" Language: CoffeeScript " Maintainer: Mick Koch <kchmck@gmail.com> " URL: http://github.com/kchmck/vim-coffee-script " License: WTFPL " All this is needed to support compiling filenames with spaces, quotes, and " such. The filename is escaped and embedded into the `makeprg` setting. " " Because of this, `makeprg` must be updated on every file rename. And because " of that, `CompilerSet` can't be used because it doesn't exist when the " rename autocmd is ran. So, we have to do some checks to see whether `compiler` " was called locally or globally, and respect that in the rest of the script. if exists('current_compiler') finish endif let current_compiler = 'coffee' call coffee#CoffeeSetUpVariables() " Pattern to check if coffee is the compiler let s:pat = '^' . current_compiler " Get a `makeprg` for the current filename. function! s:GetMakePrg() return g:coffee_compiler . \ ' -c' . \ ' ' . b:coffee_litcoffee . \ ' ' . g:coffee_make_options . \ ' $*' . \ ' ' . fnameescape(expand('%')) endfunction " Set `makeprg` and return 1 if coffee is still the compiler, else return 0. function! s:SetMakePrg() if &l:makeprg =~ s:pat let &l:makeprg = s:GetMakePrg() elseif &g:makeprg =~ s:pat let &g:makeprg = s:GetMakePrg() else return 0 endif return 1 endfunction " Set a dummy compiler so we can check whether to set locally or globally. exec 'CompilerSet makeprg=' . current_compiler " Then actually set the compiler. call s:SetMakePrg() call coffee#CoffeeSetUpErrorFormat() function! s:CoffeeMakeDeprecated(bang, args) echoerr 'CoffeeMake is deprecated! Please use :make instead, its behavior ' . \ 'is identical.' sleep 5 exec 'make' . a:bang a:args endfunction " Compile the current file. command! -bang -bar -nargs=* CoffeeMake \ call s:CoffeeMakeDeprecated(<q-bang>, <q-args>) " Set `makeprg` on rename since we embed the filename in the setting. augroup CoffeeUpdateMakePrg autocmd! " Update `makeprg` if coffee is still the compiler, else stop running this " function. function! s:UpdateMakePrg() if !s:SetMakePrg() autocmd! CoffeeUpdateMakePrg endif endfunction " Set autocmd locally if compiler was set locally. if &l:makeprg =~ s:pat autocmd BufFilePost,BufWritePost <buffer> call s:UpdateMakePrg() else autocmd BufFilePost,BufWritePost call s:UpdateMakePrg() endif augroup END