#=============================================================================== # # Filename: Makefile # Description: # # Usage: make (generate executable ) # make clean (remove objects, executable, prerequisits ) # make tarball (generate compressed archive ) # make zip (generate compressed archive ) # # Version: 1.0 # Created: # Revision: --- # # Author: # Company: # Email: # # Notes: This is a GNU make (gmake) makefile. # C extension : c # C++ extensions : cc cpp C # C and C++ sources can be mixed. # Prerequisites are generated automatically; makedepend is not # needed (see documentation for GNU make Version 3.81, April 2006, # section 4.13). The utility sed is used. #========================================== makefile template version 1.9 ====== # DEBUG can be set to YES to include debugging info, or NO otherwise DEBUG := YES # PROFILE can be set to YES to include profiling info, or NO otherwise PROFILE := NO # ------------ name of the executable ---------------------------------------- EXECUTABLE := main # ------------ list of all source files -------------------------------------- SOURCES := main.c # ------------ compiler ------------------------------------------------------ CC := gcc CXX := g++ # ------------ compiler flags ------------------------------------------------ DEBUG_CFLAGS := -Wall -ansi -pedantic -O0 -g RELEASE_CFLAGS := -Wall -ansi -pedantic -O3 # ------------ linker flags -------------------------------------------------- DEBUG_LDFLAGS := -g RELEASE_LDFLAGS := ifeq (YES, ${DEBUG}) CFLAGS := ${DEBUG_CFLAGS} CXXFLAGS := ${DEBUG_CXXFLAGS} LDFLAGS := ${DEBUG_LDFLAGS} else CFLAGS := ${RELEASE_CFLAGS} CXXFLAGS := ${RELEASE_CXXFLAGS} LDFLAGS := ${RELEASE_LDFLAGS} endif ifeq (YES, ${PROFILE}) CFLAGS := ${CFLAGS} -pg -O3 CXXFLAGS := ${CXXFLAGS} -pg -O3 LDFLAGS := ${LDFLAGS} -pg endif # ------------ additional system include directories ------------------------- GLOBAL_INC_DIR = # ------------ private include directories ----------------------------------- LOCAL_INC_DIR = $(HOME)/include # ------------ system libraries (e.g. -lm ) --------------------------------- SYS_LIBS = -lm # ------------ additional system library directories ------------------------- GLOBAL_LIB_DIR = # ------------ additional system libraries ----------------------------------- GLOBAL_LIBS = # ------------ private library directories ----------------------------------- LOCAL_LIB_DIR = $(HOME)/lib # ------------ private libraries (e.g. libxyz.a ) --------------------------- LOCAL_LIBS = # ------------ archive generation --------------------------------------------- TARBALL_EXCLUDE = *.{o,gz,zip} ZIP_EXCLUDE = *.{o,gz,zip} # ------------ run executable out of this Makefile (yes/no) ----------------- # ------------ cmd line parameters for this executable ----------------------- EXE_START = no EXE_CMDLINE = #=============================================================================== # The following statements usually need not to be changed #=============================================================================== C_SOURCES = $(filter %.c, $(SOURCES)) CPP_SOURCES = $(filter-out %.c, $(SOURCES)) ALL_INC_DIR = $(addprefix -I, $(LOCAL_INC_DIR) $(GLOBAL_INC_DIR)) ALL_LIB_DIR = $(addprefix -L, $(LOCAL_LIB_DIR) $(GLOBAL_LIB_DIR)) GLOBAL_LIBSS = $(addprefix $(GLOBAL_LIB_DIR)/, $(GLOBAL_LIBS)) LOCAL_LIBSS = $(addprefix $(LOCAL_LIB_DIR)/, $(LOCAL_LIBS)) ALL_CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) $(ALL_INC_DIR) ALL_LFLAGS = $(LDFLAGS) $(ALL_LIB_DIR) BASENAMES = $(basename $(SOURCES)) # ------------ generate the names of the object files ------------------------ OBJECTS = $(addsuffix .o,$(BASENAMES)) # ------------ generate the names of the hidden prerequisite files ----------- PREREQUISITES = $(addprefix .,$(addsuffix .d,$(BASENAMES))) # ------------ make the executable (the default goal) ------------------------ $(EXECUTABLE): $(OBJECTS) ifeq ($(strip $(CPP_SOURCES)),) $(CC) $(ALL_LFLAGS) -o $(EXECUTABLE) $(OBJECTS) $(LOCAL_LIBSS) $(GLOBAL_LIBSS) $(SYS_LIBS) else $(CXX) $(ALL_LFLAGS) -o $(EXECUTABLE) $(OBJECTS) $(LOCAL_LIBSS) $(GLOBAL_LIBSS) $(SYS_LIBS) endif ifeq ($(EXE_START),yes) ./$(EXECUTABLE) $(EXE_CMDLINE) endif # ------------ include the automatically generated prerequisites ------------- # ------------ if target is not clean, tarball or zip ------------- ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),clean) ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),tarball) ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),zip) -include $(PREREQUISITES) endif endif endif # ------------ make the objects ---------------------------------------------- %.o: %.c $(CC) -c $(ALL_CFLAGS) $< %.o: %.cc $(CXX) -c $(ALL_CFLAGS) $< %.o: %.cpp $(CXX) -c $(ALL_CFLAGS) $< %.o: %.C $(CXX) -c $(ALL_CFLAGS) $< # ------------ make the prerequisites ---------------------------------------- # .%.d: %.c @$(make-prerequisite-c) .%.d: %.cc @$(make-prerequisite-cplusplus) .%.d: %.cpp @$(make-prerequisite-cplusplus) .%.d: %.C @$(make-prerequisite-cplusplus) # canned command sequences # echoing of the sed command is suppressed by the leading @ define make-prerequisite-c @$(CC) -MM $(ALL_CFLAGS) $< > $@.$$$$; \ sed 's/\($*\)\.o[ :]*/\1.o $@ : /g' < $@.$$$$ > $@; \ rm -f $@.$$$$; endef define make-prerequisite-cplusplus @$(CXX) -MM $(ALL_CFLAGS) $< > $@.$$$$; \ sed 's/\($*\)\.o[ :]*/\1.o $@ : /g' < $@.$$$$ > $@; \ rm -f $@.$$$$; endef # ------------ remove generated files ---------------------------------------- # ------------ remove hidden backup files ------------------------------------ clean: -rm --force $(EXECUTABLE) $(OBJECTS) $(PREREQUISITES) *~ # ------------ tarball generation ---------------------------------------------- tarball: @lokaldir=`pwd`; lokaldir=$${lokaldir##*/}; \ rm --force $$lokaldir.tar.gz; \ tar --exclude=$(TARBALL_EXCLUDE) \ --create \ --gzip \ --verbose \ --file $$lokaldir.tar.gz * # ------------ zip ------------------------------------------------------------- zip: @lokaldir=`pwd`; lokaldir=$${lokaldir##*/}; \ zip -r $$lokaldir.zip * -x $(ZIP_EXCLUDE) .PHONY: clean tarball zip # ============================================================================== # vim: set tabstop=2: set shiftwidth=2: