#!/bin/sh # # Install and setup a Vim or Neovim for running tests. # This should work on both Travis and people's desktop computers, and be 100% # independent from any system installed Vim. # # It will echo the full path to a Vim binary, e.g.: # /some/path/src/vim set -euC vimgodir=$(cd -P "$(dirname "$0")/.." > /dev/null && pwd) cd "$vimgodir" vim=${1:-} case "$vim" in "vim-7.4") tag="v7.4.2009" giturl="https://github.com/vim/vim" ;; "vim-8.0") # This follows the version in Arch Linux. Vim's master branch isn't always # stable, and we don't want to have the build fail because Vim introduced a # bug. tag="v8.0.1542" giturl="https://github.com/vim/vim" ;; "nvim") # Use latest stable version. tag="v0.3.2" giturl="https://github.com/neovim/neovim" ;; *) echo "unknown version: '${1:-}'" echo "First argument must be 'vim-7.4', 'vim-8.0', or 'nvim'." exit 1 ;; esac srcdir="/tmp/vim-go-test/$1-src" installdir="/tmp/vim-go-test/$1-install" # Use cached installdir. if [ -d "$installdir" ]; then echo "$installdir exists; skipping build." # The ./scripts/test script relies on this. echo "installed to: $installdir" exit 0 fi mkdir -p "$srcdir" cd "$srcdir" # Neovim build requires more deps than Vim and is annoying, so we use the # binary. # 0.2.0 doesn't have a binary build for Linux, so we use 0.2.1-dev for now. if [ "$1" = "nvim" ]; then # TODO: Use macOS binaries on macOS curl -Ls https://github.com/neovim/neovim/releases/download/$tag/nvim-linux64.tar.gz | tar xzf - -C /tmp/vim-go-test/ mv /tmp/vim-go-test/nvim-linux64 /tmp/vim-go-test/nvim-install mkdir -p "$installdir/share/nvim/runtime/pack/vim-go/start" ln -s "$vimgodir" "$installdir/share/nvim/runtime/pack/vim-go/start/vim-go" # Consistent paths makes calling things easier. mv "$installdir/bin/nvim" "$installdir/bin/vim" mkdir -p "$installdir/share/vim/vimgo/pack" ln -s "$installdir/share/nvim/runtime/pack/vim-go" "$installdir/share/vim/vimgo/pack/vim-go" # Build Vim from source. else if [ -d "$srcdir/.git" ]; then echo "Skipping clone as $srcdir/.git exists" else echo "Cloning $tag from $giturl" git clone --branch "$tag" --depth 1 "$giturl" "$srcdir" fi ./configure --prefix="$installdir" --with-features=huge --disable-gui make install mkdir -p "$installdir/share/vim/vimgo/pack/vim-go/start" ln -s "$vimgodir" "$installdir/share/vim/vimgo/pack/vim-go/start/vim-go" fi # Make sure all Go tools and other dependencies are installed. echo "Installing Go binaries" export GOPATH=$installdir export GO111MODULE=off export PATH=${GOPATH}/bin:$PATH "$vimgodir/scripts/run-vim" $vim +':silent :GoUpdateBinaries' +':qa' echo "Installing lint tools" ( mkdir -p "$installdir/share/vim/vimgo/pack/vim-go/start/" cd "$installdir/share/vim/vimgo/pack/vim-go/start/" [ -d "vim-vimhelplint" ] || git clone --depth 1 --quiet https://github.com/machakann/vim-vimhelplint [ -d "vim-vimlparser" ] || git clone --depth 1 --quiet https://github.com/ynkdir/vim-vimlparser [ -d "vim-vimlint" ] || git clone --depth 1 --quiet https://github.com/syngan/vim-vimlint ) # Don't really need source after successful install. rm -rf "$srcdir" echo "installed to: $installdir" # vim:ts=2:sts=2:sw=2:et