Typescript Syntax for Vim ========================= Syntax file and other settings for [TypeScript](http://typescriptlang.org). The syntax file is taken from this [blog post](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/archive/blogs/interoperability/sublime-text-vi-emacs-typescript-enabled). Checkout [Tsuquyomi](https://github.com/Quramy/tsuquyomi) for omni-completion and other features for TypeScript editing. Install ------- From Vim 8 onward, the plugin can be installed as simply as (Unix/Mac): ``` git clone https://github.com/leafgarland/typescript-vim.git ~/.vim/pack/typescript/start/typescript-vim ``` On Windows/Powershell, use the following: ``` git clone https://github.com/leafgarland/typescript-vim.git $home/vimfiles/pack/typescript/start/typescript-vim ``` For older versions of Vim, the simplest way to install is via a Vim add-in manager such as [Plug](https://github.com/junegunn/vim-plug), [Vundle](https://github.com/gmarik/vundle) or [Pathogen](https://github.com/tpope/vim-pathogen/). _See the [Installation Wiki](https://github.com/leafgarland/typescript-vim/wiki/Installation)_ ### Pathogen ``` git clone https://github.com/leafgarland/typescript-vim.git ~/.vim/bundle/typescript-vim ``` If you want to install manually then you need to copy the files from this repository into your vim path, see the vim docs for [:help runtimepath](http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/options.html#'runtimepath') for more information. This might be as simple as copying the files and directories to `~/.vim/` but it depends on your Vim install and operating system. Usage ----- Once the files are installed the syntax highlighting and other settings will be automatically enabled anytime you edit a `.ts` file. Indenting --------- This plugin includes a custom indenter (based on [pangloss/vim-javascript's indenter](https://github.com/pangloss/vim-javascript/blob/master/indent/javascript.vim)), it works pretty well but there are cases where it fails. If these bother you or want to use other indent settings you can disable it by setting a flag in your `.vimrc`: ```vim let g:typescript_indent_disable = 1 ``` If you want the indenter to automatically indent chained method calls as you type. ```typescript something .foo() .bar(); ``` Then add something like `setlocal indentkeys+=0.` to your `.vimrc`, see `:help 'indentkeys'` in vim for more information. If you use the `=` operator to re-indent code it will always indent chained method calls - this can be disabled by changing the regex the indent script uses to identify indented lines. In this case removing '.' from the regex means that it wont indent lines starting with '.'. Note, this is not ideal as the regex may change making your setting out of date. ```vim let g:typescript_opfirst='\%([<>=,?^%|*/&]\|\([-:+]\)\1\@!\|!=\|in\%(stanceof\)\=\>\)' ``` Compiler settings ----------------- This plugin contains compiler settings to set `makeprg` and `errorformat`. The compiler settings enable you to call the `tsc` compiler directly from Vim and display any errors or warnings in Vim's QuickFix window. To run the compiler, enter `:make`, this will run `tsc` against the last saved version of your currently edited file. The default for `makeprg` is `tsc $* %`. You can enter other compiler options into your `:make` command line and they will be inserted in place of `$*`. There are options to change the compiler name and to insert default options. ```vim let g:typescript_compiler_binary = 'tsc' let g:typescript_compiler_options = '' ``` These options will be passed to the binary as command arguments. For example, if `g:typescript_compiler_binary = 'tsc'` and `g:typescript_compiler_options = '--lib es6'`, `l:makeprg` will be: `tsc --lib es6 $* %`. You can completely override this plugin's compiler settings with something like this in your `.vimrc`, where you can set makeprg to whatever you want. ```vim autocmd FileType typescript :set makeprg=tsc ``` Note, this plugin's compiler settings are not used by Syntastic which has its own way of changing the options. See https://github.com/scrooloose/syntastic#faqargs. You can use something like this in your `.vimrc` to make the QuickFix window automatically appear if `:make` has any errors. ```vim autocmd QuickFixCmdPost [^l]* nested cwindow autocmd QuickFixCmdPost l* nested lwindow ``` Syntax highlighting ------------------- Syntax highlighting for TypeScript can be customized by following variables. - `g:typescript_ignore_typescriptdoc`: When this variable is defined, doccomments will not be highlighted. - `g:typescript_ignore_browserwords`: When this variable is set to `1`, browser API names such as `window` or `document` will not be highlighted. (default to `0`) ![Obligatory screenshot](https://raw.github.com/leafgarland/typescript-vim/master/vimshot01.png)