" fakeclip - pseude clipboard register for non-GUI version of Vim " Version: 0.2.10 " Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Kana Natsuno <http://whileimautomaton.net/> " License: So-called MIT/X license {{{ " Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining " a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the " "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including " without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, " distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to " permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to " the following conditions: " " The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included " in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. " " THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS " OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF " MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. " IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY " CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, " TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE " SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. " }}} " Platform detection "{{{1 if has('macunix') || system('uname') =~? '^darwin' let s:PLATFORM = 'mac' elseif has('win32unix') let s:PLATFORM = 'cygwin' elseif $DISPLAY != '' && executable('xclip') let s:PLATFORM = 'x' else let s:PLATFORM = 'unknown' endif if executable('tmux') && $TMUX != '' let g:fakeclip_terminal_multiplexer_type = 'tmux' elseif executable('screen') && $STY != '' let g:fakeclip_terminal_multiplexer_type = 'gnuscreen' elseif executable('tmux') && executable('screen') if exists('g:fakeclip_terminal_multiplexer_type') " Use user-defined value as is. else let g:fakeclip_terminal_multiplexer_type = 'tmux' endif elseif executable('tmux') && !executable('screen') let g:fakeclip_terminal_multiplexer_type = 'tmux' elseif !executable('tmux') && executable('screen') let g:fakeclip_terminal_multiplexer_type = 'gnuscreen' else let g:fakeclip_terminal_multiplexer_type = 'unknown' endif " Interface "{{{1 function! fakeclip#clipboard_delete(motion_type) "{{{2 return fakeclip#delete('clipboard', a:motion_type) endfunction function! fakeclip#clipboard_yank(motion_type) "{{{2 return fakeclip#yank('clipboard', a:motion_type) endfunction function! fakeclip#content(system_type) "{{{2 return s:read_{a:system_type}() endfunction function! fakeclip#delete(system_type, motion_type) "{{{2 call s:select_last_motion(a:motion_type) execute 'normal!' (a:motion_type == 'V' ? 'D' : 'd') call s:write_{a:system_type}(@@) endfunction function! fakeclip#pastebuffer_delete(motion_type) "{{{2 return fakeclip#delete('pastebuffer', a:motion_type) endfunction function! fakeclip#pastebuffer_yank(motion_type) "{{{2 return fakeclip#yank('pastebuffer', a:motion_type) endfunction function! fakeclip#put(system_type, motion_type, put_type) "{{{2 let r_ = s:save_register('"') let @@ = fakeclip#content(a:system_type) if a:motion_type == '' execute 'normal!' s:count().a:put_type call s:restore_register('"', r_) else call s:select_last_motion(a:motion_type) execute 'normal!' s:count().a:put_type endif endfunction function! fakeclip#yank(system_type, motion_type) "{{{2 let r0 = s:save_register('0') call s:select_last_motion(a:motion_type) normal! y call s:write_{a:system_type}(@@) call s:restore_register('0', r0) endfunction function! fakeclip#yank_Y(system_type) "{{{2 let diff = s:count() - 1 normal! V if 0 < diff execute 'normal!' diff.'j' endif execute 'normal' (a:system_type ==# 'clipboard' \ ? "\<Plug>(fakeclip-Y)" \ : "\<Plug>(fakeclip-screen-Y)") endfunction " Core "{{{1 function! s:read_clipboard() "{{{2 return s:read_clipboard_{s:PLATFORM}() endfunction function! s:read_clipboard_mac() return system('pbpaste') endfunction function! s:read_clipboard_cygwin() let content = '' for line in readfile('/dev/clipboard', 'b') let content = content . "\x0A" . substitute(line, "\x0D", '', 'g') endfor return content[1:] endfunction function! s:read_clipboard_x() return system('xclip -o') endfunction function! s:read_clipboard_unknown() echoerr 'Getting the clipboard content is not supported on this platform:' \ s:PLATFORM return '' endfunction function! s:read_pastebuffer() "{{{2 return s:read_pastebuffer_{g:fakeclip_terminal_multiplexer_type}() endfunction function! s:read_pastebuffer_gnuscreen() let _ = tempname() call system('screen -X writebuf ' . shellescape(_)) " FIXME: Here we have to wait "writebuf" for writing, because the " following readfile() may read the temporary file which is not " flushed yet -- but, how to wait? " call system(printf('while ! test -f %s; do true; done', " \ shellescape(_))) " " NB: "writebuf" creates an empty file if the paste buffer is emptied by " "readbuf /dev/null", but it doesn't create any file is the paste " buffer is emptied by "register . ''". So here we have to check the " existence of the temporary file. if exists('g:fakeclip_delay_to_read_pastebuffer_gnuscreen') execute 'sleep' g:fakeclip_delay_to_read_pastebuffer_gnuscreen endif let content = filereadable(_) ? join(readfile(_, 'b'), "\n") : '' call delete(_) return content endfunction function! s:read_pastebuffer_tmux() return system('tmux show-buffer') endfunction function! s:read_pastebuffer_unknown() echoerr 'Paste buffer is not available' return '' endfunction function! s:write_clipboard(text) "{{{2 call s:write_clipboard_{s:PLATFORM}(a:text) return endfunction function! s:write_clipboard_mac(text) call system('pbcopy', a:text) return endfunction function! s:write_clipboard_cygwin(text) call writefile(split(a:text, "\x0A", 1), '/dev/clipboard', 'b') return endfunction function! s:write_clipboard_x(text) call system('xclip', a:text) return endfunction function! s:write_clipboard_unknown(text) echoerr 'Yanking into the clipboard is not supported on this platform:' \ s:PLATFORM return endfunction function! s:write_pastebuffer(text) "{{{2 let lines = split(a:text, '\n', !0) return s:write_pastebuffer_{g:fakeclip_terminal_multiplexer_type}(lines) endfunction function! s:write_pastebuffer_gnuscreen(lines) let _ = tempname() call writefile(a:lines, _, 'b') call system('screen -X readbuf ' . shellescape(_)) call delete(_) return endfunction function! s:write_pastebuffer_tmux(lines) let _ = tempname() call writefile(a:lines, _, 'b') call system('tmux load-buffer ' . shellescape(_)) call delete(_) return endfunction function! s:write_pastebuffer_unknown(lines) echoerr 'Paste buffer is not available' return endfunction " Misc. "{{{1 function! fakeclip#_local_variables() "{{{2 return s: endfunction function! fakeclip#_sid_prefix() "{{{2 nnoremap <SID> <SID> return maparg('<SID>', 'n') endfunction function! s:count() "{{{2 return (v:count == v:count1) ? v:count : '' endfunction function! s:restore_register(regname, reginfo) "{{{2 call setreg(a:regname, a:reginfo[0], a:reginfo[1]) return endfunction function! s:save_register(regname) "{{{2 return [getreg(a:regname), getregtype(a:regname)] endfunction function! s:select_last_motion(motion_type) "{{{2 let orig_selection = &selection let &selection = 'inclusive' if a:motion_type == 'char' normal! `[v`] elseif a:motion_type == 'line' normal! '[V'] elseif a:motion_type == 'block' execute "normal! `[\<C-v>`]" else " invoked from visual mode normal! gv endif let &selection = orig_selection endfunction " __END__ "{{{1 " vim: foldmethod=marker