if exists("g:loaded_syntastic_notifier_signs") || !exists("g:loaded_syntastic_plugin") finish endif let g:loaded_syntastic_notifier_signs = 1 " Initialisation {{{1 " start counting sign ids at 5000, start here to hopefully avoid conflicting " with any other code that places signs (not sure if this precaution is " actually needed) let s:first_sign_id = 5000 let s:next_sign_id = s:first_sign_id let g:SyntasticSignsNotifier = {} let s:setup_done = 0 " }}}1 " Public methods {{{1 function! g:SyntasticSignsNotifier.New() " {{{2 let newObj = copy(self) if !s:setup_done call self._setup() let s:setup_done = 1 lockvar s:setup_done endif return newObj endfunction " }}}2 function! g:SyntasticSignsNotifier.enabled() " {{{2 return has('signs') && syntastic#util#var('enable_signs') endfunction " }}}2 function! g:SyntasticSignsNotifier.refresh(loclist) " {{{2 call syntastic#log#debug(g:_SYNTASTIC_DEBUG_NOTIFICATIONS, 'signs: refresh') let old_signs = copy(self._bufSignIds()) if self.enabled() call self._signErrors(a:loclist) endif call self._removeSigns(old_signs) endfunction " }}}2 " }}}1 " Private methods {{{1 " One time setup: define our own sign types and highlighting function! g:SyntasticSignsNotifier._setup() " {{{2 if has('signs') if !hlexists('SyntasticErrorSign') highlight link SyntasticErrorSign error endif if !hlexists('SyntasticWarningSign') highlight link SyntasticWarningSign todo endif if !hlexists('SyntasticStyleErrorSign') highlight link SyntasticStyleErrorSign SyntasticErrorSign endif if !hlexists('SyntasticStyleWarningSign') highlight link SyntasticStyleWarningSign SyntasticWarningSign endif if !hlexists('SyntasticStyleErrorLine') highlight link SyntasticStyleErrorLine SyntasticErrorLine endif if !hlexists('SyntasticStyleWarningLine') highlight link SyntasticStyleWarningLine SyntasticWarningLine endif " define the signs used to display syntax and style errors/warns exe 'sign define SyntasticError text=' . g:syntastic_error_symbol . \ ' texthl=SyntasticErrorSign linehl=SyntasticErrorLine' exe 'sign define SyntasticWarning text=' . g:syntastic_warning_symbol . \ ' texthl=SyntasticWarningSign linehl=SyntasticWarningLine' exe 'sign define SyntasticStyleError text=' . g:syntastic_style_error_symbol . \ ' texthl=SyntasticStyleErrorSign linehl=SyntasticStyleErrorLine' exe 'sign define SyntasticStyleWarning text=' . g:syntastic_style_warning_symbol . \ ' texthl=SyntasticStyleWarningSign linehl=SyntasticStyleWarningLine' endif endfunction " }}}2 " Place signs by all syntax errors in the buffer function! g:SyntasticSignsNotifier._signErrors(loclist) " {{{2 let loclist = a:loclist if !loclist.isEmpty() let buf = bufnr('') if !bufloaded(buf) " signs can be placed only in loaded buffers return endif " errors come first, so that they are not masked by warnings let issues = copy(loclist.errors()) call extend(issues, loclist.warnings()) call filter(issues, 'v:val["bufnr"] == buf') let seen = {} for i in issues if i['lnum'] > 0 && !has_key(seen, i['lnum']) let seen[i['lnum']] = 1 let sign_severity = i['type'] ==? 'W' ? 'Warning' : 'Error' let sign_subtype = get(i, 'subtype', '') let sign_type = 'Syntastic' . sign_subtype . sign_severity execute "sign place " . s:next_sign_id . " line=" . i['lnum'] . " name=" . sign_type . " buffer=" . i['bufnr'] call add(self._bufSignIds(), s:next_sign_id) let s:next_sign_id += 1 endif endfor endif endfunction " }}}2 " Remove the signs with the given ids from this buffer function! g:SyntasticSignsNotifier._removeSigns(ids) " {{{2 if has('signs') for s in reverse(copy(a:ids)) execute "sign unplace " . s call remove(self._bufSignIds(), index(self._bufSignIds(), s)) endfor endif endfunction " }}}2 " Get all the ids of the SyntaxError signs in the buffer function! g:SyntasticSignsNotifier._bufSignIds() " {{{2 if !exists("b:syntastic_sign_ids") let b:syntastic_sign_ids = [] endif return b:syntastic_sign_ids endfunction " }}}2 " }}}1 " vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et fdm=marker: