require 'spec_helper' describe "Syntax highlighting" do # See issue #356 specify "hashes with symbol keys and values on different lines" do assert_correct_highlighting <<~'EOF', 'x', 'rubySymbol' h = { x: really_long_method_name, y: 5, } EOF end # See issue #44 specify "1.9 style hash keys with keyword names" do assert_correct_highlighting <<~EOF, %w[class if def include case end], 'rubySymbol' { class: "hello", if: "world", def: "i am", include: "foo", case: "bar", end: "baz" } EOF assert_correct_highlighting <<~'EOF', 'end', 'rubyDefine' def hello { if: "world" } end EOF end # See issue #144 specify "1.9 style hash keys with keyword names in parameter lists" do assert_correct_highlighting <<~'EOF', 'prepend', 'rubySymbol' {prepend: true} EOF assert_correct_highlighting <<~'EOF', 'for', 'rubySymbol' Subscription.generate(for: topic, to: subscriber) EOF end # See issue #12 specify "1.9 style hash keys with keyword names in argument lists" do assert_correct_highlighting <<~EOF, %w[:\zsgender in\ze: if\ze: :\zsgender_required?], 'rubySymbol' validates_inclusion_of :gender, in: %w(male female), if: :gender_required? EOF end specify "nested parentheses inside symbols" do assert_correct_highlighting <<~EOF, 'bar\zs)', 'rubySymbol' h = %i( foo(bar)baz ) EOF end end