" TODO refactor: create glob function " noremap \og :call<space>glob_linux#FileByGlobCurrentDir('**/*'.input('glob open '),"\\.git\\<bar>\\.hg\\<bar>node_modules\\<bar>\\.pyc" )<cr> " noremap \og :call<space>glob_linux#FileByGlobCurrentDir('**/*'.input('glob open '),"default" )<cr> function! glob_linux#FileByGlobCurrentDir(glob, exclude_pattern, ...) let opts = a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : {} if a:exclude_pattern == "default" let exclude_pattern = '\.git\|\.hg\|node_modules\|\.pyc' else let exclude_pattern = a:exclude_pattern endif " let files = split(glob(a:glob),"\n") let g = a:glob let replace = {'**': '.*','*': '[^/\]*','.': '\.'} let g = substitute(g, '\(\*\*\|\*\|\.\)', '\='.string(replace).'[submatch(1)]','g') let exclude = exclude_pattern == '' ? '' : ' | grep -v -e '.shellescape(exclude_pattern) let cmd = get(opts, 'cmd_find', 'find'). ' . | grep -e '.shellescape(g).exclude let files = split(system(cmd),"\n") " for nom in a:excludes " call filter(files,nom) " endfor if len(files) > 1000 echoe "more than ".2000." files - would be too slow. Open the file in another way" else if empty(files) echoe "no file found" elseif len(files) == 1 exec 'e '.fnameescape(files[0]) else let g:abc=7 call tovl#ui#filter_list#ListView({ \ 'number' : 1, \ 'selectByIdOrFilter' : 1, \ 'Continuation' : funcref#Function('exec "e ".fnameescape(ARGS[0])'), \ 'items' : files, \ 'cmds' : ['wincmd J'] \ }) endif endif endfunction