" Author: w0rp " Description: This module implements a function for parsing arguments for " commands. " Given a list of valid arguments like ['foo', 'bar'] and a string to parse, " parse the arguments from the string and return [parsed_args, remainder]. " " Arguments must be prefixed in the string with a single minus (-), and a " double minus (--) denotes the end of arguments. function! ale#args#Parse(arg_list, string) abort let l:parsed = {} let l:end_of_args = 0 let l:word_list = split(a:string, ' ') let l:index = 0 while l:index < len(l:word_list) let l:word = l:word_list[l:index] if l:word[:0] is# '-' let l:index += 1 if l:word is# '--' break endif let l:arg = l:word[1:] if index(a:arg_list, l:arg) >= 0 let l:parsed[l:arg] = '' else throw 'Invalid argument: ' . l:word endif elseif l:word is# '' let l:index += 1 else break endif endwhile let l:new_string = join(l:word_list[l:index :], ' ') return [l:parsed, l:new_string] endfunction