" Filter_cnf.vim " @Author: Tom Link (mailto:micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim]) " @Website: http://www.vim.org/account/profile.php?user_id=4037 " @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt) " @Created: 2008-11-25. " @Last Change: 2014-11-18. " @Revision: 0.0.114 let s:prototype = tlib#Object#New({'_class': ['Filter_cnf'], 'name': 'cnf'}) "{{{2 let s:prototype.highlight = g:tlib#input#higroup " The search pattern for |tlib#input#List()| is in conjunctive normal " form: (P1 OR P2 ...) AND (P3 OR P4 ...) ... " The pattern is a '/\V' very no-'/magic' regexp pattern. " " Pressing joins two patterns with AND. " Pressing | joins two patterns with OR. " I.e. In order to get "lala AND (foo OR bar)", you type " "lala foo|bar". " " This is also the base class for other filters. function! tlib#Filter_cnf#New(...) "{{{3 let object = s:prototype.New(a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}) return object endf " :nodoc: function! s:prototype.Init(world) dict "{{{3 endf " :nodoc: function! s:prototype.Help(world) dict "{{{3 call a:world.PushHelp( \ printf('"%s", "%s", "%sWORD"', g:tlib#input#and, g:tlib#input#or, g:tlib#input#not), \ 'AND, OR, NOT') endf " :nodoc: function! s:prototype.AssessName(world, name) dict "{{{3 let xa = 0 let prefix = self.FilterRxPrefix() for flt in a:world.filter_pos " let flt = prefix . a:world.GetRx(fltl) " if flt =~# '\u' && a:name =~# flt " let xa += 5 " endif if a:name =~ '\^'. flt let xa += 4 elseif a:name =~ '\<'. flt let xa += 3 " elseif a:name =~ '[[:punct:][:space:][:digit:]]'. flt " let xa += 2 elseif a:name =~ '\A'. flt .'\|'. flt .'\A' let xa += 1 endif endfor " TLogVAR a:name, xa return xa endf " :nodoc: function! s:prototype.Match(world, text) dict "{{{3 " TLogVAR a:text " let sc = &smartcase " let ic = &ignorecase " if &ignorecase " set smartcase " endif " try if !empty(a:world.filter_neg) for rx in a:world.filter_neg " TLogVAR rx if a:text =~ rx return 0 endif endfor endif if !empty(a:world.filter_pos) for rx in a:world.filter_pos " TLogVAR rx if a:text !~ rx return 0 endif endfor endif " finally " let &smartcase = sc " let &ignorecase = ic " endtry return 1 endf " :nodoc: function! s:prototype.DisplayFilter(filter) dict "{{{3 let filter1 = deepcopy(a:filter) call map(filter1, '"(". join(reverse(self.Pretty(v:val)), " OR ") .")"') return join(reverse(filter1), ' AND ') endf function! s:prototype.Pretty(filter) dict "{{{3 " call map(a:filter, 'substitute(v:val, ''\\\.\\{-}'', ''=>'', ''g'')') call map(a:filter, 'self.CleanFilter(v:val)') return a:filter endf " :nodoc: function! s:prototype.SetFrontFilter(world, pattern) dict "{{{3 let a:world.filter[0] = reverse(split(a:pattern, '\s*|\s*')) + a:world.filter[0][1 : -1] endf " :nodoc: function! s:prototype.PushFrontFilter(world, char) dict "{{{3 let a:world.filter[0][0] .= nr2char(a:char) endf " :nodoc: function! s:prototype.ReduceFrontFilter(world) dict "{{{3 let filter = a:world.filter[0][0] " TLogVAR filter let str = matchstr(filter, '\(\\\(\.\\{-}\|[.?*+$^]\)\|\)$') if empty(str) let filter = filter[0 : -2] else let filter = strpart(filter, 0, len(filter) - len(str)) endif " TLogVAR str, filter let a:world.filter[0][0] = filter endf " :nodoc: function! s:prototype.FilterRxPrefix() dict "{{{3 return '\V' endf " :nodoc: function! s:prototype.CleanFilter(filter) dict "{{{3 return a:filter endf