" ============================================================================ " CLASS: Creator " " This class is responsible for creating NERDTree instances. The new NERDTree " may be a tab tree, a window tree, or a mirrored tree. In the process of " creating a NERDTree, it sets up all of the window and buffer options and key " mappings etc. " ============================================================================ let s:Creator = {} let g:NERDTreeCreator = s:Creator " FUNCTION: s:Creator._bindMappings() {{{1 function! s:Creator._bindMappings() call g:NERDTreeKeyMap.BindAll() command! -buffer -nargs=? Bookmark :call nerdtree#ui_glue#bookmarkNode('') command! -buffer -complete=customlist,nerdtree#completeBookmarks -nargs=1 RevealBookmark :call nerdtree#ui_glue#revealBookmark('') command! -buffer -complete=customlist,nerdtree#completeBookmarks -nargs=1 OpenBookmark call nerdtree#ui_glue#openBookmark('') command! -buffer -complete=customlist,nerdtree#completeBookmarks -nargs=* ClearBookmarks call nerdtree#ui_glue#clearBookmarks('') command! -buffer -complete=customlist,nerdtree#completeBookmarks -nargs=+ BookmarkToRoot call g:NERDTreeBookmark.ToRoot('', b:NERDTree) command! -buffer -nargs=0 ClearAllBookmarks call g:NERDTreeBookmark.ClearAll() call b:NERDTree.render() command! -buffer -nargs=0 ReadBookmarks call g:NERDTreeBookmark.CacheBookmarks(0) call b:NERDTree.render() command! -buffer -nargs=0 WriteBookmarks call g:NERDTreeBookmark.Write() command! -buffer -nargs=0 EditBookmarks call g:NERDTreeBookmark.Edit() endfunction " FUNCTION: s:Creator._broadcastInitEvent() {{{1 function! s:Creator._broadcastInitEvent() if exists('#User#NERDTreeInit') doautocmd User NERDTreeInit endif endfunction " FUNCTION: s:Creator.BufNamePrefix() {{{1 function! s:Creator.BufNamePrefix() return 'NERD_tree_' endfunction " FUNCTION: s:Creator.CreateTabTree(a:name) {{{1 function! s:Creator.CreateTabTree(name) let creator = s:Creator.New() call creator.createTabTree(a:name) endfunction " FUNCTION: s:Creator.createTabTree(a:name) {{{1 " name: the name of a bookmark or a directory function! s:Creator.createTabTree(name) let l:path = self._pathForString(a:name) " Abort if an exception was thrown (i.e., if the bookmark or directory " does not exist). if empty(l:path) return endif " Obey the user's preferences for changing the working directory. if g:NERDTreeChDirMode != 0 call l:path.changeToDir() endif if g:NERDTree.ExistsForTab() call g:NERDTree.Close() call self._removeTreeBufForTab() endif call self._createTreeWin() call self._createNERDTree(l:path, 'tab') call b:NERDTree.render() call b:NERDTree.root.putCursorHere(0, 0) call self._broadcastInitEvent() endfunction " FUNCTION: s:Creator.CreateWindowTree(dir) {{{1 function! s:Creator.CreateWindowTree(dir) let creator = s:Creator.New() call creator.createWindowTree(a:dir) endfunction " FUNCTION: s:Creator.createWindowTree(dir) {{{1 function! s:Creator.createWindowTree(dir) try let path = g:NERDTreePath.New(a:dir) catch /^NERDTree.InvalidArgumentsError/ call nerdtree#echo('Invalid directory name:' . a:dir) return endtry "we want the directory buffer to disappear when we do the :edit below setlocal bufhidden=wipe let previousBuf = expand('#') "we need a unique name for each window tree buffer to ensure they are "all independent exec g:NERDTreeCreatePrefix . ' edit ' . self._nextBufferName() call self._createNERDTree(path, 'window') let b:NERDTree._previousBuf = bufnr(previousBuf) call self._setCommonBufOptions() call b:NERDTree.render() call self._broadcastInitEvent() endfunction " FUNCTION: s:Creator._createNERDTree(path) {{{1 function! s:Creator._createNERDTree(path, type) let b:NERDTree = g:NERDTree.New(a:path, a:type) " TODO: This assignment is kept for compatibility reasons. Many other " plugins use b:NERDTreeRoot instead of b:NERDTree.root. Remove this " assignment in the future. let b:NERDTreeRoot = b:NERDTree.root call b:NERDTree.root.open() endfunction " FUNCTION: s:Creator.CreateMirror() {{{1 function! s:Creator.CreateMirror() let creator = s:Creator.New() call creator.createMirror() endfunction " FUNCTION: s:Creator.createMirror() {{{1 function! s:Creator.createMirror() "get the names off all the nerd tree buffers let treeBufNames = [] for i in range(1, tabpagenr('$')) let nextName = self._tabpagevar(i, 'NERDTreeBufName') if nextName != -1 && (!exists('t:NERDTreeBufName') || nextName != t:NERDTreeBufName) call add(treeBufNames, nextName) endif endfor let treeBufNames = self._uniq(treeBufNames) "map the option names (that the user will be prompted with) to the nerd "tree buffer names let options = {} let i = 0 while i < len(treeBufNames) let bufName = treeBufNames[i] let treeRoot = getbufvar(bufName, 'NERDTree').root let options[i+1 . '. ' . treeRoot.path.str() . ' (buf name: ' . bufName . ')'] = bufName let i = i + 1 endwhile "work out which tree to mirror, if there is more than 1 then ask the user let bufferName = '' if len(keys(options)) > 1 let choices = ['Choose a tree to mirror'] let choices = extend(choices, sort(keys(options))) let choice = inputlist(choices) if choice < 1 || choice > len(options) || choice ==# '' return endif let bufferName = options[sort(keys(options))[choice-1]] elseif len(keys(options)) ==# 1 let bufferName = values(options)[0] else call nerdtree#echo('No trees to mirror') return endif if g:NERDTree.ExistsForTab() && g:NERDTree.IsOpen() call g:NERDTree.Close() endif let t:NERDTreeBufName = bufferName call self._createTreeWin() exec 'buffer ' . bufferName call b:NERDTree.ui.restoreScreenState() if !&hidden call b:NERDTree.render() endif endfunction " FUNCTION: s:Creator._createTreeWin() {{{1 " Initialize the NERDTree window. Open the window, size it properly, set all " local options, etc. function! s:Creator._createTreeWin() let l:splitLocation = g:NERDTreeWinPos ==# 'left' ? 'topleft ' : 'botright ' let l:splitSize = g:NERDTreeWinSize if !g:NERDTree.ExistsForTab() let t:NERDTreeBufName = self._nextBufferName() silent! execute l:splitLocation . 'vertical ' . l:splitSize . ' new' silent! execute 'edit ' . t:NERDTreeBufName silent! execute 'vertical resize '. l:splitSize else silent! execute l:splitLocation . 'vertical ' . l:splitSize . ' split' silent! execute 'buffer ' . t:NERDTreeBufName endif setlocal winfixwidth call self._setCommonBufOptions() if has('patch-7.4.1925') clearjumps endif endfunction " FUNCTION: s:Creator._isBufHidden(nr) {{{1 function! s:Creator._isBufHidden(nr) redir => bufs silent ls! redir END return bufs =~ a:nr . '..h' endfunction " FUNCTION: s:Creator.New() {{{1 function! s:Creator.New() let newCreator = copy(self) return newCreator endfunction " FUNCTION: s:Creator._nextBufferName() {{{1 " returns the buffer name for the next nerd tree function! s:Creator._nextBufferName() let name = s:Creator.BufNamePrefix() . self._nextBufferNumber() return name endfunction " FUNCTION: s:Creator._nextBufferNumber() {{{1 " the number to add to the nerd tree buffer name to make the buf name unique function! s:Creator._nextBufferNumber() if !exists('s:Creator._NextBufNum') let s:Creator._NextBufNum = 1 else let s:Creator._NextBufNum += 1 endif return s:Creator._NextBufNum endfunction " FUNCTION: s:Creator._pathForString(str) {{{1 " find a bookmark or adirectory for the given string function! s:Creator._pathForString(str) let path = {} if g:NERDTreeBookmark.BookmarkExistsFor(a:str) let path = g:NERDTreeBookmark.BookmarkFor(a:str).path else let dir = a:str ==# '' ? getcwd() : a:str "hack to get an absolute path if a relative path is given if dir =~# '^\.' let dir = getcwd() . nerdtree#slash() . dir endif "hack to prevent removing slash if dir is the root of the file system. if dir !