace("No pattern file at: " . l:ign_path) return [] endif let l:cursyntax = 'regexp' let l:knownsyntaxes = ['regexp', 'wildignore'] let l:patterns = [] let l:lines = readfile(l:ign_path) for line in l:lines " Comment line? if match(line, '\v^\s*$') >= 0 || match(line, '\v^\s*#') >= 0 continue endif " Syntax change? let l:matches = matchlist(line, '\v^syntax:\s?(\w+)\s*$') if len(l:matches) > 0 let l:cursyntax = l:matches[1] if index(l:knownsyntaxes, l:cursyntax) < 0 echoerr "ctrlp_autoignore: Unknown syntax '".l:cursyntax."' in: ".l:ign_path endif continue endif " Patterns! let l:matches = matchlist(line, '\v^((dir|file|link)\:)?(.*)') let l:mtype = l:matches[2] let l:mpat = l:matches[3] call add(l:patterns, {'syn': l:cursyntax, 'type': l:mtype, 'pat': l:mpat}) endfor call s:trace("Loaded " . len(l:patterns) . " patterns from: " . l:ign_path) return l:patterns endfunction function! s:get_project_patterns(root_dir) abort let l:ign_path = a:root_dir . '/.ctrlpignore' let l:ign_mtime = getftime(l:ign_path) let l:patterns = get(s:proj_cache, a:root_dir) if type(l:patterns) == type({}) " Check that these patterns are still valid. if l:ign_mtime < 0 " File got deleted! :( let l:patterns['pats'] = [] return l:patterns['pats'] elseif l:ign_mtime <= l:patterns['mtime'] " File hasn't changed! :) return l:patterns['pats'] endif endif call s:trace("Loading patterns for project: " . a:root_dir) let l:loaded = s:load_project_patterns(a:root_dir) let s:proj_cache[a:root_dir] = { \'mtime': localtime(), \'pats': l:loaded} return l:loaded endfunction " The custom ignore function that CtrlP will be using in addition to " normal pattern-based matching. function! ctrlp#autoignore#ignore(item, type) abort let l:cnv_item = tr(strpart(a:item, s:active_cwd_len), "\\", "/") for pat in s:active_patterns if pat['syn'] != 'regexp' continue endif if pat['type'] == '' || pat['type'] == a:type if match(l:cnv_item, pat['pat']) >= 0 call s:trace("Ignoring ".l:cnv_item." because of ".pat['pat']) return 1 endif endif endfor return 0 endfunction function! ctrlp#autoignore#ignore_init() abort let l:root = getcwd() let s:active_cwd = l:root " len+1 is for including the next separator after the root. let s:active_cwd_len = len(l:root) + 1 let s:active_patterns = s:get_project_patterns(l:root) call s:trace("Got ".len(s:active_patterns)." patterns for ".l:root) let s:changed_wildignore = 0 let s:prev_wildignore = &wildignore for pat in s:active_patterns if pat['syn'] == 'wildignore' execute 'set wildignore+='.pat['pat'] let s:changed_wildignore = 1 endif endfor if s:changed_wildignore call s:trace("Set wildignore to ".&wildignore) endif endfunction function! ctrlp#autoignore#ignore_close() abort if s:changed_wildignore execute 'set wildignore='.s:prev_wildignore let s:prev_wildignore = '' call s:trace("Set wildignore back to ".&wildignore) endif endfunction " List patterns for a given project's root. function! ctrlp#autoignore#get_patterns(root_dir) abort let l:patterns = s:get_project_patterns(a:root_dir) for pat in l:patterns let l:prefix = pat['type'] == '' ? '(all)' : pat['type'] echom l:prefix . ':' . pat['pat'] endfor endfunction " }}} " vim:fen:fdm=marker:fmr={{{,}}}:fdl=0:fdc=1:ts=2:sw=2:sts=2