let s:toggle = 0 " Buffer creates a new cover profile with 'go test -coverprofile' and changes " the current buffers highlighting to show covered and uncovered sections of " the code. If run again it clears the annotation. function! go#coverage#BufferToggle(bang, ...) abort if s:toggle call go#coverage#Clear() return endif if a:0 == 0 return call(function('go#coverage#Buffer'), [a:bang]) endif return call(function('go#coverage#Buffer'), [a:bang] + a:000) endfunction " Buffer creates a new cover profile with 'go test -coverprofile' and changes " the current buffers highlighting to show covered and uncovered sections of " the code. Calling it again reruns the tests and shows the last updated " coverage. function! go#coverage#Buffer(bang, ...) abort " we use matchaddpos() which was introduce with 7.4.330, be sure we have " it: http://ftp.vim.org/vim/patches/7.4/7.4.330 if !exists("*matchaddpos") call go#util#EchoError("GoCoverage is supported with Vim version 7.4-330 or later") return -1 endif " check if there is any test file, if not we just return let cd = exists('*haslocaldir') && haslocaldir() ? 'lcd ' : 'cd ' let dir = getcwd() try execute cd . fnameescape(expand("%:p:h")) if empty(glob("*_test.go")) call go#util#EchoError("no test files available") return endif finally execute cd . fnameescape(dir) endtry let s:toggle = 1 let l:tmpname = tempname() if get(g:, 'go_echo_command_info', 1) echon "vim-go: " | echohl Identifier | echon "testing ..." | echohl None endif if go#util#has_job() call s:coverage_job({ \ 'cmd': ['go', 'test', '-coverprofile', l:tmpname] + a:000, \ 'custom_cb': function('s:coverage_callback', [l:tmpname]), \ 'bang': a:bang, \ 'for': 'GoTest', \ }) return endif let args = [a:bang, 0, "-coverprofile", l:tmpname] if a:0 call extend(args, a:000) endif let disabled_term = 0 if get(g:, 'go_term_enabled') let disabled_term = 1 let g:go_term_enabled = 0 endif let id = call('go#test#Test', args) if disabled_term let g:go_term_enabled = 1 endif if has('nvim') call go#jobcontrol#AddHandler(function('s:coverage_handler')) let s:coverage_handler_jobs[id] = l:tmpname return endif if go#util#ShellError() == 0 call go#coverage#overlay(l:tmpname) endif call delete(l:tmpname) endfunction " Clear clears and resets the buffer annotation matches function! go#coverage#Clear() abort call clearmatches() if exists("s:toggle") | let s:toggle = 0 | endif " remove the autocmd we defined augroup vim-go-coverage autocmd! augroup end endfunction " Browser creates a new cover profile with 'go test -coverprofile' and opens " a new HTML coverage page from that profile in a new browser function! go#coverage#Browser(bang, ...) abort let l:tmpname = tempname() if go#util#has_job() call s:coverage_job({ \ 'cmd': ['go', 'test', '-coverprofile', l:tmpname], \ 'custom_cb': function('s:coverage_browser_callback', [l:tmpname]), \ 'bang': a:bang, \ 'for': 'GoTest', \ }) return endif let args = [a:bang, 0, "-coverprofile", l:tmpname] if a:0 call extend(args, a:000) endif let id = call('go#test#Test', args) if has('nvim') call go#jobcontrol#AddHandler(function('s:coverage_browser_handler')) let s:coverage_browser_handler_jobs[id] = l:tmpname return endif if go#util#ShellError() == 0 let openHTML = 'go tool cover -html='.l:tmpname call go#tool#ExecuteInDir(openHTML) endif call delete(l:tmpname) endfunction " Parses a single line from the cover file generated via go test -coverprofile " and returns a single coverage profile block. function! go#coverage#parsegocoverline(line) abort " file:startline.col,endline.col numstmt count let mx = '\([^:]\+\):\(\d\+\)\.\(\d\+\),\(\d\+\)\.\(\d\+\)\s\(\d\+\)\s\(\d\+\)' let tokens = matchlist(a:line, mx) let ret = {} let ret.file = tokens[1] let ret.startline = str2nr(tokens[2]) let ret.startcol = str2nr(tokens[3]) let ret.endline = str2nr(tokens[4]) let ret.endcol = str2nr(tokens[5]) let ret.numstmt = tokens[6] let ret.cnt = tokens[7] return ret endfunction " Generates matches to be added to matchaddpos for the given coverage profile " block function! go#coverage#genmatch(cov) abort let color = 'goCoverageCovered' if a:cov.cnt == 0 let color = 'goCoverageUncover' endif let matches = [] " if start and end are the same, also specify the byte length " example: foo.go:92.2,92.65 1 0 if a:cov.startline == a:cov.endline call add(matches, { \ 'group': color, \ 'pos': [[a:cov.startline, a:cov.startcol, a:cov.endcol - a:cov.startcol]], \ 'priority': 2, \ }) return matches endif " add start columns. Because we don't know the length of the of " the