" ============================================================================ " Description: Manage long running tasks. " Author: Qiming Zhao " Licence: Anti 966 licence " Version: 0.1 " Last Modified: Dec 12, 2020 " ============================================================================ scriptencoding utf-8 let s:is_vim = !has('nvim') let s:running_task = {} " neovim emit strings that part of lines. let s:out_remain_text = {} let s:err_remain_text = {} function! coc#task#start(id, opts) if coc#task#running(a:id) call coc#task#stop(a:id) endif let cmd = [a:opts['cmd']] + get(a:opts, 'args', []) let cwd = get(a:opts, 'cwd', getcwd()) let env = get(a:opts, 'env', {}) " cmd args cwd pty if s:is_vim let options = { \ 'cwd': cwd, \ 'err_mode': 'nl', \ 'out_mode': 'nl', \ 'err_cb': {channel, message -> s:on_stderr(a:id, [message])}, \ 'out_cb': {channel, message -> s:on_stdout(a:id, [message])}, \ 'exit_cb': {channel, code -> s:on_exit(a:id, code)}, \ 'env': env, \} if has("patch-8.1.350") let options['noblock'] = 1 endif if get(a:opts, 'pty', 0) let options['pty'] = 1 endif let job = job_start(cmd, options) let status = job_status(job) if status !=# 'run' echohl Error | echom 'Failed to start '.a:id.' task' | echohl None return v:false endif let s:running_task[a:id] = job else let options = { \ 'cwd': cwd, \ 'on_stderr': {channel, msgs -> s:on_stderr(a:id, msgs)}, \ 'on_stdout': {channel, msgs -> s:on_stdout(a:id, msgs)}, \ 'on_exit': {channel, code -> s:on_exit(a:id, code)}, \ 'detach': get(a:opts, 'detach', 0), \} let original = {} if !empty(env) if has('nvim-0.5.0') let options['env'] = env elseif exists('*setenv') && exists('*getenv') for key in keys(env) let original[key] = getenv(key) call setenv(key, env[key]) endfor endif endif if get(a:opts, 'pty', 0) let options['pty'] = 1 endif let chan_id = jobstart(cmd, options) if !empty(original) for key in keys(original) call setenv(key, original[key]) endfor endif if chan_id <= 0 echohl Error | echom 'Failed to start '.a:id.' task' | echohl None return v:false endif let s:running_task[a:id] = chan_id endif return v:true endfunction function! coc#task#stop(id) let job = get(s:running_task, a:id, v:null) if !job | return | endif if s:is_vim call job_stop(job, 'term') else call jobstop(job) endif sleep 50m let running = coc#task#running(a:id) if running echohl Error | echom 'job '.a:id. ' stop failed.' | echohl None endif endfunction function! s:on_exit(id, code) abort if get(g:, 'coc_vim_leaving', 0) | return | endif if has('nvim') let s:out_remain_text[a:id] = '' let s:err_remain_text[a:id] = '' endif if has_key(s:running_task, a:id) call remove(s:running_task, a:id) endif call coc#rpc#notify('TaskExit', [a:id, a:code]) endfunction function! s:on_stderr(id, msgs) if get(g:, 'coc_vim_leaving', 0) | return | endif if empty(a:msgs) return endif if s:is_vim call coc#rpc#notify('TaskStderr', [a:id, a:msgs]) else let remain = get(s:err_remain_text, a:id, '') let eof = (a:msgs == ['']) let msgs = copy(a:msgs) if len(remain) > 0 if msgs[0] == '' let msgs[0] = remain else let msgs[0] = remain . msgs[0] endif endif let last = msgs[len(msgs) - 1] let s:err_remain_text[a:id] = len(last) > 0 ? last : '' " all lines from 0 to n - 2 if len(msgs) > 1 call coc#rpc#notify('TaskStderr', [a:id, msgs[:len(msgs)-2]]) elseif eof && len(msgs[0]) > 0 call coc#rpc#notify('TaskStderr', [a:id, msgs]) endif endif endfunction function! s:on_stdout(id, msgs) if empty(a:msgs) return endif if s:is_vim call coc#rpc#notify('TaskStdout', [a:id, a:msgs]) else let remain = get(s:out_remain_text, a:id, '') let eof = (a:msgs == ['']) let msgs = copy(a:msgs) if len(remain) > 0 if msgs[0] == '' let msgs[0] = remain else let msgs[0] = remain . msgs[0] endif endif let last = msgs[len(msgs) - 1] let s:out_remain_text[a:id] = len(last) > 0 ? last : '' " all lines from 0 to n - 2 if len(msgs) > 1 call coc#rpc#notify('TaskStdout', [a:id, msgs[:len(msgs)-2]]) elseif eof && len(msgs[0]) > 0 call coc#rpc#notify('TaskStdout', [a:id, msgs]) endif endif endfunction function! coc#task#running(id) if !has_key(s:running_task, a:id) == 1 return v:false endif let job = s:running_task[a:id] if s:is_vim let status = job_status(job) return status ==# 'run' endif let [code] = jobwait([job], 10) return code == -1 endfunction