require 'spec_helper' describe 'Indenting' do specify 'method args' do assert_correct_indenting <<~EOF render('product/show', product: product, on_sale: true, ) EOF vim.command 'let g:ruby_indent_hanging_elements = 0' assert_correct_indenting <<~EOF render('product/show', product: product, on_sale: true, ) EOF end specify 'method args with block' do assert_correct_indenting <<~EOF opts.on('--coordinator host=HOST[,port=PORT]', 'Specify the HOST and the PORT of the coordinator') do |str| h = sub_opts_to_hash(str) puts h end EOF vim.command 'let g:ruby_indent_hanging_elements = 0' assert_correct_indenting <<~EOF opts.on('--coordinator host=HOST[,port=PORT]', 'Specify the HOST and the PORT of the coordinator') do |str| h = sub_opts_to_hash(str) puts h end EOF end specify 'arrays' do assert_correct_indenting <<~EOF x = [1, 2, 3, ] EOF vim.command 'let g:ruby_indent_hanging_elements = 0' assert_correct_indenting <<~EOF x = [1, 2, 3, ] EOF end specify 'hashes' do assert_correct_indenting <<~EOF x = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, } EOF vim.command 'let g:ruby_indent_hanging_elements = 0' assert_correct_indenting <<~EOF x = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, } EOF end end