" slimv-clojure.vim: " Clojure filetype plugin for Slimv " Version: 0.9.13 " Last Change: 04 May 2014 " Maintainer: Tamas Kovacs " License: This file is placed in the public domain. " No warranty, express or implied. " *** *** Use At-Your-Own-Risk! *** *** " " ===================================================================== " " Load Once: if exists("b:slimv_did_ftplugin") || exists("g:slimv_disable_clojure") finish endif " ---------- Begin part loaded once ---------- if !exists( 'g:slimv_clojure_loaded' ) let g:slimv_clojure_loaded = 1 " Transform filename so that it will not contain spaces function! s:TransformFilename( name ) if match( a:name, ' ' ) >= 0 return fnamemodify( a:name , ':8' ) else return a:name endif endfunction " Build a Clojure startup command by adding " all clojure*.jar files found to the classpath function! s:BuildStartCmd( lisps ) let cp = s:TransformFilename( a:lisps[0] ) let cp_delim = g:slimv_windows ? ';' : ':' let i = 1 while i < len( a:lisps ) let cp = cp . cp_delim . s:TransformFilename( a:lisps[i] ) let i = i + 1 endwhile " Try to find swank-clojure and add it to classpath let swanks = split( globpath( &runtimepath, 'swank-clojure'), '\n' ) if len( swanks ) > 0 let cp = cp . cp_delim . s:TransformFilename( swanks[0] ) endif return ['java -cp ' . cp . ' clojure.main', 'clojure'] endfunction " Try to autodetect Clojure executable " Returns list [Clojure executable, Clojure implementation] function! SlimvAutodetect( preferred ) " Firts try the most basic setup: everything in the path if executable( 'lein' ) return ['"lein repl"', 'clojure'] endif if executable( 'cake' ) return ['"cake repl"', 'clojure'] endif if executable( 'clojure' ) return ['clojure', 'clojure'] endif let lisps = [] if executable( 'clojure.jar' ) let lisps = ['clojure.jar'] endif if executable( 'clojure-contrib.jar' ) let lisps = lisps + 'clojure-contrib.jar' endif if len( lisps ) > 0 return s:BuildStartCmd( lisps ) endif " Check if Clojure is bundled with Slimv let lisps = split( globpath( &runtimepath, 'swank-clojure/clojure*.jar'), '\n' ) if len( lisps ) > 0 return s:BuildStartCmd( lisps ) endif " Try to find Clojure in the PATH let path_delim = g:slimv_windows ? ';' : ':' let path = substitute( $PATH, path_delim, ',', 'g' ) let lisps = split( globpath( path, 'clojure*.jar' ), '\n' ) if len( lisps ) > 0 return s:BuildStartCmd( lisps ) endif if g:slimv_windows " Try to find Clojure on the standard installation places let lisps = split( globpath( 'c:/*clojure*,c:/*clojure*/lib', 'clojure*.jar' ), '\n' ) if len( lisps ) > 0 return s:BuildStartCmd( lisps ) endif else " Try to find Clojure in the home directory let lisps = split( globpath( '/usr/local/bin/*clojure*', 'clojure*.jar' ), '\n' ) if len( lisps ) > 0 return s:BuildStartCmd( lisps ) endif let lisps = split( globpath( '~/*clojure*', 'clojure*.jar' ), '\n' ) if len( lisps ) > 0 return s:BuildStartCmd( lisps ) endif endif return ['', ''] endfunction " Try to find out the Clojure implementation function! SlimvImplementation() if exists( 'g:slimv_impl' ) && g:slimv_impl != '' " Return Lisp implementation if defined return tolower( g:slimv_impl ) endif return 'clojure' endfunction " Try to autodetect SWANK and build the command to load the SWANK server function! SlimvSwankLoader() " First autodetect Leiningen and Cake if executable( 'lein' ) if globpath( '~/.lein/plugins', 'lein-ritz*.jar' ) != '' return '"lein ritz ' . g:swank_port . '"' else return '"lein swank"' endif elseif executable( 'cake' ) return '"cake swank"' else " Check if swank-clojure is bundled with Slimv let swanks = split( globpath( &runtimepath, 'swank-clojure/swank/swank.clj'), '\n' ) if len( swanks ) == 0 return '' endif let sclj = substitute( swanks[0], '\', '/', "g" ) return g:slimv_lisp . ' -i "' . sclj . '" -e "(swank.swank/start-repl)" -r' endif endfunction " Filetype specific initialization for the REPL buffer function! SlimvInitRepl() set filetype=clojure endfunction " Lookup symbol in the list of Clojure Hyperspec symbol databases function! SlimvHyperspecLookup( word, exact, all ) if !exists( 'g:slimv_cljapi_loaded' ) runtime ftplugin/**/slimv-cljapi.vim endif if !exists( 'g:slimv_javadoc_loaded' ) runtime ftplugin/**/slimv-javadoc.vim endif let symbol = [] if exists( 'g:slimv_cljapi_db' ) let symbol = SlimvFindSymbol( a:word, a:exact, a:all, g:slimv_cljapi_db, g:slimv_cljapi_root, symbol ) endif if exists( 'g:slimv_javadoc_db' ) let symbol = SlimvFindSymbol( a:word, a:exact, a:all, g:slimv_javadoc_db, g:slimv_javadoc_root, symbol ) endif if exists( 'g:slimv_cljapi_user_db' ) " Give a choice for the user to extend the symbol database if exists( 'g:slimv_cljapi_user_root' ) let user_root = g:slimv_cljapi_user_root else let user_root = '' endif let symbol = SlimvFindSymbol( a:word, a:exact, a:all, g:slimv_cljapi_user_db, user_root, symbol ) endif return symbol endfunction " Implementation specific REPL initialization function! SlimvReplInit( lisp_version ) " Import functions commonly used in REPL but not present when not running in repl mode if a:lisp_version[0:2] >= '1.3' call SlimvSendSilent( ["(use '[clojure.repl :only (source apropos dir pst doc find-doc)])", \ "(use '[clojure.java.javadoc :only (javadoc)])", \ "(use '[clojure.pprint :only (pp pprint)])"] ) elseif a:lisp_version[0:2] >= '1.2' call SlimvSendSilent( ["(use '[clojure.repl :only (source apropos)])", \ "(use '[clojure.java.javadoc :only (javadoc)])", \ "(use '[clojure.pprint :only (pp pprint)])"] ) endif endfunction " Source Slimv general part runtime ftplugin/**/slimv.vim endif "!exists( 'g:slimv_clojure_loaded' ) " ---------- End of part loaded once ---------- runtime ftplugin/**/lisp.vim " Must be called for each lisp buffer call SlimvInitBuffer() " Don't initiate Slimv again for this buffer let b:slimv_did_ftplugin = 1