VimOrganizer version 0.30, November 2, 2011. Requires Vim version that is compiled with support for folding and tabs. Conceal will be taken advantage of if working with Vim73 supporting conceal. (Also, I STRONGLY suggest that you apply a patch to Vim so that folded headings can have level-dependent highlighting, patch for Vim73 is in contrib directory of the download. If you're on Windows contact me and I should be able to provide you with an executable. If I hadn't been able to make Vim do this I would have bitten the bullet and moved to Emacs, as much as I hate editing in Emacs.) VimOrganizer is a Vim filetype plugin that attempts to clone Emacs' Org-mode. It is currently (November 2011) in an alpha-stage, both in terms of (1) the breadth and depth of Org-mode features it clones and (2) the stability of its operation. It is nevertheless very usable. Some of the ADDITIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS since previous (December 2010) version: -- Adjusts to any colorscheme -- Org menu in gvim. -- "Dashboards" to assist with Date entry, Columns, Tables, Agenda searches, and exporting. -- VimOrganizer help file to install in Vim. -- Better compatibility with Org-mode files. Open, edit, and save same files in Org-mode and/or VimOrganizer with (some) of the functionality and configuration-specific options of Org-mode supported in VimOrganizer. -- Support for Org-mode style links (as well as use of 'Conceal' in Vim73 to hide link brackets and descriptions) -- Easy to use Org-like column mode, including column headings, inherited columns, support for Org column blocks, and ability to specify a list of custom column specs to apply in any buffer. -- Org-like narrowing of code blocks and subtrees -- Support for Org-like specifications of TODOS, tags, dates, including support for Org-compatible config lines in a file. -- Support for Org-like CATEGORIES, both in specification and in their inherited behavior. -- Search specification in Agenda searches is now nearly identical to specification of searches in Org-mode. -- User can specify list of commonly used custom agenda searches. -- Clockin, clockout, and (when a running Emacs server is available, clocktable block creation and updates. -- Org-like "refiling" -- Easy creation and editing of tables, as well as (when a running Emacs server is available) manipulation and evaluation of tables, including all spreadsheet functionality in Org-mode. -- "Live" block evaluation (when a running Emacs server is available) -- Support for nearly all the export types and export options available in Org-mode (when running Emacs server is available) -- Call out to an Emacs server to do "tangling" (literate programming). -- Many bug fixes and small improvements Org-mode, and thus VimOrganizer, is a text-editor plugin/application that can be used for (1) keeping notes, (2) maintaining TODO lists, (3) planning projects, and/or (4) authoring and publishing documents, including support for literate programming and "reproducible research". Like Org-mode, VimOrganizer does this by implementing a flexible plain-text system with a lightly structured document format. Org-mode has been in constant development for seven or eight years, and continues to be developed. Work on VimOrganizer is likewise ongoing, but VimOrganizer is at present a smaller and less ambitious project than Org-mode. File formats and basic workflows for VimOrganizer and Org-mode are very similar (files auto-convert as part of loading process) and VimOrganizer actually calls out to an Emacs' Org-mode server to implement important features, e.g., exporting to pdf format for printing. Thus, to make full use of VimOrganizer you will want to have an Emacs' server running alongside. In most cases this requires little knowledge of Emacs other than how to start it up and add a few lines to the '.emacs' file, Emacs' counterpart to Vim's '.vimrc'. (You can even edit the .emacs file in Vim.) VimOrganizer is focused on leveraging Org-mode by accessing it via an Emacs server, and re-implementing in Vim only what is necessary and makes sense. VimOrganizer also lets Vim users access Org-babel, a subproject of Org-mode that allows execution of source-code blocks in org-format documents. Uses for Org-babel range from writing technical research papers to simply using a VimOrganizer document as a "language-scratchpad". Over twenty languages are supported, including C, R, Lisp, Python, Perl, Ruby, and others. VimOrganizer calls out to a running Emacs server for Org-babel processing; functionality and speed are essentially the same as when editing with Org-mode in Emacs. VimOrganizer has a first draft of a Vim help file, but the best first step in learning about VimOrganizer is to learn about Emacs' Org-mode. VimOrganizer uses the same basic concepts but implements them within the context of Vim (and with a reduced feature set). Org-mode's main documentation and support newsgroup are found here: Org-mode Main Manual: Org-mode Compact Guide: Org-mode support: Org-babel information: VimOrganizer help can be found here: ========================== INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS =========================== QUESTIONS, COMMENTS, SUGGESTIONS ================================ Questions, comments, and suggestions regarding VimOrganizer are always appreciated. The preferred place for those is in the VimOrganizer newsgroup here: VimOrganizer project files are maintained at github and the version there may be more recent than the files at ---------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: some code from other Vim plugins has been incorporated into the VimOrganizer script files. Do NOT download these plugins to use them with VimOrganizer; since VimOrganizer does not call out to them in any way: 1. Charles Campbell's great calendar utilities 2. Table editing routines from Maxim Kim's excellent vimwiki plugin. These are really quite nice (seem to be inspired by Org-mode's own table-editing stuff) and deserve to be offered as a separate plugin of their own, not dependent on any larger project. (If VimOrganizer is not quite the sort of plugin you're looking for then vimwiki may be.) ---------------------------------------------------------------- VimOrganizer page at