*txtbrowser* Plugin for browsing plain text For Vim version 6.0 and above "Author: ypguo "Date: 2011/08/07 "Release version: 1.3.5 1 Overview |txt-introduction| 2 Installation |txt-install| 2.1 Install 2.2 Uninstall 3 features and howto use |txt-howto| 3.1 syntax hightlight |txt-highlight| 3.2 Browser the title |txt-browser-title| 3.3 Browser the tables and figures |txt-browser-table| 3.4 Browser the URL in the files |txt-browser-url| 3.5 Lookup the dictionary |txt-browser-dict| 3.6 Search Word in the internet |txt-browser-search| 3.7 Features in develop |txt-todo| 3.7 fancy functions |txt-extra_function| 3.8 Other features |txt-browser-others| 4 Options |txt-options| 4.1 customize title level |txt-title-level| 4.2 customize web dictionary |txt-dict| 4.3 customize the search engine |txt-search-engine| 4.4 Other options |txt-custoize-more| 5 Element Definition |txt-element| 5.1 Text title |txt-title| 5.2 Text figure |txt-figure| 5.3 Text table |txt-table| 5.4 Text keywords |txt-keywords| 5.5 Text url |txt-url| 5.6 Text email |txt-email| 5.7 Text quotes |txt-quotes| 5.8 Text parentheses |txt-parentheses| 5.9 Text bracket |txt-bracket| 5.10 Text reference |txt-reference| 6 Fequently Answered questions |txt-faqs| 6.1 Windows Chinese(and others) couldn't or list irrecognizable taglist 6.2 Taglist not updated after the file changed. 6.3 taglist show every title 2 times. 6.4 taglist show title in wrong order: 7 Bug report~ |txt-bug| 8 License |txt-license| 9 Changelog |txt-changlog| ============================================================================== 1. Overview~ *txt-introduction* The "TxtBrowser" plugin is a plain text browser plugin for Vim and provides the following features to allow you to efficiently browse through plain text files(for example RFCs). 1) Title tag list: Show an overview of the structure of plain text and list all the titles in the taglist windows, you can jump to them just by clicking. Use ":Tlist" command to open the taglist and use ":TlistUpdate" to update the taglist after modification. 2) Syntax highlight: highlight the key element in your plain text. This include the title, URLs, keywords you defined(default is TODO, ERROR, etc), Words in bracket, etc. Syntax hightlight would be auto loaded after install. Snapshot of feature 1 and 2 are available at: http://guoyoooping.blog.163.com/album/edit/#m=1&aid=193892890 3) Browser Utilities(|txt-howto|): s: Search word under cursor(or selected) by search engine(google) f: Find word under cursor(or selected) by web dictionary(www.dict.cn). g: Goto the URL under cursor(or selected). Compared to othere scripts which have similar function, TxtBrowser needn't modify your document, You could open other people's document(For example the RFC documents) and apply this plugin to it and you would get the title tag and syntax highlight. It is expected that TxtBrowser works where vim and ctags works. ============================================================================== 2. Installation~ *txt-install* 2.1 Install 1) Please make sure taglist(vimscript #273: taglist.vim) has been installed. [Note]: Taglist has problem in supporting Chinese(CJK: Chinese, Japanese, Korean), So I give a patch to taglist.vim. It is strongly recommended to apply that patch or use the taglist.vim I provided. I will not provide the patch after taglist fix these bugs. 2) Download the txtbrowser.zip file and unzip the files to the $HOME/.vim or the $HOME/vimfiles or the $VIM/vimfiles directory. After this step, you should have the following five files (the directory structure should be preserved): * $HOME/.vim/syntax/txt.vim - syntax for text/plain. * $HOME/.vim/ftplugin/txt.vim - language definition for text/plain. * $HOME/.vim/plugin/txtbrowser.vim - browser tools. * $HOME/.vim/doc/txtbrowser.txt - help document in English. * $HOME/.vim/doc/txtbrowser.cnx - help document in Chinese. Don't forget to open the file and Use ":helptags ." to install help tag. 3) Add the following line into your .vimrc file and restart your vim. syntax on "syntax highlighting on filetype plugin on au BufRead,BufNewFile *.txt setlocal ft=txt [Note]Since the plugin name changed after release 1.1.1, If you update version before 1.1.1, please uninstall the old version at first. [Note]Since the infrastructure changed for easy instal, If you update version before 1.2.1, please delete the old .ctags file at first. [Note]"TxtBorwser" collaborate well with other plugins, take vimscript #2208: txtfmt as example, You could simply added the following 2 autocommands to your .vimrc after the line `setlocal ft=txt' as described above: au BufRead,BufNewFile *.txt runtime ftplugin/txtfmt.vim au BufRead,BufNewFile *.txt runtime syntax/txtfmt.vim 2.2 Uninstall To uninstall the taglist plugin, remove the files listed above directly. ============================================================================== 3. features and howto use *txt-howto* After the install and preview, you must have a perceptual concept about the "TxtBrowser" plugin. I will intruduce the detail about how to use these features in this chapter. 