" Language: CoffeeScript " Maintainer: Mick Koch <kchmck@gmail.com> " URL: http://github.com/kchmck/vim-coffee-script " License: WTFPL " Set up some common global/buffer variables. function! coffee#CoffeeSetUpVariables() " Path to coffee executable if !exists('g:coffee_compiler') let g:coffee_compiler = 'coffee' endif " Options passed to coffee with make if !exists('g:coffee_make_options') let g:coffee_make_options = '' endif " Path to cake executable if !exists('g:coffee_cake') let g:coffee_cake = 'cake' endif " Extra options passed to cake if !exists('g:coffee_cake_options') let g:coffee_cake_options = '' endif " Path to coffeelint executable if !exists('g:coffee_linter') let g:coffee_linter = 'coffeelint' endif " Options passed to CoffeeLint if !exists('g:coffee_lint_options') let g:coffee_lint_options = '' endif " Pass the litcoffee flag to tools in this buffer if a litcoffee file is open. " Let the variable be overwritten so it can be updated if a different filetype " is set. if &filetype == 'litcoffee' let b:coffee_litcoffee = '--literate' else let b:coffee_litcoffee = '' endif endfunction function! coffee#CoffeeSetUpErrorFormat() CompilerSet errorformat=Error:\ In\ %f\\,\ %m\ on\ line\ %l, \Error:\ In\ %f\\,\ Parse\ error\ on\ line\ %l:\ %m, \SyntaxError:\ In\ %f\\,\ %m, \%f:%l:%c:\ error:\ %m, \%-G%.%# endfunction