" Author: gagbo , w0rp , roel0 " Description: Functions for integrating with C-family linters. call ale#Set('c_parse_makefile', 0) call ale#Set('c_parse_compile_commands', 0) let s:sep = has('win32') ? '\' : '/' " Set just so tests can override it. let g:__ale_c_project_filenames = ['.git/HEAD', 'configure', 'Makefile', 'CMakeLists.txt'] function! ale#c#GetBuildDirectory(buffer) abort " Don't include build directory for header files, as compile_commands.json " files don't consider headers to be translation units, and provide no " commands for compiling header files. if expand('#' . a:buffer) =~# '\v\.(h|hpp)$' return '' endif let l:build_dir = ale#Var(a:buffer, 'c_build_dir') " c_build_dir has the priority if defined if !empty(l:build_dir) return l:build_dir endif let [l:root, l:json_file] = ale#c#FindCompileCommands(a:buffer) return ale#path#Dirname(l:json_file) endfunction function! ale#c#AreSpecialCharsBalanced(option) abort " Escape \" let l:option_escaped = substitute(a:option, '\\"', '', 'g') " Retain special chars only let l:special_chars = substitute(l:option_escaped, '[^"''()`]', '', 'g') let l:special_chars = split(l:special_chars, '\zs') " Check if they are balanced let l:stack = [] for l:char in l:special_chars if l:char is# ')' if len(l:stack) == 0 || get(l:stack, -1) isnot# '(' return 0 endif call remove(l:stack, -1) elseif l:char is# '(' call add(l:stack, l:char) else if len(l:stack) > 0 && get(l:stack, -1) is# l:char call remove(l:stack, -1) else call add(l:stack, l:char) endif endif endfor return len(l:stack) == 0 endfunction function! ale#c#ParseCFlags(path_prefix, cflag_line) abort let l:split_lines = split(a:cflag_line) let l:option_index = 0 while l:option_index < len(l:split_lines) let l:next_option_index = l:option_index + 1 " Join space-separated option while l:next_option_index < len(l:split_lines) \&& stridx(l:split_lines[l:next_option_index], '-') != 0 let l:next_option_index += 1 endwhile let l:option = join(l:split_lines[l:option_index : l:next_option_index-1], ' ') call remove(l:split_lines, l:option_index, l:next_option_index-1) call insert(l:split_lines, l:option, l:option_index) " Ignore invalid or conflicting options if stridx(l:option, '-') != 0 \|| stridx(l:option, '-o') == 0 \|| stridx(l:option, '-c') == 0 call remove(l:split_lines, l:option_index) let l:option_index = l:option_index - 1 " Fix relative path elseif stridx(l:option, '-I') == 0 if !(stridx(l:option, ':') == 2+1 || stridx(l:option, '/') == 2+0) let l:option = '-I' . a:path_prefix . s:sep . l:option[2:] call remove(l:split_lines, l:option_index) call insert(l:split_lines, l:option, l:option_index) endif endif let l:option_index = l:option_index + 1 endwhile call uniq(l:split_lines) return join(l:split_lines, ' ') endfunction function! ale#c#ParseCFlagsFromMakeOutput(buffer, make_output) abort if !g:ale_c_parse_makefile return v:null endif let l:buffer_filename = expand('#' . a:buffer . ':t') let l:cflag_line = '' " Find a line matching this buffer's filename in the make output. for l:line in a:make_output if stridx(l:line, l:buffer_filename) >= 0 let l:cflag_line = l:line break endif endfor let l:makefile_path = ale#path#FindNearestFile(a:buffer, 'Makefile') let l:makefile_dir = fnamemodify(l:makefile_path, ':p:h') return ale#c#ParseCFlags(l:makefile_dir, l:cflag_line) endfunction " Given a buffer number, find the project directory containing " compile_commands.json, and the path to the compile_commands.json file. " " If compile_commands.json cannot be found, two empty strings will be " returned. function! ale#c#FindCompileCommands(buffer) abort " Look above the current source file to find compile_commands.json let l:json_file = ale#path#FindNearestFile(a:buffer, 'compile_commands.json') if !empty(l:json_file) return [fnamemodify(l:json_file, ':h'), l:json_file] endif " Search in build directories if we can't find it in the project. for l:path in ale#path#Upwards(expand('#' . a:buffer . ':p:h')) for l:dirname in ale#Var(a:buffer, 'c_build_dir_names') let l:c_build_dir = l:path . s:sep . l:dirname let l:json_file = l:c_build_dir . s:sep . 'compile_commands.json' if filereadable(l:json_file) return [l:path, l:json_file] endif endfor endfor return ['', ''] endfunction " Find the project root for C/C++ projects. " " The location of compile_commands.json will be used to find project roots. " " If compile_commands.json cannot be found, other common configuration files " will be used to detect the project root. function! ale#c#FindProjectRoot(buffer) abort let [l:root, l:json_file] = ale#c#FindCompileCommands(a:buffer) " Fall back on detecting the project root based on other filenames. if empty(l:root) for l:project_filename in g:__ale_c_project_filenames let l:full_path = ale#path#FindNearestFile(a:buffer, l:project_filename) if !empty(l:full_path) let l:path = fnamemodify(l:full_path, ':h') " Correct .git path detection. if fnamemodify(l:path, ':t') is# '.git' let l:path = fnamemodify(l:path, ':h') endif return l:path endif endfor endif return l:root endfunction " Cache compile_commands.json data in a Dictionary, so we don't need to read " the same files over and over again. The key in the dictionary will include " the last modified time of the file. if !exists('s:compile_commands_cache') let s:compile_commands_cache = {} endif function! s:GetLookupFromCompileCommandsFile(compile_commands_file) abort let l:empty = [{}, {}] if empty(a:compile_commands_file) return l:empty endif let l:time = getftime(a:compile_commands_file) if l:time < 0 return l:empty endif let l:key = a:compile_commands_file . ':' . l:time if has_key(s:compile_commands_cache, l:key) return s:compile_commands_cache[l:key] endif let l:raw_data = [] silent! let l:raw_data = json_decode(join(readfile(a:compile_commands_file), '')) if type(l:raw_data) isnot v:t_list let l:raw_data = [] endif let l:file_lookup = {} let l:dir_lookup = {} for l:entry in (type(l:raw_data) is v:t_list ? l:raw_data : []) let l:basename = tolower(fnamemodify(l:entry.file, ':t')) let l:file_lookup[l:basename] = get(l:file_lookup, l:basename, []) + [l:entry] let l:dirbasename = tolower(fnamemodify(l:entry.directory, ':p:h:t')) let l:dir_lookup[l:dirbasename] = get(l:dir_lookup, l:dirbasename, []) + [l:entry] endfor if !empty(l:file_lookup) && !empty(l:dir_lookup) let l:result = [l:file_lookup, l:dir_lookup] let s:compile_commands_cache[l:key] = l:result return l:result endif return l:empty endfunction function! ale#c#ParseCompileCommandsFlags(buffer, file_lookup, dir_lookup) abort " Search for an exact file match first. let l:basename = tolower(expand('#' . a:buffer . ':t')) let l:file_list = get(a:file_lookup, l:basename, []) " A source file matching the header filename. let l:source_file = '' if empty(l:file_list) && l:basename =~? '\.h$\|\.hpp$' for l:suffix in ['.c', '.cpp'] let l:key = fnamemodify(l:basename, ':r') . l:suffix let l:file_list = get(a:file_lookup, l:key, []) if !empty(l:file_list) let l:source_file = l:key break endif endfor endif for l:item in l:file_list " Load the flags for this file, or for a source file matching the " header