=# '/' let dir = g:NERDTreePath.Resolve(dir) endif try let path = g:NERDTreePath.New(dir) catch /^NERDTree.InvalidArgumentsError/ call nerdtree#echo('No bookmark or directory found for: ' . a:str) return {} endtry endif if !path.isDirectory let path = path.getParent() endif return path endfunction " Function: s:Creator._removeTreeBufForTab() {{{1 function! s:Creator._removeTreeBufForTab() let buf = bufnr(t:NERDTreeBufName) "if &hidden is not set then it will already be gone if buf != -1 "nerdtree buf may be mirrored/displayed elsewhere if self._isBufHidden(buf) exec 'bwipeout ' . buf endif endif unlet t:NERDTreeBufName endfunction " FUNCTION: s:Creator._setCommonBufOptions() {{{1 function! s:Creator._setCommonBufOptions() " Options for a non-file/control buffer. setlocal bufhidden=hide setlocal buftype=nofile setlocal noswapfile " Options for controlling buffer/window appearance. setlocal foldcolumn=0 setlocal foldmethod=manual setlocal nobuflisted setlocal nofoldenable setlocal nolist setlocal nospell setlocal nowrap if g:NERDTreeShowLineNumbers setlocal number else setlocal nonumber if v:version >= 703 setlocal norelativenumber endif endif iabc if g:NERDTreeHighlightCursorline setlocal cursorline endif call self._setupStatusline() call self._bindMappings() setlocal filetype=nerdtree endfunction " FUNCTION: s:Creator._setupStatusline() {{{1 function! s:Creator._setupStatusline() if g:NERDTreeStatusline != -1 let &l:statusline = g:NERDTreeStatusline endif endfunction " FUNCTION: s:Creator._tabpagevar(tabnr, var) {{{1 function! s:Creator._tabpagevar(tabnr, var) let currentTab = tabpagenr() let old_ei = &eventignore set eventignore=all try exec 'tabnext ' . a:tabnr let v = -1 if exists('t:' . a:var) exec 'let v = t:' . a:var endif exec 'tabnext ' . currentTab finally let &eventignore = old_ei endtry return v endfunction " FUNCTION: s:Creator.ToggleTabTree(dir) {{{1 function! s:Creator.ToggleTabTree(dir) let creator = s:Creator.New() call creator.toggleTabTree(a:dir) endfunction " FUNCTION: s:Creator.toggleTabTree(dir) {{{1 " Toggles the NERD tree. I.e if the NERD tree is open, it is closed. If it is " closed, it is restored or initialized. If dir is not empty, it will be set " as the new root. " " Args: " dir: the full path for the root node (is used if the NERD tree is being " initialized, or to change the root to a new dir.) function! s:Creator.toggleTabTree(dir) if g:NERDTree.ExistsForTab() if !g:NERDTree.IsOpen() call self._createTreeWin() if !empty(a:dir) && a:dir !=# b:NERDTree.root.path.str() call self.createTabTree(a:dir) elseif !&hidden call b:NERDTree.render() endif call b:NERDTree.ui.restoreScreenState() else call g:NERDTree.Close() endif else call self.createTabTree(a:dir) endif endfunction " Function: s:Creator._uniq(list) {{{1 " returns a:list without duplicates function! s:Creator._uniq(list) let uniqlist = [] for elem in a:list if index(uniqlist, elem) ==# -1 let uniqlist += [elem] endif endfor return uniqlist endfunction " vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et fdm=marker: