" ============================================================================= " File: autoload/ctrlp.vim " Description: Fuzzy file, buffer, mru, tag, etc finder. " Author: Kien Nguyen " Version: 1.78 " ============================================================================= " ** Static variables {{{1 fu! s:ignore() "{{{2 let igdirs = [ \ '\.git$', \ '\.hg$', \ '\.svn$', \ '_darcs$', \ '\.bzr$', \ '\.cdv$', \ '\~\.dep$', \ '\~\.dot$', \ '\~\.nib$', \ '\~\.plst$', \ '\.pc$', \ '_MTN$', \ ' ', { \ 'PrtBS()': ['', ''], \ 'PrtDelete()': [''], \ 'PrtDeleteWord()': [''], \ 'PrtClear()': [''], \ 'PrtSelectMove("j")': ['', ''], \ 'PrtSelectMove("k")': ['', ''], \ 'PrtSelectMove("t")': ['', ''], \ 'PrtSelectMove("b")': ['', ''], \ 'PrtSelectMove("u")': ['', ''], \ 'PrtSelectMove("d")': ['', ''], \ 'PrtHistory(-1)': [''], \ 'PrtHistory(1)': [''], \ 'AcceptSelection("e")': ['', '<2-LeftMouse>'], \ 'AcceptSelection("h")': ['', '', ''], \ 'AcceptSelection("t")': [''], \ 'AcceptSelection("v")': ['', ''], \ 'ToggleFocus()': [''], \ 'ToggleRegex()': [''], \ 'ToggleByFname()': [''], \ 'ToggleType(1)': ['', ''], \ 'ToggleType(-1)': ['', ''], \ 'PrtExpandDir()': [''], \ 'PrtInsert("c")': ['', ''], \ 'PrtInsert()': [''], \ 'PrtCurStart()': [''], \ 'PrtCurEnd()': [''], \ 'PrtCurLeft()': ['', '', ''], \ 'PrtCurRight()': ['', ''], \ 'PrtClearCache()': [''], \ 'PrtDeleteEnt()': [''], \ 'CreateNewFile()': [''], \ 'MarkToOpen()': [''], \ 'OpenMulti()': [''], \ 'PrtExit()': ['', '', ''], \ }] if !has('gui_running') && ( has('win32') || has('win64') ) cal add(s:prtmaps['PrtBS()'], remove(s:prtmaps['PrtCurLeft()'], 0)) en let s:lash = ctrlp#utils#lash() let s:compare_lim = 3000 let s:ficounts = {} " Regexp let s:fpats = { \ '^\(\\|\)\|\(\\|\)$': '\\|', \ '^\\\(zs\|ze\|<\|>\)': '^\\\(zs\|ze\|<\|>\)', \ '^\S\*$': '\*', \ '^\S\\?$': '\\?', \ } " Specials let s:prtunmaps = [ \ 'PrtBS()', \ 'PrtDelete()', \ 'PrtDeleteWord()', \ 'PrtClear()', \ 'PrtCurStart()', \ 'PrtCurEnd()', \ 'PrtCurLeft()', \ 'PrtCurRight()', \ 'PrtHistory(-1)', \ 'PrtHistory(1)', \ 'PrtInsert("c")', \ 'PrtInsert()', \ ] " Keypad let s:kprange = { \ 'Plus': '+', \ 'Minus': '-', \ 'Divide': '/', \ 'Multiply': '*', \ 'Point': '.', \ } " Highlight groups let s:hlgrps = { \ 'NoEntries': 'Error', \ 'Mode1': 'Character', \ 'Mode2': 'LineNr', \ 'Stats': 'Function', \ 'Match': 'Identifier', \ 'PrtBase': 'Comment', \ 'PrtText': 'Normal', \ 'PrtCursor': 'Constant', \ } fu! s:opts() "{{{2 " Options unl! s:usrign s:usrcmd s:urprtmaps for each in ['byfname', 'regexp', 'extensions'] | if exists('s:'.each) let {each} = s:{each} en | endfo for [ke, va] in items(s:opts) let {va[0]} = exists(s:pref.ke) ? {s:pref.ke} : va[1] endfo unl va for [ke, va] in items(s:new_opts) let {va} = {exists(s:pref.ke) ? s:pref.ke : va} endfo for each in ['byfname', 'regexp'] | if exists(each) let s:{each} = {each} en | endfo if !exists('g:ctrlp_newcache') | let g:ctrlp_newcache = 0 | en let s:maxdepth = min([s:maxdepth, 100]) let s:mxheight = max([s:mxheight, 1]) let s:glob = s:dotfiles ? '.*\|*' : '*' let s:igntype = empty(s:usrign) ? -1 : type(s:usrign) if s:lazy cal extend(s:glbs, { 'ut': ( s:lazy > 1 ? s:lazy : 250 ) }) en " Extensions if !( exists('extensions') && extensions == s:extensions ) for each in s:extensions exe 'ru autoload/ctrlp/'.each.'.vim' endfo en " Keymaps if type(s:urprtmaps) == 4 cal extend(s:prtmaps, s:urprtmaps) en endf "}}}1 " * Open & Close {{{1 fu! s:Open() let s:ermsg = v:errmsg cal s:log(1) cal s:getenv() cal s:execextvar('enter') sil! exe 'keepa' ( s:mwbottom ? 'bo' : 'to' ) '1new ControlP' cal s:buffunc(1) let [s:bufnr, s:prompt, s:winw] = [bufnr('%'), ['', '', ''], winwidth(0)] abc if !exists('s:hstry') let hst = filereadable(s:gethistloc()[1]) ? s:gethistdata() : [''] let s:hstry = empty(hst) || !s:maxhst ? [''] : hst en for [ke, va] in items(s:glbs) | if exists('+'.ke) sil! exe 'let s:glb_'.ke.' = &'.ke.' | let &'.ke.' = '.string(va) en | endfo if s:opmul != '0' && has('signs') sign define ctrlpmark text=+> texthl=Search en cal s:setupblank() endf fu! s:Close() cal s:buffunc(0) try | bun! cat | clo! | endt cal s:unmarksigns() for key in keys(s:glbs) | if exists('+'.key) sil! exe 'let &'.key.' = s:glb_'.key en | endfo if exists('s:glb_acd') | let &acd = s:glb_acd | en let g:ctrlp_lines = [] if s:winres[1] >= &lines && s:winres[2] == winnr('$') exe s:winres[0] en unl! s:focus s:hisidx s:hstgot s:marked s:statypes s:cline s:init s:savestr \ s:mrbs cal ctrlp#recordhist() cal s:execextvar('exit') cal s:log(0) let v:errmsg = s:ermsg ec endf " * Clear caches {{{1 fu! ctrlp#clr(...) let [s:matches, g:ctrlp_new{ a:0 ? a:1 : 'cache' }] = [1, 1] endf fu! ctrlp#clra() let cache_dir = ctrlp#utils#cachedir() if isdirectory(cache_dir) let cache_files = split(s:glbpath(cache_dir, '**', 1), "\n") let eval = '!isdirectory(v:val) && fnamemodify(v:val, ":t") !~' \ . ' ''\v^[.a-z]+$|\.log$''' sil! cal map(filter(cache_files, eval), 'delete(v:val)') en cal ctrlp#clr() endf fu! ctrlp#reset() cal s:opts() cal s:autocmds() cal ctrlp#utils#opts() cal s:execextvar('opts') endf " * Files {{{1 fu! ctrlp#files() let cafile = ctrlp#utils#cachefile() if g:ctrlp_newcache || !filereadable(cafile) || s:nocache() let [lscmd, s:initcwd, g:ctrlp_allfiles] = [s:lsCmd(), s:dyncwd, []] " Get the list of files if empty(lscmd) cal s:GlobPath(s:dyncwd, 0) el sil! cal ctrlp#progress('Indexing...') try | cal s:UserCmd(lscmd) cat | retu [] | endt en " Remove base directory cal ctrlp#rmbasedir(g:ctrlp_allfiles) if len(g:ctrlp_allfiles) <= s:compare_lim cal sort(g:ctrlp_allfiles, 'ctrlp#complen') en cal s:writecache(cafile) el if !( exists('s:initcwd') && s:initcwd == s:dyncwd ) let s:initcwd = s:dyncwd let g:ctrlp_allfiles = ctrlp#utils#readfile(cafile) en en cal extend(s:ficounts, { s:dyncwd : len(g:ctrlp_allfiles) }) retu g:ctrlp_allfiles endf fu! s:GlobPath(dirs, depth) let entries = split(globpath(a:dirs, s:glob), "\n") let [dnf, depth] = [ctrlp#dirnfile(entries), a:depth + 1] cal extend(g:ctrlp_allfiles, dnf[1]) if !empty(dnf[0]) && !s:maxf(len(g:ctrlp_allfiles)) && depth <= s:maxdepth sil! cal ctrlp#progress(len(g:ctrlp_allfiles), 1) cal s:GlobPath(join(dnf[0], ','), depth) en endf fu! s:UserCmd(lscmd) let [path, lscmd] = [s:dyncwd, a:lscmd] if exists('+ssl') && &ssl let [ssl, &ssl, path] = [&ssl, 0, tr(path, '/', '\')] en if has('win32') || has('win64') let lscmd = substitute(lscmd, '\v(^|&&\s*)\zscd (/d)@!', 'cd /d ', '') en let path = exists('*shellescape') ? shellescape(path) : path let g:ctrlp_allfiles = split(system(printf(lscmd, path)), "\n") if exists('+ssl') && exists('ssl') let &ssl = ssl cal map(g:ctrlp_allfiles, 'tr(v:val, "\\", "/")') en if exists('s:vcscmd') && s:vcscmd cal map(g:ctrlp_allfiles, 'tr(v:val, "/", "\\")') en endf fu! s:lsCmd() let cmd = s:usrcmd if type(cmd) == 1 retu cmd elsei type(cmd) == 3 && len(cmd) >= 2 && cmd[:1] != ['', ''] if s:findroot(s:dyncwd, cmd[0], 0, 1) == [] retu len(cmd) == 3 ? cmd[2] : '' en let s:vcscmd = s:lash == '\' ? 1 : 0 retu cmd[1] elsei type(cmd) == 4 && has_key(cmd, 'types') let [markrs, cmdtypes] = [[], values(cmd['types'])] for pair in cmdtypes cal add(markrs, pair[0]) endfo let fndroot = s:findroot(s:dyncwd, markrs, 0, 1) if fndroot == [] retu has_key(cmd, 'fallback') ? cmd['fallback'] : '' en for pair in cmdtypes if pair[0] == fndroot[0] | brea | en endfo let s:vcscmd = s:lash == '\' ? 1 : 0 retu pair[1] en endf " - Buffers {{{1 fu! ctrlp#buffers(...) let ids = sort(filter(range(1, bufnr('$')), 'empty(getbufvar(v:val, "&bt"))' \ .' && getbufvar(v:val, "&bl") && strlen(bufname(v:val))'), 's:compmreb') retu a:0 && a:1 == 'id' ? ids : map(ids, 'fnamemodify(bufname(v:val), ":.")') endf " * MatchedItems() {{{1 fu! s:MatchIt(items, pat, limit, exc) let [lines, id] = [[], 0] let pat = s:byfname ? \ map(split(a:pat, '^[^;]\+\zs;', 1), 's:martcs.v:val') : s:martcs.a:pat for item in a:items let id += 1 try | if !( s:ispath && item == a:exc ) && call(s:mfunc, [item, pat]) >= 0 cal add(lines, item) en | cat | brea | endt if a:limit > 0 && len(lines) >= a:limit | brea | en endfo let s:mdata = [s:dyncwd, s:itemtype, s:regexp, s:sublist(a:items, id, -1)] retu lines endf fu! s:MatchedItems(items, pat, limit) let exc = exists('s:crfilerel') ? s:crfilerel : '' let items = s:narrowable() ? s:matched + s:mdata[3] : a:items if s:matcher != {} let argms = [items, a:pat, a:limit, s:mmode(), s:ispath, exc, s:regexp] let lines = call(s:matcher['match'], argms) el let lines = s:MatchIt(items, a:pat, a:limit, exc) en let s:matches = len(lines) retu lines endf fu! s:SplitPattern(str) let str = a:str if s:migemo && s:regexp && len(str) > 0 && executable('cmigemo') let str = s:migemo(str) en let s:savestr = str if s:regexp let pat = s:regexfilter(str) el let lst = split(str, '\zs') if exists('+ssl') && !&ssl cal map(lst, 'escape(v:val, ''\'')') en for each in ['^', '$', '.'] cal map(lst, 'escape(v:val, each)') endfo en if exists('lst') let pat = '' if !empty(lst) if s:byfname && index(lst, ';') > 0 let fbar = index(lst, ';') let lst_1 = s:sublist(lst, 0, fbar - 1) let lst_2 = len(lst) - 1 > fbar ? s:sublist(lst, fbar + 1, -1) : [''] let pat = s:buildpat(lst_1).';'.s:buildpat(lst_2) el let pat = s:buildpat(lst) en en en retu escape(pat, '~') endf " * BuildPrompt() {{{1 fu! s:Render(lines, pat) let [&ma, lines, s:height] = [1, a:lines, min([len(a:lines), s:winh])] let pat = s:byfname ? split(a:pat, '^[^;]\+\zs;', 1)[0] : a:pat " Setup the match window sil! exe '%d _ | res' s:height " Print the new items if empty(lines) let [s:matched, s:lines] = [[], []] cal setline(1, ' == NO ENTRIES ==') setl noma nocul cal s:unmarksigns() if s:dohighlight() | cal clearmatches() | en retu en let s:matched = copy(lines) " Sorting if !s:nosort() let s:compat = s:martcs.pat cal sort(lines, 's:mixedsort') unl s:compat en if s:mwreverse | cal reverse(lines) | en let s:lines = copy(lines) cal map(lines, 's:formatline(v:val)') cal setline(1, lines) setl noma cul exe 'keepj norm!' ( s:mwreverse ? 'G' : 'gg' ).'1|' cal s:unmarksigns() cal s:remarksigns() if exists('s:cline') && s:nolim != 1 cal cursor(s:cline, 1) en " Highlighting if s:dohighlight() cal s:highlight(pat, s:mathi[1]) en endf fu! s:Update(str) " Get the previous string if existed let oldstr = exists('s:savestr') ? s:savestr : '' " Get the new string sans tail let str = s:sanstail(a:str) " Stop if the string's unchanged if str == oldstr && !empty(str) && !exists('s:force') | retu | en let s:martcs = &scs && str =~ '\u' ? '\C' : '' let pat = s:matcher == {} ? s:SplitPattern(str) : str let lines = s:nolim == 1 && empty(str) ? copy(g:ctrlp_lines) \ : s:MatchedItems(g:ctrlp_lines, pat, s:winh) cal s:Render(lines, pat) endf fu! s:ForceUpdate() let [estr, prt] = ['"\', copy(s:prompt)] cal map(prt, 'escape(v:val, estr)') sil! cal s:Update(join(prt, '')) endf fu! s:BuildPrompt(upd, ...) let base = ( s:regexp ? 'r' : '>' ).( s:byfname ? 'd' : '>' ).'> ' let [estr, prt] = ['"\', copy(s:prompt)] cal map(prt, 'escape(v:val, estr)') let str = join(prt, '') let lazy = empty(str) || exists('s:force') || !has('autocmd') ? 0 : s:lazy if a:upd && !lazy && ( s:matches || s:regexp \ || str =~ '\(\\\(<\|>\)\|[*|]\)\|\(\\\:\([^:]\|\\:\)*$\)' ) sil! cal s:Update(str) en sil! cal ctrlp#statusline() " Toggling let [hiactive, hicursor, base] = a:0 && !a:1 \ ? ['CtrlPPrtBase', 'CtrlPPrtBase', tr(base, '>', '-')] \ : ['CtrlPPrtText', 'CtrlPPrtCursor', base] let hibase = 'CtrlPPrtBase' " Build it redr exe 'echoh' hibase '| echon "'.base.'" \ | echoh' hiactive '| echon "'.prt[0].'" \ | echoh' hicursor '| echon "'.prt[1].'" \ | echoh' hiactive '| echon "'.prt[2].'" | echoh None' " Append the cursor at the end if empty(prt[1]) && !( a:0 && !a:1 ) exe 'echoh' hibase '| echon "_" | echoh None' en endf " - SetDefTxt() {{{1 fu! s:SetDefTxt() if s:deftxt == '0' || ( s:deftxt == 1 && !s:ispath ) | retu | en let txt = s:deftxt if !type(txt) let txt = txt && !stridx(s:crfpath, s:dyncwd) \ ? ctrlp#rmbasedir([s:crfpath])[0] : '' let txt = txt != '' ? txt.s:lash(s:crfpath) : '' el let txt = expand(txt, 1) en let s:prompt[0] = txt endf " ** Prt Actions {{{1 " Editing {{{2 fu! s:PrtClear() unl! s:hstgot let [s:prompt, s:matches] = [['', '', ''], 1] cal s:BuildPrompt(1) endf fu! s:PrtAdd(char) unl! s:hstgot let s:act_add = 1 let s:prompt[0] .= a:char cal s:BuildPrompt(1) unl s:act_add endf fu! s:PrtBS() unl! s:hstgot let [s:prompt[0], s:matches] = [substitute(s:prompt[0], '.$', '', ''), 1] cal s:BuildPrompt(1) endf fu! s:PrtDelete() unl! s:hstgot let [prt, s:matches] = [s:prompt, 1] let prt[1] = matchstr(prt[2], '^.') let prt[2] = substitute(prt[2], '^.', '', '') cal s:BuildPrompt(1) endf fu! s:PrtDeleteWord() unl! s:hstgot let [str, s:matches] = [s:prompt[0], 1] let str = str =~ '\W\w\+$' ? matchstr(str, '^.\+\W\ze\w\+$') \ : str =~ '\w\W\+$' ? matchstr(str, '^.\+\w\ze\W\+$') \ : str =~ '\s\+$' ? matchstr(str, '^.*\S\ze\s\+$') \ : str =~ '\v^(\S+|\s+)$' ? '' : str let s:prompt[0] = str cal s:BuildPrompt(1) endf fu! s:PrtInsert(...) let type = !a:0 ? '' : a:1 if !a:0 let type = s:insertstr() if type == 'cancel' | retu | en en if type ==# 'r' let regcont = s:getregs() if regcont < 0 | retu | en en unl! s:hstgot let s:act_add = 1 let s:prompt[0] .= type ==# 'w' ? s:crword \ : type ==# 'f' ? s:crgfile \ : type ==# 's' ? s:regisfilter('/') \ : type ==# 'v' ? s:crvisual \ : type ==# 'c' ? s:regisfilter('+') \ : type ==# 'r' ? regcont : '' cal s:BuildPrompt(1) unl s:act_add endf fu! s:PrtExpandDir() let str = s:prompt[0] if str =~ '\v^\@(cd|lc[hd]?|chd)\s.+' && s:spi let hasat = split(str, '\v^\@(cd|lc[hd]?|chd)\s*\zs') let str = get(hasat, 1, '') en if str == '' | retu | en unl! s:hstgot let s:act_add = 1 let [base, seed] = s:headntail(str) let dirs = s:dircompl(base, seed) if len(dirs) == 1 let str = dirs[0] elsei len(dirs) > 1 let str .= s:findcommon(dirs, str) en let s:prompt[0] = exists('hasat') ? hasat[0].str : str cal s:BuildPrompt(1) unl s:act_add endf " Movement {{{2 fu! s:PrtCurLeft() let prt = s:prompt if !empty(prt[0]) let s:prompt = [substitute(prt[0], '.$', '', ''), matchstr(prt[0], '.$'), \ prt[1] . prt[2]] en cal s:BuildPrompt(0) endf fu! s:PrtCurRight() let prt = s:prompt let s:prompt = [prt[0] . prt[1], matchstr(prt[2], '^.'), \ substitute(prt[2], '^.', '', '')] cal s:BuildPrompt(0) endf fu! s:PrtCurStart() let str = join(s:prompt, '') let s:prompt = ['', matchstr(str, '^.'), substitute(str, '^.', '', '')] cal s:BuildPrompt(0) endf fu! s:PrtCurEnd() let s:prompt = [join(s:prompt, ''), '', ''] cal s:BuildPrompt(0) endf fu! s:PrtSelectMove(dir) let wht = winheight(0) let dirs = {'t': 'gg','b': 'G','j': 'j','k': 'k','u': wht.'k','d': wht.'j'} exe 'keepj norm!' dirs[a:dir] if s:nolim != 1 | let s:cline = line('.') | en if line('$') > winheight(0) | cal s:BuildPrompt(0, s:Focus()) | en endf fu! s:PrtSelectJump(char, ...) let lines = copy(s:lines) if a:0 cal map(lines, 'split(v:val, ''[\/]\ze[^\/]\+$'')[-1]') en " Cycle through matches, use s:jmpchr to store last jump let chr = escape(a:char, '.~') if match(lines, '\c^'.chr) >= 0 " If not exists or does but not for the same char let pos = match(lines, '\c^'.chr) if !exists('s:jmpchr') || ( exists('s:jmpchr') && s:jmpchr[0] != chr ) let [jmpln, s:jmpchr] = [pos, [chr, pos]] elsei exists('s:jmpchr') && s:jmpchr[0] == chr " Start of lines if s:jmpchr[1] == -1 | let s:jmpchr[1] = pos | en let npos = match(lines, '\c^'.chr, s:jmpchr[1] + 1) let [jmpln, s:jmpchr] = [npos == -1 ? pos : npos, [chr, npos]] en keepj exe jmpln + 1 if s:nolim != 1 | let s:cline = line('.') | en if line('$') > winheight(0) | cal s:BuildPrompt(0, s:Focus()) | en en endf " Misc {{{2 fu! s:PrtClearCache() if s:itemtype == 0 cal ctrlp#clr() elsei s:itemtype > 2 cal ctrlp#clr(s:statypes[s:itemtype][1]) en if s:itemtype == 2 let g:ctrlp_lines = ctrlp#mrufiles#refresh() el cal ctrlp#setlines() en let s:force = 1 cal s:BuildPrompt(1) unl s:force endf fu! s:PrtDeleteEnt() if s:itemtype == 2 cal s:PrtDeleteMRU() elsei type(s:getextvar('wipe')) == 1 cal s:delent(s:getextvar('wipe')) en endf fu! s:PrtDeleteMRU() if s:itemtype == 2 cal s:delent('ctrlp#mrufiles#remove') en endf fu! s:PrtExit() if !has('autocmd') | cal s:Close() | en exe ( winnr('$') == 1 ? 'bw!' : 'winc p' ) endf fu! s:PrtHistory(...) if !s:maxhst | retu | en let [str, hst, s:matches] = [join(s:prompt, ''), s:hstry, 1] " Save to history if not saved before let [hst[0], hslen] = [exists('s:hstgot') ? hst[0] : str, len(hst)] let idx = exists('s:hisidx') ? s:hisidx + a:1 : a:1 " Limit idx within 0 and hslen let idx = idx < 0 ? 0 : idx >= hslen ? hslen > 1 ? hslen - 1 : 0 : idx let s:prompt = [hst[idx], '', ''] let [s:hisidx, s:hstgot, s:force] = [idx, 1, 1] cal s:BuildPrompt(1) unl s:force endf "}}}1 " * MapKeys() {{{1 fu! s:MapKeys(...) " Normal keys let pfunc = a:0 && !a:1 ? 'PrtSelectJump' : 'PrtAdd' let dojmp = s:byfname && a:0 && !a:1 ? ', 1' : '' let pcmd = "nn \ \ \ :\cal \%s(\"%s\"%s)\" let cmd = substitute(pcmd, 'k%s', 'char-%d', '') for each in range(32, 126) exe printf(cmd, each, pfunc, escape(nr2char(each), '"|\'), dojmp) endfo for each in range(0, 9) exe printf(pcmd, each, pfunc, each, dojmp) endfo for [ke, va] in items(s:kprange) exe printf(pcmd, ke, pfunc, va, dojmp) endfo " Special keys if a:0 < 2 cal call('s:MapSpecs', a:0 && !a:1 ? [1] : []) en endf fu! s:MapSpecs(...) " Correct arrow keys in terminal if ( has('termresponse') && v:termresponse =~ "\" ) \ || &term =~? '\vxterm|','\B ','\C ','\D '] exe s:lcmap.' ['.each endfo en if a:0 for ke in s:prtunmaps | for kp in s:prtmaps[ke] exe s:lcmap kp '' endfo | endfo el for [ke, va] in items(s:prtmaps) | for kp in va exe s:lcmap kp ':cal '.ke.'' endfo | endfo en endf " * Toggling {{{1 fu! s:Focus() retu !exists('s:focus') ? 1 : s:focus endf fu! s:ToggleFocus() let s:focus = !exists('s:focus') || s:focus ? 0 : 1 cal s:MapKeys(s:focus) cal s:BuildPrompt(0, s:focus) endf fu! s:ToggleRegex() let s:regexp = s:regexp ? 0 : 1 cal s:PrtSwitcher() endf fu! s:ToggleByFname() if s:ispath let s:byfname = s:byfname ? 0 : 1 let s:mfunc = s:mfunc() cal s:MapKeys(s:Focus(), 1) cal s:PrtSwitcher() en endf fu! s:ToggleType(dir) let max = len(g:ctrlp_ext_vars) + 2 let next = s:walker(max, s:itemtype, a:dir) cal ctrlp#syntax() cal ctrlp#setlines(next) cal s:PrtSwitcher() endf fu! s:PrtSwitcher() let [s:force, s:matches] = [1, 1] cal s:BuildPrompt(1, s:Focus()) unl s:force endf " - SetWD() {{{1 fu! s:SetWD(args) let [s:crfilerel, s:dyncwd] = [fnamemodify(s:crfile, ':.'), getcwd()] let pmode = has_key(a:args, 'mode') ? a:args['mode'] : s:wpmode if has_key(a:args, 'dir') && a:args['dir'] != '' cal ctrlp#setdir(a:args['dir']) | retu en if s:crfile =~ '^.\+://' | retu | en if pmode =~ 'c' || ( !type(pmode) && pmode ) if exists('+acd') | let [s:glb_acd, &acd] = [&acd, 0] | en cal ctrlp#setdir(s:crfpath) en if pmode =~ 'r' || pmode == 2 let markers = ['.git', '.hg', '.svn', '.bzr', '_darcs'] let spath = pmode =~ 'd' ? s:dyncwd : pmode =~ 'w' ? s:cwd : s:crfpath if type(s:rmarkers) == 3 && !empty(s:rmarkers) if s:findroot(spath, s:rmarkers, 0, 0) != [] | retu | en cal filter(markers, 'index(s:rmarkers, v:val) < 0') en cal s:findroot(spath, markers, 0, 0) en endf " * AcceptSelection() {{{1 fu! ctrlp#acceptfile(mode, line, ...) let [md, filpath] = [a:mode, fnamemodify(a:line, ':p')] cal s:PrtExit() let [bufnr, tail] = [bufnr('^'.filpath.'$'), s:tail()] let j2l = a:0 ? a:1 : str2nr(matchstr(tail, '^ +\D*\zs\d\+\ze\D*')) if s:jmptobuf && bufnr > 0 && md =~ 'e\|t' \ && !( md == 'e' && bufnr == bufnr('%') ) let [jmpb, bufwinnr] = [1, bufwinnr(bufnr)] let buftab = s:jmptobuf > 1 ? s:buftab(bufnr, md) : [0, 0] en " Switch to existing buffer or open new one if exists('jmpb') && bufwinnr > 0 && md != 't' exe bufwinnr.'winc w' if j2l | cal ctrlp#j2l(j2l) | en elsei exists('jmpb') && buftab[0] exe 'tabn' buftab[0] exe buftab[1].'winc w' if j2l | cal ctrlp#j2l(j2l) | en el " Determine the command to use let useb = bufnr > 0 && buflisted(bufnr) && empty(tail) let cmd = \ md == 't' || s:splitwin == 1 ? ( useb ? 'tab sb' : 'tabe' ) : \ md == 'h' || s:splitwin == 2 ? ( useb ? 'sb' : 'new' ) : \ md == 'v' || s:splitwin == 3 ? ( useb ? 'vert sb' : 'vne' ) : \ call('ctrlp#normcmd', useb ? ['b', 'bo vert sb'] : ['e']) " Reset &switchbuf option let [swb, &swb] = [&swb, ''] " Open new window/buffer let args = [cmd, useb ? bufnr : filpath, a:0 ? ' +'.a:1 : tail, useb, j2l] cal call('s:openfile', args) let &swb = swb en endf fu! s:SpecInputs(str) if a:str =~ '\v^(\.\.([\/]\.\.)*[\/]?[.\/]*)$' && s:spi let cwd = s:dyncwd cal ctrlp#setdir(a:str =~ '^\.\.\.*$' ? \ '../'.repeat('../', strlen(a:str) - 2) : a:str) if cwd != s:dyncwd | cal ctrlp#setlines() | en cal s:PrtClear() retu 1 elsei a:str == s:lash && s:spi cal s:SetWD({ 'mode': 'rd' }) cal ctrlp#setlines() cal s:PrtClear() retu 1 elsei a:str =~ '^@.\+' && s:spi retu s:at(a:str) elsei a:str == '?' cal s:PrtExit() let hlpwin = &columns > 159 ? '| vert res 80' : '' sil! exe 'bo vert h ctrlp-mappings' hlpwin '| norm! 0' retu 1 en retu 0 endf fu! s:AcceptSelection(mode) if a:mode != 'e' && s:OpenMulti(a:mode) != -1 | retu | en let str = join(s:prompt, '') if a:mode == 'e' | if s:SpecInputs(str) | retu | en | en " Get the selected line let line = !empty(s:lines) ? s:lines[line('.') - 1] : '' if a:mode != 'e' && !s:itemtype && line == '' \ && str !~ '\v^(\.\.([\/]\.\.)*[\/]?[.\/]*|/|\\|\?|\@.+)$' cal s:CreateNewFile(a:mode) | retu en if empty(line) | retu | en " Do something with it if s:openfunc != {} && has_key(s:openfunc, s:ctype) let actfunc = s:openfunc[s:ctype] el let actfunc = s:itemtype < 3 ? 'ctrlp#acceptfile' : s:getextvar('accept') en cal call(actfunc, [a:mode, line]) endf " - CreateNewFile() {{{1 fu! s:CreateNewFile(...) let [md, str] = ['', join(s:prompt, '')] if empty(str) | retu | en if s:argmap && !a:0 " Get the extra argument let md = s:argmaps(md, 1) if md == 'cancel' | retu | en en let str = s:sanstail(str) let [base, fname] = s:headntail(str) if fname =~ '^[\/]$' | retu | en if exists('s:marked') && len(s:marked) " Use the first marked file's path let path = fnamemodify(values(s:marked)[0], ':p:h') let base = path.s:lash(path).base let str = fnamemodify(base.s:lash.fname, ':.') en if base != '' | if isdirectory(ctrlp#utils#mkdir(base)) let optyp = str | en | el | let optyp = fname en if !exists('optyp') | retu | en let [filpath, tail] = [fnamemodify(optyp, ':p'), s:tail()] if !stridx(filpath, s:dyncwd) | cal s:insertcache(str) | en cal s:PrtExit() let cmd = md == 'r' ? ctrlp#normcmd('e') : \ s:newfop =~ '1\|t' || ( a:0 && a:1 == 't' ) || md == 't' ? 'tabe' : \ s:newfop =~ '2\|h' || ( a:0 && a:1 == 'h' ) || md == 'h' ? 'new' : \ s:newfop =~ '3\|v' || ( a:0 && a:1 == 'v' ) || md == 'v' ? 'vne' : \ ctrlp#normcmd('e') cal s:openfile(cmd, filpath, tail) endf " * OpenMulti() {{{1 fu! s:MarkToOpen() if s:bufnr <= 0 || s:opmul == '0' \ || ( s:itemtype > 2 && s:getextvar('opmul') != 1 ) retu en let line = !empty(s:lines) ? s:lines[line('.') - 1] : '' if empty(line) | retu | en let filpath = s:ispath ? fnamemodify(line, ':p') : line if exists('s:marked') && s:dictindex(s:marked, filpath) > 0 " Unmark and remove the file from s:marked let key = s:dictindex(s:marked, filpath) cal remove(s:marked, key) if empty(s:marked) | unl s:marked | en if has('signs') exe 'sign unplace' key 'buffer='.s:bufnr en el " Add to s:marked and place a new sign if exists('s:marked') let vac = s:vacantdict(s:marked) let key = empty(vac) ? len(s:marked) + 1 : vac[0] let s:marked = extend(s:marked, { key : filpath }) el let [key, s:marked] = [1, { 1 : filpath }] en if has('signs') exe 'sign place' key 'line='.line('.').' name=ctrlpmark buffer='.s:bufnr en en sil! cal ctrlp#statusline() endf fu! s:OpenMulti(...) let has_marked = exists('s:marked') if ( !has_marked && a:0 ) || s:opmul == '0' || !s:ispath \ || ( s:itemtype > 2 && s:getextvar('opmul') != 1 ) retu -1 en " Get the options let [nr, md] = [matchstr(s:opmul, '\d\+'), matchstr(s:opmul, '[thvi]')] let [ur, jf] = [s:opmul =~ 'r', s:opmul =~ 'j'] let md = a:0 ? a:1 : ( md == '' ? 