if exists("g:loaded_syntastic_loclist") || !exists("g:loaded_syntastic_plugin") finish endif let g:loaded_syntastic_loclist = 1 let g:SyntasticLoclist = {} " Public methods {{{1 function! g:SyntasticLoclist.New(rawLoclist) " {{{2 let newObj = copy(self) let llist = filter(copy(a:rawLoclist), 'v:val["valid"] == 1') for e in llist if get(e, 'type', '') == '' let e['type'] = 'E' endif endfor let newObj._rawLoclist = llist let newObj._name = '' return newObj endfunction " }}}2 function! g:SyntasticLoclist.current() " {{{2 if !exists("b:syntastic_loclist") let b:syntastic_loclist = g:SyntasticLoclist.New([]) endif return b:syntastic_loclist endfunction " }}}2 function! g:SyntasticLoclist.extend(other) " {{{2 let list = self.copyRaw() call extend(list, a:other.copyRaw()) return g:SyntasticLoclist.New(list) endfunction " }}}2 function! g:SyntasticLoclist.isEmpty() " {{{2 return empty(self._rawLoclist) endfunction " }}}2 function! g:SyntasticLoclist.copyRaw() " {{{2 return copy(self._rawLoclist) endfunction " }}}2 function! g:SyntasticLoclist.getRaw() " {{{2 return self._rawLoclist endfunction " }}}2 function! g:SyntasticLoclist.getStatuslineFlag() " {{{2 if !exists("self._stl_format") let self._stl_format = '' endif if !exists("self._stl_flag") let self._stl_flag = '' endif if g:syntastic_stl_format !=# self._stl_format let self._stl_format = g:syntastic_stl_format if !empty(self._rawLoclist) let errors = self.errors() let warnings = self.warnings() let num_errors = len(errors) let num_warnings = len(warnings) let num_issues = len(self._rawLoclist) let output = self._stl_format "hide stuff wrapped in %E(...) unless there are errors let output = substitute(output, '\m\C%E{\([^}]*\)}', num_errors ? '\1' : '' , 'g') "hide stuff wrapped in %W(...) unless there are warnings let output = substitute(output, '\m\C%W{\([^}]*\)}', num_warnings ? '\1' : '' , 'g') "hide stuff wrapped in %B(...) unless there are both errors and warnings let output = substitute(output, '\m\C%B{\([^}]*\)}', (num_warnings && num_errors) ? '\1' : '' , 'g') "sub in the total errors/warnings/both let output = substitute(output, '\m\C%w', num_warnings, 'g') let output = substitute(output, '\m\C%e', num_errors, 'g') let output = substitute(output, '\m\C%t', num_issues, 'g') "first error/warning line num let output = substitute(output, '\m\C%F', num_issues ? self._rawLoclist[0]['lnum'] : '', 'g') "first error line num let output = substitute(output, '\m\C%fe', num_errors ? errors[0]['lnum'] : '', 'g') "first warning line num let output = substitute(output, '\m\C%fw', num_warnings ? warnings[0]['lnum'] : '', 'g') let self._stl_flag = output else let self._stl_flag = '' endif endif return self._stl_flag endfunction " }}}2 function! g:SyntasticLoclist.getFirstIssue() " {{{2 return get(self._rawLoclist, 0, {}) endfunction " }}}2 function! g:SyntasticLoclist.getName() " {{{2 return len(self._name) endfunction " }}}2 function! g:SyntasticLoclist.setName(name) " {{{2 let self._name = a:name endfunction " }}}2 function! g:SyntasticLoclist.decorate(tag) " {{{2 for e in self._rawLoclist let e['text'] .= ' [' . a:tag . ']' endfor endfunction " }}}2 function! g:SyntasticLoclist.errors() " {{{2 if !exists("self._cachedErrors") let self._cachedErrors = self.filter({'type': "E"}) endif return self._cachedErrors endfunction " }}}2 function! g:SyntasticLoclist.warnings() " {{{2 if !exists("self._cachedWarnings") let self._cachedWarnings = self.filter({'type': "W"}) endif return self._cachedWarnings endfunction " }}}2 " Legacy function. Syntastic no longer calls it, but we keep it " around because other plugins (f.i. powerline) depend on it. function! g:SyntasticLoclist.hasErrorsOrWarningsToDisplay() " {{{2 return !self.isEmpty() endfunction " }}}2 " cache used by EchoCurrentError() function! g:SyntasticLoclist.messages(buf) " {{{2 if !exists("self._cachedMessages") let self._cachedMessages = {} let errors = self.errors() + self.warnings() for e in errors let b = e['bufnr'] let l = e['lnum'] if !has_key(self._cachedMessages, b) let self._cachedMessages[b] = {} endif if !has_key(self._cachedMessages[b], l) let self._cachedMessages[b][l] = e['text'] endif endfor endif return get(self._cachedMessages, a:buf, {}) endfunction " }}}2 "Filter the list and return new native loclist "e.g. " .filter({'bufnr': 10, 'type': 'e'}) " "would return all errors for buffer 10. " "Note that all comparisons are done with ==? function! g:SyntasticLoclist.filter(filters) " {{{2 let conditions = values(map(copy(a:filters), 's:translate(v:key, v:val)')) let filter = len(conditions) == 1 ? \ conditions[0] : join(map(conditions, '"(" . v:val . ")"'), ' && ') return filter(copy(self._rawLoclist), filter) endfunction " }}}2 function! g:SyntasticLoclist.setloclist() " {{{2 if !exists('w:syntastic_loclist_set') let w:syntastic_loclist_set = 0 endif let replace = g:syntastic_reuse_loc_lists && w:syntastic_loclist_set call syntastic#log#debug(g:SyntasticDebugNotifications, 'loclist: setloclist ' . (replace ? '(replace)' : '(new)')) call setloclist(0, self.getRaw(), replace ? 'r' : ' ') let w:syntastic_loclist_set = 1 endfunction " }}}2 "display the cached errors for this buf in the location list function! g:SyntasticLoclist.show() " {{{2 call syntastic#log#debug(g:SyntasticDebugNotifications, 'loclist: show') call self.setloclist() if !self.isEmpty() let num = winnr() execute "lopen " . syntastic#util#var('loc_list_height') if num != winnr() wincmd p endif " try to find the loclist window and set w:quickfix_title let errors = getloclist(0) for buf in tabpagebuflist() if buflisted(buf) && bufloaded(buf) && getbufvar(buf, '&buftype') ==# 'quickfix' let win = bufwinnr(buf) let title = getwinvar(win, 'quickfix_title') " TODO: try to make sure we actually own this window; sadly, " errors == getloclist(0) is the only somewhat safe way to " achieve that if strpart(title, 0, 16) ==# ':SyntasticCheck ' || \ ( (title == '' || title ==# ':setloclist()') && errors == getloclist(0) ) call setwinvar(win, 'quickfix_title', ':SyntasticCheck ' . self._name) endif endif endfor endif endfunction " }}}2 " }}}1 " Non-method functions {{{1 function! g:SyntasticLoclistHide() " {{{2 call syntastic#log#debug(g:SyntasticDebugNotifications, 'loclist: hide') silent! lclose endfunction " }}}2 " }}}1 " Private functions {{{1 function! s:translate(key, val) " {{{2 return 'get(v:val, ' . string(a:key) . ', "") ==? ' . string(a:val) endfunction " }}}2 " }}}1 " vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et fdm=marker: