" Copyright: Copyright (C) 2005 Marius Groleo " Permission is hereby granted to use and distribute this code, " with or without modifications, provided that this copyright " notice is copied with it. Like anything else that's free, " tabbar.vim is provided *AS IS* and comes with no warranty of " any kind, either expressed or implied. In no event will the " copyright holder be liable for any damamges resulting from the " use of this software. " " Derived from Bindu Wavell miniBufExplorer.vim version 6.3.2 " Version: 0.7 " Maintainer: Marius Groleo < groleo@gmail.com > " Description: TabBar buffer explorer Vim Plugin " Name Of File: tabbar.vim " DOCUMENTATION: is at line :1445 " press zR , in normal mode to OPEN all folds " press zM , in normal mode to CLOSE all folds " Already been loaded? ~~ if exists('Tb_loaded') finish else let Tb_loaded= 1 endif "%% " Debug Level ~~ " 0 = no logging " 1-5 = errors ; 1 is the most important " 5-9 = info ; 5 is the most important " 10 = Entry/Exit if !exists('g:Tb_DBG_LVL') let g:Tb_DBG_LVL = 0 endif" %% " Logging method ~~ " 0 = log to a window " 1 = log with vim's echo facility " 2 = log to a file named TabBar.DBG " in the directory where vim was started " THIS IS VERY SLOW " 3 = log into g:Tb_DbgOutput " global variable [This is the default] if !exists('g:Tb_DebugMode') let g:Tb_DebugMode = 0 endif" %% " Mappings and Commands " TabBar Keyboard Mappings ~~ if ! hasmapto('1') || !hasmapto('') "gui bindings containing META key, are different from terminal bindings if has('gui_running') "NORMAL mode bindings for gvim noremap