line, we assume it is at maximum 200 bytes. I know this is hacky, " but that's only way of fixing the issue call add(matches, { \ 'group': color, \ 'pos': [[a:cov.startline, a:cov.startcol, 200]], \ 'priority': 2, \ }) " and then the remaining lines let start_line = a:cov.startline while start_line < a:cov.endline let start_line += 1 call add(matches, { \ 'group': color, \ 'pos': [[start_line]], \ 'priority': 2, \ }) endwhile " finally end columns call add(matches, { \ 'group': color, \ 'pos': [[a:cov.endline, a:cov.endcol-1]], \ 'priority': 2, \ }) return matches endfunction " Reads the given coverprofile file and annotates the current buffer function! go#coverage#overlay(file) abort if !filereadable(a:file) return endif let lines = readfile(a:file) " cover mode, by default it's 'set'. Just here for debugging purposes let mode = lines[0] " contains matches for matchaddpos() let matches = [] " first mark all lines as goCoverageNormalText. We use a custom group to not " interfere with other buffers highlightings. Because the priority is " lower than the cover and uncover matches, it'll be overridden. let cnt = 1 while cnt <= line('$') call add(matches, {'group': 'goCoverageNormalText', 'pos': [cnt], 'priority': 1}) let cnt += 1 endwhile let fname = expand('%') " when called for a _test.go file, run the coverage for the actuall file " file if fname =~# '^\f\+_test\.go$' let l:root = split(fname, '_test.go$')[0] let fname = l:root . ".go" if !filereadable(fname) call go#util#EchoError("couldn't find ".fname) return endif " open the alternate file to show the coverage exe ":edit ". fnamemodify(fname, ":p") endif " cov.file includes only the filename itself, without full path let fname = fnamemodify(fname, ":t") for line in lines[1:] let cov = go#coverage#parsegocoverline(line) " TODO(arslan): for now only include the coverage for the current " buffer if fname != fnamemodify(cov.file, ':t') continue endif call extend(matches, go#coverage#genmatch(cov)) endfor " clear the matches if we leave the buffer augroup vim-go-coverage autocmd! autocmd BufWinLeave call go#coverage#Clear() augroup end for m in matches call matchaddpos(m.group, m.pos) endfor endfunction " --------------------- " | Vim job callbacks | " --------------------- " function s:coverage_job(args) " autowrite is not enabled for jobs call go#cmd#autowrite() let status_dir = expand('%:p:h') function! s:error_info_cb(job, exit_status, data) closure let status = { \ 'desc': 'last status', \ 'type': "coverage", \ 'state': "finished", \ } if a:exit_status let status.state = "failed" endif call go#statusline#Update(status_dir, status) endfunction let a:args.error_info_cb = funcref('s:error_info_cb') let callbacks = go#job#Spawn(a:args) let start_options = { \ 'callback': callbacks.callback, \ 'exit_cb': callbacks.exit_cb, \ } " pre start let dir = getcwd() let cd = exists('*haslocaldir') && haslocaldir() ? 'lcd ' : 'cd ' let jobdir = fnameescape(expand("%:p:h")) execute cd . jobdir call go#statusline#Update(status_dir, { \ 'desc': "current status", \ 'type': "coverage", \ 'state': "started", \}) call job_start(a:args.cmd, start_options) " post start execute cd . fnameescape(dir) endfunction " coverage_callback is called when the coverage execution is finished function! s:coverage_callback(coverfile, job, exit_status, data) if a:exit_status == 0 call go#coverage#overlay(a:coverfile) endif call delete(a:coverfile) endfunction function! s:coverage_browser_callback(coverfile, job, exit_status, data) if a:exit_status == 0 let openHTML = 'go tool cover -html='.a:coverfile call go#tool#ExecuteInDir(openHTML) endif call delete(a:coverfile) endfunction " ----------------------- " | Neovim job handlers | " ----------------------- let s:coverage_handler_jobs = {} let s:coverage_browser_handler_jobs = {} function! s:coverage_handler(job, exit_status, data) abort if !has_key(s:coverage_handler_jobs, a:job.id) return endif let l:tmpname = s:coverage_handler_jobs[a:job.id] if a:exit_status == 0 call go#coverage#overlay(l:tmpname) endif call delete(l:tmpname) unlet s:coverage_handler_jobs[a:job.id] endfunction function! s:coverage_browser_handler(job, exit_status, data) abort if !has_key(s:coverage_browser_handler_jobs, a:job.id) return endif let l:tmpname = s:coverage_browser_handler_jobs[a:job.id] if a:exit_status == 0 let openHTML = 'go tool cover -html='.l:tmpname call go#tool#ExecuteInDir(openHTML) endif call delete(l:tmpname) unlet s:coverage_browser_handler_jobs[a:job.id] endfunction " vim: sw=2 ts=2 et