'v' : md ) let nopt = exists('g:ctrlp_open_multiple_files') if !has_marked let line = !empty(s:lines) ? s:lines[line('.') - 1] : '' if line == '' | retu | en let marked = { 1 : fnamemodify(line, ':p') } let [nr, ur, jf, nopt] = ['1', 0, 0, 1] en if ( s:argmap || !has_marked ) && !a:0 let md = s:argmaps(md, !has_marked ? 2 : 0) if md == 'c' cal s:unmarksigns() unl! s:marked cal s:BuildPrompt(0) elsei !has_marked && md == 'a' let [s:marked, key] = [{}, 1] for line in s:lines let s:marked = extend(s:marked, { key : fnamemodify(line, ':p') }) let key += 1 endfo cal s:remarksigns() retu s:BuildPrompt(0) elsei !has_marked && md == 'x' retu call(s:openfunc[s:ctype], [md, line]) en if md =~ '\v^c(ancel)?$' | retu | en let nr = nr == '0' ? ( nopt ? '' : '1' ) : nr let ur = !has_marked && md == 'r' ? 1 : ur en let mkd = values(has_marked ? s:marked : marked) cal s:sanstail(join(s:prompt, '')) cal s:PrtExit() if nr == '0' || md == 'i' retu map(mkd, "s:openfile('bad', fnamemodify(v:val, ':.'), '')") en let [tail, fnesc] = [s:tail(), exists('*fnameescape') && v:version > 701] let [emptytail, bufnr] = [empty(tail), bufnr('^'.mkd[0].'$')] let useb = bufnr > 0 && buflisted(bufnr) && emptytail " Move to a replaceable window let ncmd = ( useb ? ['b', 'bo vert sb'] : ['e', 'bo vne'] ) \ + ( ur ? [] : ['ignruw'] ) let fst = call('ctrlp#normcmd', ncmd) " Check if the current window has a replaceable buffer let repabl = !( md == 't' && !ur ) && empty(bufname('%')) && empty(&l:ft) " Commands for the rest of the files let [ic, cmds] = [1, { 'v': ['vert sb', 'vne'], 'h': ['sb', 'new'], \ 't': ['tab sb', 'tabe'] }] let [swb, &swb] = [&swb, ''] if md == 't' && ctrlp#tabcount() < tabpagenr() let s:tabct = ctrlp#tabcount() en " Open the files for va in mkd let bufnr = bufnr('^'.va.'$') if bufnr < 0 && getftype(va) == '' | con | en let useb = bufnr > 0 && buflisted(bufnr) && emptytail let snd = md != '' && has_key(cmds, md) ? \ ( useb ? cmds[md][0] : cmds[md][1] ) : ( useb ? 'vert sb' : 'vne' ) let cmd = ic == 1 && ( !( !ur && fst =~ '^[eb]$' ) || repabl ) ? fst : snd let conds = [( nr != '' && nr > 1 && nr < ic ) || ( nr == '' && ic > 1 ), \ nr != '' && nr < ic] if conds[nopt] if bufnr <= 0 | if fnesc cal s:openfile('bad', fnamemodify(va, ':.'), '') el cal s:openfile(cmd, va, tail) | sil! hid clo! en | en el cal s:openfile(cmd, useb ? bufnr : va, tail) | let ic += 1 if jf | if ic == 2 let crpos = [tabpagenr(), winnr()] el let crpos[0] += tabpagenr() <= crpos[0] let crpos[1] += winnr() == crpos[1] en | en en endfo if jf && exists('crpos') && ic > 2 exe ( md == 't' ? 'tabn '.crpos[0] : crpos[1].'winc w' ) en let &swb = swb unl! s:tabct endf " ** Helper functions {{{1 " Sorting {{{2 fu! ctrlp#complen(...) " By length let [len1, len2] = [strlen(a:1), strlen(a:2)] retu len1 == len2 ? 0 : len1 > len2 ? 1 : -1 endf fu! s:compmatlen(...) " By match length let mln1 = s:shortest(s:matchlens(a:1, s:compat)) let mln2 = s:shortest(s:matchlens(a:2, s:compat)) retu mln1 == mln2 ? 0 : mln1 > mln2 ? 1 : -1 endf fu! s:comptime(...) " By last modified time let [time1, time2] = [getftime(a:1), getftime(a:2)] retu time1 == time2 ? 0 : time1 < time2 ? 1 : -1 endf fu! s:compmreb(...) " By last entered time (bufnr) let [id1, id2] = [index(s:mrbs, a:1), index(s:mrbs, a:2)] retu id1 == id2 ? 0 : id1 > id2 ? 1 : -1 endf fu! s:compmref(...) " By last entered time (MRU) let [id1, id2] = [index(g:ctrlp_lines, a:1), index(g:ctrlp_lines, a:2)] retu id1 == id2 ? 0 : id1 > id2 ? 1 : -1 endf fu! s:comparent(...) " By same parent dir if !stridx(s:crfpath, s:dyncwd) let [as1, as2] = [s:dyncwd.s:lash().a:1, s:dyncwd.s:lash().a:2] let [loc1, loc2] = [s:getparent(as1), s:getparent(as2)] if loc1 == s:crfpath && loc2 != s:crfpath | retu -1 | en if loc2 == s:crfpath && loc1 != s:crfpath | retu 1 | en retu 0 en retu 0 endf fu! s:compfnlen(...) " By filename length let len1 = strlen(split(a:1, s:lash)[-1]) let len2 = strlen(split(a:2, s:lash)[-1]) retu len1 == len2 ? 0 : len1 > len2 ? 1 : -1 endf fu! s:matchlens(str, pat, ...) if empty(a:pat) || index(['^', '$'], a:pat) >= 0 | retu {} | en let st = a:0 ? a:1 : 0 let lens = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : {} let nr = a:0 >= 3 ? a:3 : 0 if nr > 20 | retu {} | en if match(a:str, a:pat, st) >= 0 let [mst, mnd] = [matchstr(a:str, a:pat, st), matchend(a:str, a:pat, st)] let lens = extend(lens, { nr : [strlen(mst), mst] }) let lens = s:matchlens(a:str, a:pat, mnd, lens, nr + 1) en retu lens endf fu! s:shortest(lens) retu min(map(values(a:lens), 'v:val[0]')) endf fu! s:mixedsort(...) let [cln, cml] = [ctrlp#complen(a:1, a:2), s:compmatlen(a:1, a:2)] if s:ispath let ms = [] if s:height < 21 let ms += [s:compfnlen(a:1, a:2)] if s:itemtype !~ '^[12]$' | let ms += [s:comptime(a:1, a:2)] | en if !s:itemtype | let ms += [s:comparent(a:1, a:2)] | en en if s:itemtype =~ '^[12]$' let ms += [s:compmref(a:1, a:2)] let cln = cml ? cln : 0 en let ms += [cml, 0, 0, 0] let mp = call('s:multipliers', ms[:3]) retu cln + ms[0] * mp[0] + ms[1] * mp[1] + ms[2] * mp[2] + ms[3] * mp[3] en retu cln + cml * 2 endf fu! s:multipliers(...) let mp0 = !a:1 ? 0 : 2 let mp1 = !a:2 ? 0 : 1 + ( !mp0 ? 1 : mp0 ) let mp2 = !a:3 ? 0 : 1 + ( !( mp0 + mp1 ) ? 1 : ( mp0 + mp1 ) ) let mp3 = !a:4 ? 0 : 1 + ( !( mp0 + mp1 + mp2 ) ? 1 : ( mp0 + mp1 + mp2 ) ) retu [mp0, mp1, mp2, mp3] endf fu! s:compval(...) retu a:1 - a:2 endf " Statusline {{{2 fu! ctrlp#statusline() if !exists('s:statypes') let s:statypes = [ \ ['files', 'fil'], \ ['buffers', 'buf'], \ ['mru files', 'mru'], \ ] if !empty(g:ctrlp_ext_vars) cal map(copy(g:ctrlp_ext_vars), \ 'add(s:statypes, [ v:val["lname"], v:val["sname"] ])') en en let tps = s:statypes let max = len(tps) - 1 let nxt = tps[s:walker(max, s:itemtype, 1)][1] let prv = tps[s:walker(max, s:itemtype, -1)][1] let s:ctype = tps[s:itemtype][0] let focus = s:Focus() ? 'prt' : 'win' let byfname = s:byfname ? 'file' : 'path' let marked = s:opmul != '0' ? \ exists('s:marked') ? ' <'.s:dismrk().'>' : ' <->' : '' if s:status != {} let args = [focus, byfname, s:regexp, prv, s:ctype, nxt, marked] let &l:stl = call(s:status['main'], args) el let item = '%#CtrlPMode1# '.s:ctype.' %*' let focus = '%#CtrlPMode2# '.focus.' %*' let byfname = '%#CtrlPMode1# '.byfname.' %*' let regex = s:regexp ? '%#CtrlPMode2# regex %*' : '' let slider = ' <'.prv.'>={'.item.'}=<'.nxt.'>' let dir = ' %=%<%#CtrlPMode2# %{getcwd()} %*' let &l:stl = focus.byfname.regex.slider.marked.dir en endf fu! s:dismrk() retu has('signs') ? len(s:marked) : \ '%<'.join(values(map(copy(s:marked), 'split(v:val, "[\\/]")[-1]')), ', ') endf fu! ctrlp#progress(enum, ...) if has('macunix') || has('mac') | sl 1m | en let txt = a:0 ? '(press ctrl-c to abort)' : '' let &l:stl = s:status != {} ? call(s:status['prog'], [a:enum]) \ : '%#CtrlPStats# '.a:enum.' %* '.txt.'%=%<%#CtrlPMode2# %{getcwd()} %*' redraws endf " *** Paths {{{2 " Line formatting {{{3 fu! s:formatline(str) let cond = s:ispath && ( s:winw - 4 ) < s:strwidth(a:str) retu '> '.( cond ? s:pathshorten(a:str) : a:str ) endf fu! s:pathshorten(str) retu matchstr(a:str, '^.\{9}').'...' \ .matchstr(a:str, '.\{'.( s:winw - 16 ).'}$') endf " Directory completion {{{3 fu! s:dircompl(be, sd) if a:sd == '' | retu [] | en let [be, sd] = a:be == '' ? [s:dyncwd, a:sd] : [a:be, a:be.s:lash(a:be).a:sd] let dirs = ctrlp#rmbasedir(split(globpath(be, a:sd.'*/'), "\n")) cal filter(dirs, '!match(v:val, escape(sd, ''~$.\''))' \ . ' && v:val !~ ''\v(^|[\/])\.{1,2}[\/]$''') retu dirs endf fu! s:findcommon(items, seed) let [items, id, cmn, ic] = [copy(a:items), strlen(a:seed), '', 0] cal map(items, 'strpart(v:val, id)') for char in split(items[0], '\zs') for item in items[1:] if item[ic] != char | let brk = 1 | brea | en endfo if exists('brk') | brea | en let cmn .= char let ic += 1 endfo retu cmn endf " Misc {{{3 fu! s:headntail(str) let parts = split(a:str, '[\/]\ze[^\/]\+[\/:]\?$') retu len(parts) == 1 ? ['', parts[0]] : len(parts) == 2 ? parts : [] endf fu! s:lash(...) retu ( a:0 ? a:1 : s:dyncwd ) !~ '[\/]$' ? s:lash : '' endf fu! s:ispathitem() retu s:itemtype < 3 || ( s:itemtype > 2 && s:getextvar('type') == 'path' ) endf fu! ctrlp#dirnfile(entries) let [items, cwd] = [[[], []], s:dyncwd.s:lash()] for each in a:entries let etype = getftype(each) if s:igntype >= 0 && s:usrign(each, etype) | con | en if etype == 'dir' if s:dotfiles | if each !~ '[\/]\.\{1,2}$' cal add(items[0], each) en | el cal add(items[0], each) en elsei etype == 'link' if s:folsym let isfile = !isdirectory(each) if s:folsym == 2 || !s:samerootsyml(each, isfile, cwd) cal add(items[isfile], each) en en elsei etype == 'file' cal add(items[1], each) en endfo retu items endf fu! s:usrign(item, type) retu s:igntype == 1 ? a:item =~ s:usrign \ : s:igntype == 4 && has_key(s:usrign, a:type) && s:usrign[a:type] != '' \ ? a:item =~ s:usrign[a:type] : 0 endf fu! s:samerootsyml(each, isfile, cwd) let resolve = fnamemodify(resolve(a:each), ':p:h') let resolve .= s:lash(resolve) retu !( stridx(resolve, a:cwd) && ( stridx(a:cwd, resolve) || a:isfile ) ) endf fu! ctrlp#rmbasedir(items) if a:items != [] && !stridx(a:items[0], s:dyncwd) let idx = strlen(s:dyncwd) + ( s:dyncwd !~ '[\/]$' ) retu map(a:items, 'strpart(v:val, idx)') en retu a:items endf " Working directory {{{3 fu! s:getparent(item) let parent = substitute(a:item, '[\/][^\/]\+[\/:]\?$', '', '') if parent == '' || parent !~ '[\/]' let parent .= s:lash en retu parent endf fu! s:findroot(curr, mark, depth, type) let [depth, fnd] = [a:depth + 1, 0] if type(a:mark) == 1 let fnd = s:glbpath(a:curr, a:mark, 1) != '' elsei type(a:mark) == 3 for markr in a:mark if s:glbpath(a:curr, markr, 1) != '' | let fnd = 1 | brea | en endfo en if fnd if !a:type | cal ctrlp#setdir(a:curr) | en retu [exists('markr') ? markr : a:mark, a:curr] elsei depth > s:maxdepth cal ctrlp#setdir(s:cwd) el let parent = s:getparent(a:curr) if parent != a:curr retu s:findroot(parent, a:mark, depth, a:type) en en retu [] endf fu! ctrlp#setdir(path, ...) let cmd = a:0 ? a:1 : 'lc!' sil! exe cmd ctrlp#fnesc(a:path) let [s:crfilerel, s:dyncwd] = [fnamemodify(s:crfile, ':.'), getcwd()] endf " Fallbacks {{{3 fu! s:glbpath(...) let cond = v:version > 702 || ( v:version == 702 && has('patch051') ) retu call('globpath', cond ? a:000 : a:000[:1]) endf fu! ctrlp#fnesc(path) retu exists('*fnameescape') ? fnameescape(a:path) : escape(a:path, " %#*?|<\"\n") endf fu! ctrlp#setlcdir() if exists('*haslocaldir') cal ctrlp#setdir(getcwd(), haslocaldir() ? 'lc!' : 'cd!') en endf " Highlighting {{{2 fu! ctrlp#syntax() if ctrlp#nosy() | retu | en for [ke, va] in items(s:hlgrps) | cal ctrlp#hicheck('CtrlP'.ke, va) | endfo if !hlexists('CtrlPLinePre') \ && synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID('Normal')), 'bg') !~ '^-1$\|^$' sil! exe 'hi CtrlPLinePre '.( has("gui_running") ? 'gui' : 'cterm' ).'fg=bg' en sy match CtrlPNoEntries '^ == NO ENTRIES ==$' if hlexists('CtrlPLinePre') sy match CtrlPLinePre '^>' en endf fu! s:highlight(pat, grp) if s:matcher != {} | retu | en cal clearmatches() if !empty(a:pat) && s:ispath let pat = s:regexp ? substitute(a:pat, '\\\@ \\zs', 'g') : a:pat if s:byfname let pat = substitute(pat, '\[\^\(.\{-}\)\]\\{-}', '[^\\/\1]\\{-}', 'g') let pat = substitute(pat, '\$\@') en endf fu! s:dohighlight() retu s:mathi[0] && exists('*clearmatches') && !ctrlp#nosy() endf " Prompt history {{{2 fu! s:gethistloc() let utilcadir = ctrlp#utils#cachedir() let cache_dir = utilcadir.s:lash(utilcadir).'hist' retu [cache_dir, cache_dir.s:lash(cache_dir).'cache.txt'] endf fu! s:gethistdata() retu ctrlp#utils#readfile(s:gethistloc()[1]) endf fu! ctrlp#recordhist() let str = join(s:prompt, '') if empty(str) || !s:maxhst | retu | en let hst = s:hstry if len(hst) > 1 && hst[1] == str | retu | en cal extend(hst, [str], 1) if len(hst) > s:maxhst | cal remove(hst, s:maxhst, -1) | en cal ctrlp#utils#writecache(hst, s:gethistloc()[0], s:gethistloc()[1]) endf " Signs {{{2 fu! s:unmarksigns() if !s:dosigns() | retu | en for key in keys(s:marked) exe 'sign unplace' key 'buffer='.s:bufnr endfo endf fu! s:remarksigns() if !s:dosigns() | retu | en for ic in range(1, len(s:lines)) let line = s:ispath ? fnamemodify(s:lines[ic - 1], ':p') : s:lines[ic - 1] let key = s:dictindex(s:marked, line) if key > 0 exe 'sign place' key 'line='.ic.' name=ctrlpmark buffer='.s:bufnr en endfo endf fu! s:dosigns() retu exists('s:marked') && s:bufnr > 0 && s:opmul != '0' && has('signs') endf " Lists & Dictionaries {{{2 fu! s:dictindex(dict, expr) for key in keys(a:dict) if a:dict[key] == a:expr | retu key | en endfo retu -1 endf fu! s:vacantdict(dict) retu filter(range(1, max(keys(a:dict))), '!has_key(a:dict, v:val)') endf fu! s:sublist(l, s, e) retu v:version > 701 ? a:l[(a:s):(a:e)] : s:sublist7071(a:l, a:s, a:e) endf fu! s:sublist7071(l, s, e) let [newlist, id, ae] = [[], a:s, a:e == -1 ? len(a:l) - 1 : a:e] wh id <= ae cal add(newlist, get(a:l, id)) let id += 1 endw retu newlist endf " Buffers {{{2 fu! s:buftab(bufnr, md) for tabnr in range(1, tabpagenr('$')) if tabpagenr() == tabnr && a:md == 't' | con | en let buflist = tabpagebuflist(tabnr) if index(buflist, a:bufnr) >= 0 for winnr in range(1, tabpagewinnr(tabnr, '$')) if buflist[winnr - 1] == a:bufnr | retu [tabnr, winnr] | en endfo en endfo retu [0, 0] endf fu! ctrlp#normcmd(cmd, ...) if a:0 < 2 && s:nosplit() | retu a:cmd | en let norwins = filter(range(1, winnr('$')), \ 'empty(getbufvar(winbufnr(v:val), "&bt"))') for each in norwins let bufnr = winbufnr(each) if empty(bufname(bufnr)) && empty(getbufvar(bufnr, '&ft')) let fstemp = each | brea en endfo let norwin = empty(norwins) ? 0 : norwins[0] if norwin if index(norwins, winnr()) < 0 exe ( exists('fstemp') ? fstemp : norwin ).'winc w' en retu a:cmd en retu a:0 ? a:1 : 'bo vne' endf fu! s:nosplit() retu !empty(s:nosplit) && match([bufname('%'), &l:ft, &l:bt], s:nosplit) >= 0 endf fu! s:setupblank() setl noswf nonu nobl nowrap nolist nospell nocuc wfh setl fdc=0 fdl=99 tw=0 bt=nofile bh=unload if v:version > 702 setl nornu noudf cc=0 en endf fu! s:leavepre() if exists('s:bufnr') && s:bufnr == bufnr('%') | bw! | en if !( exists('g:ctrlp_clear_cache_on_exit') && !g:ctrlp_clear_cache_on_exit ) \ && !( has('clientserver') && len(split(serverlist(), "\n")) > 1 ) cal ctrlp#clra() en endf fu! s:checkbuf() if !exists('s:init') && exists('s:bufnr') && s:bufnr > 0 exe s:bufnr.'bw!' en endf fu! s:iscmdwin() let ermsg = v:errmsg sil! noa winc p sil! noa winc p let [v:errmsg, ermsg] = [ermsg, v:errmsg] retu ermsg =~ '^E11:' endf " Arguments {{{2 fu! s:at(str) if a:str =~ '\v^\@(cd|lc[hd]?|chd).*' let str = substitute(a:str, '\v^\@(cd|lc[hd]?|chd)\s*', '', '') if str == '' | retu 1 | en let str = str =~ '^%:.\+' ? fnamemodify(s:crfile, str[1:]) : str let path = fnamemodify(expand(str, 1), ':p') if isdirectory(path) if path != s:dyncwd cal ctrlp#setdir(path) cal ctrlp#setlines() en cal ctrlp#recordhist() cal s:PrtClear() en retu 1 en retu 0 endf fu! s:tail() if exists('s:optail') && !empty('s:optail') let tailpref = s:optail !~ '^\s*+' ? ' +' : ' ' retu tailpref.s:optail en retu '' endf fu! s:sanstail(str) let str = s:spi ? \ substitute(a:str, '^\(@.*$\|\\\\\ze@\|\.\.\zs[.\/]\+$\)', '', 'g') : a:str let [str, pat] = [substitute(str, '\\\\', '\', 'g'), '\([^:]\|\\:\)*$'] unl! s:optail if str =~ '\\\@= 0 retu char elsei char =~# "\\v\|\|\|\|\|\" cal s:BuildPrompt(0) retu 'cancel' elsei char =~# "\" && a:args != [] retu a:args[0] en retu call(a:func, a:args) endf fu! s:getregs() let char = s:textdialog('Insert from register: ') if char =~# "\\v\|\|\|\|\|\" cal s:BuildPrompt(0) retu -1 elsei char =~# "\" retu s:getregs() en retu s:regisfilter(char) endf fu! s:regisfilter(reg) retu substitute(getreg(a:reg), "[\t\n]", ' ', 'g') endf " Misc {{{2 fu! s:modevar() let s:matchtype = s:mtype() let s:ispath = s:ispathitem() if !s:ispath | let s:byfname = 0 | en let s:mfunc = s:mfunc() let s:nolim = s:getextvar('nolim') let s:dosort = s:getextvar('sort') let s:spi = !s:itemtype || s:getextvar('specinput') > 0 endf fu! s:nosort() retu s:matcher != {} || s:nolim == 1 || ( s:itemtype == 2 && s:mrudef ) \ || ( s:itemtype =~ '\v^(1|2)$' && s:prompt == ['', '', ''] ) || !s:dosort endf fu! s:narrowable() retu exists('s:act_add') && exists('s:matched') && s:matched != [] \ && exists('s:mdata') && s:mdata[:2] == [s:dyncwd, s:itemtype, s:regexp] \ && s:matcher == {} endf fu! s:migemo(str) let str = a:str let dict = s:glbpath(&rtp, printf("dict/%s/migemo-dict", &enc), 1) if !len(dict) let dict = s:glbpath(&rtp, "dict/migemo-dict", 1) en if len(dict) let [tokens, str, cmd] = [split(str, '\s'), '', 'cmigemo -v -w %s -d %s'] for token in tokens let rtn = system(printf(cmd, shellescape(token), shellescape(dict))) let str .= !v:shell_error && strlen(rtn) > 0 ? '.*'.rtn : token endfo en retu str endf fu! s:strwidth(str) retu exists('*strdisplaywidth') ? strdisplaywidth(a:str) : strlen(a:str) endf fu! ctrlp#j2l(nr) exe a:nr sil! norm! zvzz endf fu! s:maxf(len) retu s:maxfiles && a:len > s:maxfiles ? 1 : 0 endf fu! s:regexfilter(str) let str = a:str for key in keys(s:fpats) | if str =~ key let str = substitute(str, s:fpats[key], '', 'g') en | endfo retu str endf fu! s:walker(m, p, d) retu a:d > 0 ? a:p < a:m ? a:p + a:d : 0 : a:p > 0 ? a:p + a:d : a:m endf fu! s:delent(rfunc) if a:rfunc == '' | retu | en let [s:force, tbrem] = [1, []] if exists('s:marked') let tbrem = values(s:marked) cal s:unmarksigns() unl s:marked en if tbrem == [] && ( has('dialog_gui') || has('dialog_con') ) && \ confirm("Wipe all entries?", "&OK\n&Cancel") != 1 unl s:force cal s:BuildPrompt(0) retu en let g:ctrlp_lines = call(a:rfunc, [tbrem]) cal s:BuildPrompt(1) unl s:force endf " Entering & Exiting {{{2 fu! s:getenv() let [s:cwd, s:winres] = [getcwd(), [winrestcmd(), &lines, winnr('$')]] let [s:crfile, s:crfpath] = [expand('%:p', 1), expand('%:p:h', 1)] let [s:crword, s:crline] = [expand('', 1), getline('.')] let [s:winh, s:crcursor] = [min([s:mxheight, &lines]), getpos('.')] let [s:crbufnr, s:crvisual] = [bufnr('%'), s:lastvisual()] let s:wpmode = exists('b:ctrlp_working_path_mode') \ ? b:ctrlp_working_path_mode : s:pathmode let [s:mrbs, s:crgfile] = [ctrlp#mrufiles#bufs(), expand('', 1)] endf fu! s:lastvisual() let cview = winsaveview() let [ovreg, ovtype] = [getreg('v'), getregtype('v')] let [oureg, outype] = [getreg('"'), getregtype('"')] sil! norm! gv"vy let selected = s:regisfilter('v') cal setreg('v', ovreg, ovtype) cal setreg('"', oureg, outype) cal winrestview(cview) retu selected endf fu! s:log(m) if exists('g:ctrlp_log') && g:ctrlp_log | if a:m let cadir = ctrlp#utils#cachedir() sil! exe 'redi! >' cadir.s:lash(cadir).'ctrlp.log' el sil! redi END en | en endf fu! s:buffunc(e) if a:e && has_key(s:buffunc, 'enter') cal call(s:buffunc['enter'], []) elsei !a:e && has_key(s:buffunc, 'exit') cal call(s:buffunc['exit'], []) en endf fu! s:openfile(cmd, fid, tail, ...) let cmd = a:cmd =~ '^[eb]$' && &modified ? 'hid '.a:cmd : a:cmd let cmd = cmd =~ '^tab' ? ctrlp#tabcount().cmd : cmd let j2l = a:0 && a:1 ? a:2 : 0 exe cmd.( a:0 && a:1 ? '' : a:tail ) ctrlp#fnesc(a:fid) if j2l exe j2l en if !empty(a:tail) || j2l sil! norm! zvzz en if cmd != 'bad' cal ctrlp#setlcdir() en endf fu! ctrlp#tabcount() if exists('s:tabct') let tabct = s:tabct let s:tabct += 1 elsei !type(s:tabpage) let tabct = s:tabpage elsei type(s:tabpage) == 1 let tabpos = \ s:tabpage =~ 'c' ? tabpagenr() : \ s:tabpage =~ 'f' ? 1 : \ s:tabpage =~ 'l' ? tabpagenr('$') : \ tabpagenr() let tabct = \ s:tabpage =~ 'a' ? tabpos : \ s:tabpage =~ 'b' ? tabpos - 1 : \ tabpos en retu tabct < 0 ? 0 : tabct endf fu! s:settype(type) retu a:type < 0 ? exists('s:itemtype') ? s:itemtype : 0 : a:type endf " Matching {{{2 fu! s:matchfname(item, pat) let parts = split(a:item, '[\/]\ze[^\/]\+$') let mfn = match(parts[-1], a:pat[0]) retu len(a:pat) == 1 ? mfn : len(a:pat) == 2 ? \ ( mfn >= 0 && ( len(parts) == 2 ? match(parts[0], a:pat[1]) : -1 ) >= 0 \ ? 0 : -1 ) : -1 en endf fu! s:matchtabs(item, pat) retu match(split(a:item, '\t\+')[0], a:pat) endf fu! s:matchtabe(item, pat) retu match(split(a:item, '\t\+[^\t]\+$')[0], a:pat) endf fu! s:buildpat(lst) let pat = a:lst[0] for item in range(1, len(a:lst) - 1) let pat .= '[^'.a:lst[item - 1].']\{-}'.a:lst[item] endfo retu pat endf fu! s:mfunc() let mfunc = 'match' if s:byfname && s:ispath let mfunc = 's:matchfname' elsei s:itemtype > 2 let matchtypes = { 'tabs': 's:matchtabs', 'tabe': 's:matchtabe' } if has_key(matchtypes, s:matchtype) let mfunc = matchtypes[s:matchtype] en en retu mfunc endf fu! s:mmode() let matchmodes = { \ 'match': 'full-line', \ 's:matchfname': 'filename-only', \ 's:matchtabs': 'first-non-tab', \ 's:matchtabe': 'until-last-tab', \ } retu matchmodes[s:mfunc] endf " Cache {{{2 fu! s:writecache(cache_file) if ( g:ctrlp_newcache || !filereadable(a:cache_file) ) && !s:nocache() cal ctrlp#utils#writecache(g:ctrlp_allfiles) let g:ctrlp_newcache = 0 en endf fu! s:nocache() retu !s:caching || ( s:caching > 1 && get(s:ficounts, s:dyncwd) < s:caching ) endf fu! s:insertcache(str) let [data, g:ctrlp_newcache, str] = [g:ctrlp_allfiles, 1, a:str] if strlen(str) <= strlen(data[0]) let pos = 0 elsei strlen(str) >= strlen(data[-1]) let pos = len(data) - 1 el let pos = 0 for each in data if strlen(each) > strlen(str) | brea | en let pos += 1 endfo en cal insert(data, str, pos) cal s:writecache(ctrlp#utils#cachefile()) endf " Extensions {{{2 fu! s:mtype() retu s:itemtype > 2 ? s:getextvar('type') : 'path' endf fu! s:execextvar(key) if !empty(g:ctrlp_ext_vars) cal map(filter(copy(g:ctrlp_ext_vars), \ 'has_key(v:val, a:key)'), 'eval(v:val[a:key])') en endf fu! s:getextvar(key) if s:itemtype > 2 let vars = g:ctrlp_ext_vars[s:itemtype - 3] retu has_key(vars, a:key) ? vars[a:key] : -1 en retu -1 endf fu! ctrlp#exit() cal s:PrtExit() endf fu! ctrlp#prtclear() cal s:PrtClear() endf fu! ctrlp#switchtype(id) cal s:ToggleType(a:id - s:itemtype) endf fu! ctrlp#nosy() retu !( has('syntax') && exists('g:syntax_on') ) endf fu! ctrlp#hicheck(grp, defgrp) if !hlexists(a:grp) exe 'hi link' a:grp a:defgrp en endf fu! ctrlp#call(func, ...) cal call(a:func, a:000) endf "}}}1 " * Initialization {{{1 fu! ctrlp#setlines(...) if a:0 | let s:itemtype = a:1 | en cal s:modevar() let types = ['ctrlp#files()', 'ctrlp#buffers()', 'ctrlp#mrufiles#list()'] if !empty(g:ctrlp_ext_vars) cal map(copy(g:ctrlp_ext_vars), 'add(types, v:val["init"])') en let g:ctrlp_lines = eval(types[s:itemtype]) endf fu! ctrlp#init(type, ...) if exists('s:init') || s:iscmdwin() | retu | en let [s:matches, s:init] = [1, 1] cal ctrlp#reset() noa cal s:Open() cal s:SetWD(a:0 ? a:1 : {}) cal s:MapKeys() cal ctrlp#syntax() cal ctrlp#setlines(s:settype(a:type)) cal s:SetDefTxt() cal s:BuildPrompt(1) endf " - Autocmds {{{1 if has('autocmd') aug CtrlPAug au! au BufEnter ControlP cal s:checkbuf() au BufLeave ControlP noa cal s:Close() au VimLeavePre * cal s:leavepre() aug END en fu! s:autocmds() if !has('autocmd') | retu | en if exists('#CtrlPLazy') au! CtrlPLazy en if s:lazy aug CtrlPLazy au! au CursorHold ControlP cal s:ForceUpdate() aug END en endf "}}} " vim:fen:fdm=marker:fmr={{{,}}}:fdl=0:fdc=1:ts=2:sw=2:sts=2