file. if has_key(l:item, 'command') \&& ( \ bufnr(l:item.file) is a:buffer \ || ( \ !empty(l:source_file) \ && l:item.file[-len(l:source_file):] is? l:source_file \ ) \) return ale#c#ParseCFlags(l:item.directory, l:item.command) endif endfor " Look for any file in the same directory if we can't find an exact match. let l:dir = ale#path#Simplify(expand('#' . a:buffer . ':p:h')) let l:dirbasename = tolower(expand('#' . a:buffer . ':p:h:t')) let l:dir_list = get(a:dir_lookup, l:dirbasename, []) for l:item in l:dir_list if ale#path#Simplify(fnamemodify(l:item.file, ':h')) is? l:dir \&& has_key(l:item, 'command') return ale#c#ParseCFlags(l:item.directory, l:item.command) endif endfor return '' endfunction function! ale#c#FlagsFromCompileCommands(buffer, compile_commands_file) abort let l:lookups = s:GetLookupFromCompileCommandsFile(a:compile_commands_file) let l:file_lookup = l:lookups[0] let l:dir_lookup = l:lookups[1] return ale#c#ParseCompileCommandsFlags(a:buffer, l:file_lookup, l:dir_lookup) endfunction function! ale#c#GetCFlags(buffer, output) abort let l:cflags = v:null if ale#Var(a:buffer, 'c_parse_makefile') && !empty(a:output) let l:cflags = ale#c#ParseCFlagsFromMakeOutput(a:buffer, a:output) endif if ale#Var(a:buffer, 'c_parse_compile_commands') let [l:root, l:json_file] = ale#c#FindCompileCommands(a:buffer) if !empty(l:json_file) let l:cflags = ale#c#FlagsFromCompileCommands(a:buffer, l:json_file) endif endif if l:cflags is v:null let l:cflags = ale#c#IncludeOptions(ale#c#FindLocalHeaderPaths(a:buffer)) endif return l:cflags isnot v:null ? l:cflags : '' endfunction function! ale#c#GetMakeCommand(buffer) abort if ale#Var(a:buffer, 'c_parse_makefile') let l:makefile_path = ale#path#FindNearestFile(a:buffer, 'Makefile') if !empty(l:makefile_path) return 'cd '. fnamemodify(l:makefile_path, ':p:h') . ' && make -n' endif endif return '' endfunction function! ale#c#RunMakeCommand(buffer, Callback) abort let l:command = ale#c#GetMakeCommand(a:buffer) if empty(l:command) return a:Callback(a:buffer, []) endif return ale#command#Run( \ a:buffer, \ l:command, \ {b, output -> a:Callback(a:buffer, output)}, \) endfunction " Given a buffer number, search for a project root, and output a List " of directories to include based on some heuristics. " " For projects with headers in the project root, the project root will " be returned. " " For projects with an 'include' directory, that directory will be returned. function! ale#c#FindLocalHeaderPaths(buffer) abort let l:project_root = ale#c#FindProjectRoot(a:buffer) if empty(l:project_root) return [] endif " See if we can find .h files directory in the project root. " If we can, that's our include directory. if !empty(globpath(l:project_root, '*.h', 0)) return [l:project_root] endif " Look for .hpp files too. if !empty(globpath(l:project_root, '*.hpp', 0)) return [l:project_root] endif " If we find an 'include' directory in the project root, then use that. if isdirectory(l:project_root . '/include') return [ale#path#Simplify(l:project_root . s:sep . 'include')] endif return [] endfunction " Given a List of include paths, create a string containing the -I include " options for those paths, with the paths escaped for use in the shell. function! ale#c#IncludeOptions(include_paths) abort let l:option_list = [] for l:path in a:include_paths call add(l:option_list, '-I' . ale#Escape(l:path)) endfor if empty(l:option_list) return '' endif return join(l:option_list) endfunction let g:ale_c_build_dir_names = get(g:, 'ale_c_build_dir_names', [ \ 'build', \ 'bin', \])