3.1 syntax hightlight *txt-highlight* The feature of syntax hightlight make you document highlight the key part, which include the title, keywords, list, etc. This features is loaded automatically whenever you open your .txt document. It is recommented that try other colorscheme to find the best display of your document. Some documents that don't have the extension "txt" are indeed plain text documents. You could view these document with syntax highlight. How to do it? After open these documents, use the command ":set ft=txt" to explicitly tell the Vim to highlight. For example, I often view the .log files, I could view the highlight after the above setting. But it seems that it is a common file type I need to view, so I add the following line to my .vimrc file to automatically add the syntax hightlight: au BufRead,BufNewFile *.log setlocal ft=txt 3.2 Browser the title *txt-browser-title* If your are a programmer, you must have used the "taglist" plugin to browser your code. Think about use the same method to browser plain text files. The "TxtBrowser" plugin make it possible to browser plain text files as browser C programme. Use ":Tlist" command to open the taglist window, Your title will be listed in the window. Just by clicking the tag, you would jump where the title is. This is the same as jumping to where the figures and tables are defined. Suppose you want to add the table of content to you file after you finish edit. It's easy with the "TxtBrowser" plugin. Just copying the table of content from the taglist window and paste it to where you want to put. How vim know whick is title and which is the table? Let's read the RFC documnet and find something. In general, RFC documents have a cover, and the table of content, and then the main body. We don't care abuot these. What we care is how the titles are defined. Aha, We found the titles start with a digit, and a symbol "." and then the name. That comply to people's habit. So we define titles as above. Please see Chapter4 "Element Definition" for details of how these are defined. In the meantime, it's highly recommended to use the formal title format. 3.3 Browser the tables and figures *txt-browser-table* Some documents have a plenty of tables and figures. It might difficult to locate them. But with "TxtBrowser" plugin you could rapidly locate them just by clicking the tag. The method of use is the same as Chapter 3.2 "Browser the title". 3.4 Browser the URL in the files *txt-browser-url* Sometimes we want browser the url in the files. Do you need to open a web browser and type the address? It's not required. After release 1.1.1, just putting the cursor to the url and use command ":TGoto" to open the url. Alternatively you could use map "g" to open the url. Here is is the key of your "mapleader" value. If you didn't define that value, it is "\" key in the keyboard. That means, you type the "\" and "g" would open your url. In fact, The URL include not only the http link, but also the file:// and mailto:// ect. For example the following URLs are supported: http://guoyoooping.blog.163.com www.vim.org mailto:guoyoooping@sohu.com guoyoooping@sohu.com file:///media/data/audio/casablanca.mp3 C:\Documents and Settings\ypguo\Desktop\tmp\sample.JPG ../audio/Childhood.Memory.ape Put your cursor on it(or select it) and use g to play it by your favorite player. It's the same as about other file type such as .jpg, .pdf, etc. 3.5 Lookup the dictionary *txt-browser-dict* Sometimes you might need to lookup the dictionary. "TxtBrowser" provide a means to lookup the words in dictionary web page. How to use? Just put your cursor to the word or select the word you want to lookup, and then use command ":TFind". Alternatively you could use map "f". I set the google English/Chinese dictionary to the defaut dictionayr web page. It's easy to set your own prefered dictionary(|txt-dict|). 3.6 Search Word in the internet *txt-browser-search* Sometimes you might search a hot word in your document by some search engine, such as Google. "TxtBrowser" provide a new feature to open the search result just by a command ":TSearch" or the following map: s The defaut search engine is www.google.com, You can custimize you prefered search engine(|txt-browser-search|). 3.7 fancy functions *txt-extra_function* I add some fancy functions as blow, which is not of much use, but is interesting and harmless, you are welcome to have a try. put the cursor to the word or select the text and then right click, select "TxtBrowser" and then: In Normal/Insert mode: Make bold: choose bold font for the word under cursor Make italic: choose italic font for the word under cursor Make red: make the words under cursor red Make green: make the words under cursor green Make Blue: make the words under cursor blue In Select mode: Make bold: choose bold font for the word selected Make italic: choose italic font for the word selected Make red: make the words selected red Make green: make the words selected green Make Blue: make the words selected blue 3.8 Other features *txt-browser-others* New features(for example offline words lookup, selected word lookup, etc) are to be released in the following release. Please Pay attention to it: * Hightlight the text under the cursor or selected(multi line). * Search the text selected(multi line). * The title tag support fold. * Support Chinese number to difine a title. * some rich text format support. http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2899 You are welcome to report bugs and raise your suggestion and supply means to implement those features. Thank you very much. ============================================================================== 4. Options *txt-options* You could customize what you prefer to. 4.1 customize title level *txt-title-level* In common cases, it is enough for title to have 3 levels. But occasionally if the document is too long and has too much titles, it may be a little difficult to locate what you want to go. In other cases, you might want verbose title to locate. You could add the following line to your .vimrc to customize the title level(defaut is 3 levels). let TxtBrowser_Title_Level = 2 4.2 customize web dictionary *txt-dict* I set the google English/Chinese dictionary to the defaut dictionayr web page. It's easy to set your own prefered dictionary. Open your prefered dictionary web page and lookup the word "text" and got the url link. Copy this link(don't change any chars) to the following variable in your .vimrc, For example, the url we got when looking up the word "text" is "http://dict.cn/text", I set my prefered dictionay page as below in my .vimrc file: let TxtBrowser_Dict_Url='http://dict.cn/text' 4.3 customize the search engine *txt-search-engine* The defaut search engine is www.google.com(It's google Chinese, Different country and diffrent district may differ from each other), You can custimize you prefered search engine. It's the same as set your prefered web word dictionayr. Open your prefered Search engine(for example www.baidu.com), and search a word "text", for exampe we get the link: "http://www.baidu.com/s?wd=text&oq=text&f=3&rsp=2",I set my prefered search engine as below in my .vimrc file: let Txtbrowser_Search_Engine='http://www.baidu.com/s?wd=text&oq=text&f=3&rsp=2' 4.4 Other options *txt-custoize-more* There are many options to add, such the format of the title, keywords, etc. I'm busy now, but I will add then little by little. Please contact me if you have any suggestion. ============================================================================== 5. Element Definition *txt-element* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5.1 Text title *txt-title* We recognize the title according to the serial numbers. For example: 1,1.1, 1.1.1, Please note that the numbers should at the begin of the line and there should be some space between the numbers and the chapter name. The number of the symbol "." decide the level of the title. For example: --regex-txt=/^([0-9]+\.?[ \t]+)([^,]+$)/\1\2/c,content/ --regex-txt=/^(([0-9]+\.){1}([0-9]+\.?)[ \t]+)([^,]+$)/. \1\4/c,content/ --regex-txt=/^(([0-9]+\.){2}([0-9]+\.?)[ \t]+)([^,]+$)/. \1\4/c,content/ 1000001. This is a test of title level 1 ~no sp, ~~~~~sp here This is an example of title level 1. Please note that there is no space at the begin of the line and spaces betwenn the numbers and title name. 1000001.1 This is a test of title level 2 content of title level 2. 