#!/bin/sh # # Benchmark the syntax/go.vim file. # # The first argument is the Vim version to test (as in run-vim), the rest of the # agument are g:go_highlight_* settings (without that prefix). You can use "ALL" # to set all the options. # set -euC vimgodir=$(cd -P "$(dirname "$0")/.." > /dev/null && pwd) cd "$vimgodir" if [ -z "${1:-}" ]; then echo "unknown version: '${1:-}'" echo "First argument must be 'vim-8.0' or 'nvim'." exit 1 fi if [ -z "${2:-}" ]; then echo "file not set" echo "Second argument must be a Go file to benchmark, as 'filename:linenr'" exit 1 fi vim=$1 file="$(echo "$2" | cut -d : -f 1)" line="$(echo "$2" | cut -d : -f 2)" if [ -z "$line" -o "$line" = "$file" ]; then echo "Second argument must be a Go file to benchmark, as 'filename:linenr'" exit 1 fi shift; shift export RUNBENCH_SETTINGS=$@ export RUNBENCH_OUT="$(mktemp -p "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}" vimgo-bench.XXXXX)" "$vimgodir/scripts/run-vim" $vim \ +"silent e $file" \ +"normal! ${line}G" \ -S ./scripts/runbench.vim echo "Report written to:" echo "$RUNBENCH_OUT"