# This is brought as reference, to be able to reproduce a new image FROM alonid/vim-testbed:10 RUN install_vim -tag v7.4.052 -name vim74-trusty -build \ -tag v8.0.1850 -name vim80 -build \ -tag v8.1.0105 -name vim81 -build \ -tag neovim:v0.1.7 -build \ -tag neovim:v0.2.2 -build ENV PACKAGES="\ bash \ git \ python \ python2-pip \ curl \ " RUN dnf install -y $PACKAGES RUN pip install vim-vint==0.3.19 RUN export HOME=/rust ; mkdir $HOME ; curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh -s -- -y RUN chown vimtest.vimtest -R /rust RUN (dnf remove -y gcc \*-devel ; \ dnf install -y gpm msgpack libvterm libtermkey unibilium ) || true RUN dnf clean all RUN echo "export PATH=~/.cargo/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc RUN git clone https://github.com/da-x/vader.vim vader && \ cd vader && git checkout v2017-12-26