# ack.vim # This plugin is a front for the Perl module [App::Ack](http://search.cpan.org/~petdance/ack/ack). Ack can be used as a replacement for 99% of the uses of _grep_. This plugin will allow you to run ack from vim, and shows the results in a split window. The *Official Version* of this plugin is available at [vim.org](http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2572). ## Installation ## ### Ack You have to install [ack](http://betterthangrep.com/), of course. Install on Debian / Ubuntu with: sudo apt-get install ack-grep For Debian / Ubuntu you can add this line into your .vimrc: let g:ackprg="ack-grep -H --nocolor --nogroup --column" Install on Gentoo with: sudo emerge ack Install with Homebrew: brew install ack Install with MacPorts: sudo port install p5-app-ack Install with Gentoo Prefix emerge ack Otherwise, you are on your own. ### The Plugin If you have [Rake](http://rake.rubyforge.org/) installed, you can just run: `rake install`. Otherwise, the file ack.vim goes in ~/.vim/plugin, and the ack.txt file belongs in ~/.vim/doc. Be sure to run :helptags ~/.vim/doc afterwards. ## Usage ## :Ack [options] {pattern} [{directory}] Search recursively in {directory} (which defaults to the current directory) for the {pattern}. Files containing the search term will be listed in the split window, along with the line number of the occurrence, once for each occurrence. [Enter] on a line in this window will open the file, and place the cursor on the matching line. Just like where you use :grep, :grepadd, :lgrep, and :lgrepadd, you can use `:Ack`, `:AckAdd`, `:LAck`, and `:LAckAdd` respectively. (See `doc/ack.txt`, or install and `:h Ack` for more information.) **From the [ack docs](http://betterthangrep.com/)** (my favorite feature): --type=TYPE, --type=noTYPE Specify the types of files to include or exclude from a search. TYPE is a filetype, like perl or xml. --type=perl can also be specified as --perl, and --type=noperl can be done as --noperl. If a file is of both type "foo" and "bar", specifying --foo and --nobar will exclude the file, because an exclusion takes precedence over an inclusion. Type specifications can be repeated and are ORed together. See ack --help=types for a list of valid types. ### Keyboard Shortcuts ### In the quickfix window, you can use: o to open (same as enter) go to preview file (open but maintain focus on ack.vim results) t to open in new tab T to open in new tab silently v to open in vertical split gv to open in vertical split silently q to close the quickfix window This Vim plugin is derived (and by derived, I mean copied, essentially) from Antoine Imbert's blog post [Ack and Vim Integration](http://blog.ant0ine.com/typepad/2007/03/ack-and-vim-integration.html) (in particular, the function at the bottom of the post). I added a help file that provides just enough reference to get you going. I also highly recommend you check out the docs for the Perl script 'ack', for obvious reasons: [ack - grep-like text finder](http://betterthangrep.com/).