"============================================================================= " File: custommacros.vim " Author: Mikolaj Machowski " CVS: $Id: custommacros.vim,v 2003/11/07 06:37:12 srinathava Exp $ " " Description: functions for processing custom macros in the " latex-suite/macros directory "============================================================================= let s:path = expand('<sfile>:p:h') " Tex_SetCustomMacrosMenu: sets up the menu for Macros {{{ function! Tex_SetCustomMacrosMenu() let flist = glob(s:path."/macros/*") exe 'amenu '.g:Tex_MacrosMenuLocation.'&New :call Tex_NewMacro()<CR>' exe 'amenu '.g:Tex_MacrosMenuLocation.'&Redraw :call Tex_RedrawMacro()<CR>' let i = 1 while 1 let fname = Tex_Strntok(flist, "\n", i) if fname == '' break endif let fnameshort = fnamemodify(fname, ':p:t:r') exe "amenu ".g:Tex_MacrosMenuLocation."&Delete.&".i.":<tab>".fnameshort." :call Tex_DeleteMacro('".fnameshort."')<CR>" exe "amenu ".g:Tex_MacrosMenuLocation."&Edit.&".i.":<tab>".fnameshort." :call Tex_EditMacro('".fnameshort."')<CR>" exe "imenu ".g:Tex_MacrosMenuLocation."&".i.":<tab>".fnameshort." <C-r>=Tex_ReadMacro('".fnameshort."')<CR>" exe "nmenu ".g:Tex_MacrosMenuLocation."&".i.":<tab>".fnameshort." i<C-r>=Tex_ReadMacro('".fnameshort."')<CR>" let i = i + 1 endwhile endfunction if g:Tex_Menus call Tex_SetCustomMacrosMenu() endif " }}} " Tex_NewMacro: opens new file in macros directory {{{ function! Tex_NewMacro() exe "cd ".s:path."/macros" new set filetype=tex endfunction " }}} " Tex_RedrawMacro: refreshes macro menu {{{ function! Tex_RedrawMacro() aunmenu TeX-Suite.Macros call Tex_SetCustomMacrosMenu() endfunction " }}} " Tex_ChooseMacro: choose a macro file {{{ " Description: function! Tex_ChooseMacro(ask) let pwd = getcwd() exe 'cd '.s:path.'/macros' let filename = Tex_ChooseFromPrompt( \ a:ask."\n" . \ Tex_CreatePrompt(glob('*'), 2, "\n") . \ "\nEnter number or filename :", \ glob('*'), "\n") exe 'cd '.pwd return filename endfunction " }}} " Tex_DeleteMacro: deletes macro file {{{ function! Tex_DeleteMacro(...) if a:0 > 0 let filename = a:1 else let pwd = getcwd() exe 'cd '.s:path.'/macros' let filename = Tex_ChooseMacro('Choose a macro file for deletion :') exe 'cd '.pwd endif let ch = confirm('Really delete '.filename.' ?', \"Yes\nNo", 2) if ch == 1 call delete(s:path.'/macros/'.filename) endif call Tex_RedrawMacro() endfunction " }}} " Tex_EditMacro: edits macro file {{{ function! Tex_EditMacro(...) if a:0 > 0 let filename = a:1 else let pwd = getcwd() exe 'cd '.s:path.'/macros' let filename = Tex_ChooseMacro('Choose a macro file for insertion:') exe 'cd '.pwd endif exe "split ".s:path."/macros/".filename exe "lcd ".s:path."/macros/" set filetype=tex endfunction " }}} " Tex_ReadMacro: reads in a macro from a macro file. {{{ " allowing for placement via placeholders. function! Tex_ReadMacro(...) if a:0 > 0 let filename = a:1 else let pwd = getcwd() exe 'cd '.s:path.'/macros' let filename = Tex_ChooseMacro('Choose a macro file for insertion:') exe 'cd '.pwd if filename == '' return '' endif endif let fname = s:path.'/macros/'.filename let markerString = '<---- Latex Suite End Macro ---->' let _a = @a let position = line('.').' | normal! '.virtcol('.').'|' silent! call append(line('.'), markerString) silent! exec "read ".fname silent! exec "normal! V/^".markerString."$/-1\<CR>\"ax" " This is kind of tricky: At this stage, we are one line after the one we " started from with the marker text on it. We need to " 1. remove the marker and the line. " 2. get focus to the previous line. " 3. not remove anything from the previous line. silent! exec "normal! $v0k$\"_x" call Tex_CleanSearchHistory() let @a = substitute(@a, '['."\n\r\t ".']*$', '', '') let textWithMovement = IMAP_PutTextWithMovement(@a) let @a = _a return textWithMovement endfunction " }}} " commands for macros {{{ com! -nargs=? TMacro :let s:retVal = Tex_ReadMacro(<f-args>) <bar> exec "normal! i\<C-r>=s:retVal<CR>\<right>" <bar> startinsert com! -nargs=0 TMacroNew :call Tex_NewMacro() com! -nargs=? TMacroEdit :call Tex_EditMacro(<f-args>) com! -nargs=? TMacroDelete :call Tex_DeleteMacro(<f-args>) " }}} " vim:fdm=marker:ff=unix:noet:ts=4:sw=4