1000001.1.1 This is a test of title level 3 content of title level 3. Tags windows only support three levels title, but hightlight has no limit of this. This is the definition of text title in tag windows: --regex-txt=/^([0-9]+\.?[ \t]+)([^,]+$)/\1\2/c,content/ --regex-txt=/^(([0-9]+\.){1}([0-9]+\.?)[ \t]+)([^,]+$)/. \1\4/c,content/ --regex-txt=/^(([0-9]+\.){2}([0-9]+\.?)[ \t]+)([^,]+$)/. \1\4/c,content/ And this is the definition for highlight. Please here we use the vim special regular expression(use ":help regex" for more detail). syn match txtTitle "^\(\d\+\.\)\+\s*[^,。,]\+$" syn match txtTitle "^\([一二三四五六七八九十][、.]\)\+\s*[^,。,]\+$" syn match txtTitle "^\d\s\+.\+\s*[^,。,]$" The element are used as both file structure and syntax highlight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5.2 Text figure *txt-figure* Lines start with any number of space and then the keyword "figure" and then num is figure, for example, You should find the figure tag in the vim taglist window. The type of the figure is defined as the following, You could modify them to fit your own need in the file .ctags. --regex-txt=/^[ \t]+(figure[ \t]+[0-9a-zA-Z]+([.: ]([ \t]*.+)?)?$)/\1/f,figures/i --regex-txt=/^[ \t]*(图[ \t]*[0-9a-zA-Z]+[.: ][ \t]*.+$)/\1/f,figures/i For examples, The following lines start with "Figure 1: Example Message Flow" is defined as Text figure and will be list in your vim taglist window: | F1 MESSAGE | | |--------------------> | F2 MESSAGE | | | ----------------------->| | | F3 200 OK | | | <-----------------------| | F4 200 OK | | |<-------------------- | | | | | User 1 Proxy User 2 Figure 1: Example Message Flow The element are used as file structure. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5.3 Text table *txt-table* text start with \t or space and then the keyword "table" and then num is table, for example, You should find the table tag in the vim taglist window. The following is the defined for Text table in the file .ctags, You could modify them to fit your own need. --regex-txt=/^[ \t]+(table[ \t]+[0-9a-zA-Z]+([.: ]([ \t]*.+)?)?$)/\1/t,tables/i --regex-txt=/^[ \t]*(表[ \t]*[0-9a-zA-Z]+[.: ][ \t]*.+$)/\1/t,tables/i For examples, The following lines start with "Table 1: Summary of header fields, A--O" is defined as Text table and will be list in your vim taglist window: Header Field where proxy MESSAGE __________________________________________ Accept R - Content-Encoding o Max-Forwards R amr m Organization ar o Table 1: Summary of header fields, A--O The element are used as file structure. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5.3 Text keywords *txt-keywords* The following words are defined as keywords. You can Add your own keywords in the following lines in the file txt.vim. syn keyword txtTodo todo fixme note debug comment notice syn keyword txtError error bug caution dropped The element are used as systax highlight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5.4 Text url *txt-url* The url and uri is defined as text url. Please refer to rfc1738(Uniform Resource Locators (URL)) and rfc3986(Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax) for url's and uri's definitions. For example: guoyoooping@163.com www.pmtv.wordpress.com The element are used as systax highlight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5.5 Text email *txt-email* Keywords that in email are defined as text email: syn match txtEmailMsg '^\s*\(From\|De\|Sent\|To\|Para\|Date\|Data\|Assunto\|Subject\):.*' syn match txtEmailQuote '^\(>\($\| \)\)\+' For example, Please note these keyword From, Sent, To and Subject: From: San Zhang(R&D Center Beijing) Sent: 2008年11月27日 13:17 To: Si Li, Wu Wang, Liu Chen Subject: RE: 你们都不踢球? The element are used as systax highlight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5.6 Text quotes *txt-quotes* Words in single quotation marks and double quotation marks are defined as text quotes. The following is the definition, you could modify them to fit your own need. Definition: syn match txtQuotes '["“][^"”]\+\(\n\)\=[^"”]*["”]'hs=s+1,he=e-1 For examples: "good example" The element are used as systax highlight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5.7 Text parentheses *txt-parentheses* Words in parentheses are defined as text parentheses. Definition: syn match txtParentesis "[((][^))]\+\(\n\)\=[^))]*[))]" contains=txtUrl For examples: (good example) The element are used as systax highlight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5.8 Text bracket *txt-bracket* Words in bracket marks defined as text bracket. Definition is list as the following, you could modify to fit your need: syn match txtBrackets '<[^<]\+\(\n\)\=[^<]*>'hs=s+1,he=e-1 contains=txtUrl syn match txtBrackets '\[[^\[]\+\(\n\)\=[^\[]*\]'hs=s+1,he=e-1 contains=txtUrl For examples: [good example] The element are used as systax highlight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5.9 Text list *txt-list* Lines that start with some spaces and then the symbol "*"(or the symbol "-" or the digit and then the symbol ")") and text. Definition is list as the following, you could modify to fit your need: syn match txtList '^\s*[-+*.] [^ ]'me=e-1 syn match txtList '^\s*(\=\([0-9]\+\|[a-zA-Z]\))' syn match txtList "^\s\+\d\+\.\d\@!" For examples: - item1: this is the first item. + item1: this is the first item. * item1: this is the first item. . item2: this is the second item. 3)item3: this is the third item. a)item3: this is the third item. 5.item3: this is the third item. The element is used as systax highlight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5.10 Text reference *txt-reference* In case you want refer to other people's document or the replied email, You might highlight what you refer to, The following syntax element could highlight this for you. Lines that start with special symbol ">"(or "|", ":") that often used in reply email, quote in the bbs, etc. To avoid reading, This syntax will only highlight the reference symbol excluding the content that you are refering. Definition is list as the following, you could modify to fit your need: syn match txtReference '^[|>:]\(\s*[|>:]\)*' This is an example from vim mail list: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Frank Shute wrote: > On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 01:59:05AM -0400, Glen Barber wrote: >> On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 12:43 AM, Steve Bertrand wrote: >>> Apologies up front for the off-topic'dness. >>> >>> I'm thoroughly enjoying my new editor, and swiftly learning and >>> experiencing the benefits. As a matter of fact, ... >>> >> Hi, Steve >> >> Google has a Vim group. I'm not sure if you need a Google account or not. >> >> And, of course, there's this one: http://www.vim.org/maillist.php > > I'm a member of that list which is a straightforward mailing list > AFAIK (Disclaimer: I do have a google account but I can't remember if > that was necessary to sign up). Thanks all, I'll check out how to configure my mailer with Google Groups for this list. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The element is used as systax highlight. ============================================================================== 6. Fequently Answered questions~ *txt-faqs* 6.1 Windows Chinese(and others) couldn't or list irrecognizable taglist Question1: On Windows, If the filename or directory name has CJK(Chinese tested only) chars, the taglist couldn't be shown. Question2: When the enc doesn't equal to fenc, taglist list irrecognizably Answer: This is issue from taglist.vim which doesn't consider the transform between differenc enc. You could patch the following diff to solve this problem, If you don't be familiar with the didf and patch, you could download the modified taglist.vim(based on taglist.vim v4.5) and replace the old one. http://att.newsmth.net/att.php?p.731.55149.1226.vim taglist.diff(usage: patch taglist.vim taglist.diff) |Index: taglist.vim |=================================================================== |RCS file: /cygdrive/d/cvsroot/docu/script/vim/taglist/taglist.vim,v |retrieving revision |diff -u -p -r1.1.1.1 taglist.vim |--- taglist.vim 13 Mar 2009 04:16:54 -0000 |+++ taglist.vim 24 Mar 2010 14:27:57 -0000 |@@ -103,6 +103,9 @@ if !exists('loaded_taglist') | endif | endif | |+ " Taglist doesn't work with multibyte language because of encoding |+ " issue. ypguo fix it and mark it. The fix start with ypguo |+ let Tlist_Enc_Patch = 1 | | " Automatically open the taglist window on Vim startup | if !exists('Tlist_Auto_Open') |@@ -2177,6 +2180,13 @@ function! s:Tlist_Parse_Tagline(tag_line | " Extract the tag name | let tag_name = strpart(a:tag_line, 0, stridx(a:tag_line, "\t")) | |+ " ypguo add: The tag_name is parsed from the original buf and encoded with |+ " origional buffer's &fenc, so convert it to new buffer's &enc if they are |+ " different. |+ if (&enc != getbufvar("#", "&fenc")) |+ let tag_name = iconv(tag_name, getbufvar("#", "&fenc"), &enc) |+ endif |+ | " Extract the tag scope/prototype | if g:Tlist_Display_Prototype | let ttxt = ' ' . s:Tlist_Get_Tag_Prototype(s:fidx, s:tidx) |@@ -2264,8 +2274,9 @@ function! s:Tlist_Process_File(filename, | set noshellslash | endif | |- if has('win32') && !has('win32unix') && !has('win95') |- \ && (&shell =~ 'cmd.exe') |+ "ypguo disable it: Windows doesn't work well with Chinese in batch file, I |+ "didn't see the problem described in the following. |+ if 0 | " Windows does not correctly deal with commands that have more than 1 | " set of double quotes. It will strip them all resulting in: | " 'C:\Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command |@@ -2285,6 +2296,20 @@ function! s:Tlist_Process_File(filename, | | call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Cmd: ' . ctags_cmd) | |+ "ypguo add: win32 cmd(shell) need 'cpxxx' characters, so convert it before |+ "pass the parameters, if chcp doesn't work, please set it maually. |+ if executable("chcp") |+ let code_page = 'cp' . matchstr(system("chcp"), "\\d\\+") |+ call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('code_page: ' . code_page) |+ else |+ " If chcp doesn't work, set its value manually here. |+ let code_page = 'cp936' |+ endif |+ |+ if has('win32') && !has('win32unix') && (&enc != code_page) |+ let ctags_cmd = iconv(ctags_cmd, &enc, code_page) |+ endif |+ | " Run ctags and get the tag list | let cmd_output = system(ctags_cmd) | |@@ -3338,6 +3363,12 @@ function! s:Tlist_Window_Jump_To_Tag(win | if tidx != 0 | let tagpat = s:Tlist_Get_Tag_SearchPat(fidx, tidx) | |+ " ypguo add: The tagpat will be passed to get the location. make sure |+ " is the same encoding as the origional buffer's &fenc |+ if (&enc != getbufvar("#", "&fenc")) |+ let tagpat = iconv(tagpat, getbufvar("#", "&fenc"), &enc) |+ endif |+ | " Highlight the tagline | call s:Tlist_Window_Highlight_Line() | else 6.2 Taglist not updated after the file changed. Question: When I change my file, The taglist is not updated. Answer: You should call ":TlistUpdate" command manually to update your taglist after you change you file. It is recommended to map this command as below: nmap :TlistUpdate 6.3 taglist show every title 2 times. 问: The taglist list my title 2 times as below, why? 1. xxxxxxxx 1. xxxxxxxx 2. cccccccc 2. cccccccc ... ... Answer: You should have another .ctags file in your ./ directory. ctags read every congiguration in the following position and it will read twice if there are duplicate configuration in the following locations, Please delete the other configuration file. /ctags.cnf (on MSDOS, MSWindows only) /etc/ctags.conf /usr/local/etc/ctags.conf $HOME/.ctags $HOME/ctags.cnf (on MSDOS, MSWindows only) .ctags ctags.cnf (on MSDOS, MSWindows only) 6.4 taglist show title in wrong order: Question: When I open the taglist, there are something like title, but it is confusing: txtbrowser_cnx.txt (D:\release\1.1.6\doc) content . 1000001.1.1 标题1.1.1 . 1000001.1 标题1.1 . 2.1 安装插件 . 2.2 卸载 . 2.3 可能会遇到的问题 . 2.4 安装可选项 . 3.1 语法高亮功能 Answer: The title are shown correctly but the order is wrong, put the curser to the taglist window and use 's' command to reorder it by alphabetical order. You mush have the following configuration in your .vimrc: let Tlist_Sort_Type = "name" Please delete the above or change it as following: au BufRead,BufNewFile *.txt let Tlist_Sort_Type = "order" ============================================================================== 7. Bug report~ *txt-bug* It's welcome to report bug to me and it's a very import way to improve Txtbrowser, you could report bug to: guoyoooping@163.com http://guoyoooping.blog.163.com http://old.nabble.com/Vim---General-f883.html ============================================================================== 8. License~ *txt-license* GPL. ============================================================================== 9. Changelog~ *txt-changlog* 2009-12-26 1.0 1)Initial upload 2010-01-23 1.1 1) Delete some personal configuration in txt.vim. 2) Add the help document in both English and Chinese. 2010-03-06 1.2 1)Plugin name changed from "txt.zip" to "TxtBrowser" 2)Add utilities to browser url in vim. 3)bug fix for Chinese title couldn't listed. ============================================================================== vim:tw=78:ts=8:noet:ft=txt: