" Author: James Kim " Description: Fix C/C++ files with astyle. function! s:set_variables() abort for l:ft in ['c', 'cpp'] call ale#Set(l:ft . '_astyle_executable', 'astyle') call ale#Set(l:ft . '_astyle_project_options', '') endfor endfunction call s:set_variables() function! ale#fixers#astyle#Var(buffer, name) abort let l:ft = getbufvar(str2nr(a:buffer), '&filetype') let l:ft = l:ft =~# 'cpp' ? 'cpp' : 'c' return ale#Var(a:buffer, l:ft . '_astyle_' . a:name) endfunction " Try to find a project options file. function! ale#fixers#astyle#FindProjectOptions(buffer) abort let l:proj_options = ale#fixers#astyle#Var(a:buffer, 'project_options') " If user has set project options variable then use it and skip any searching. " This would allow users to use project files named differently than .astylerc. if !empty(l:proj_options) return l:proj_options endif " Try to find nearest .astylerc file. let l:proj_options = fnamemodify(ale#path#FindNearestFile(a:buffer, '.astylerc'), ':t') if !empty(l:proj_options) return l:proj_options endif " Try to find nearest _astylerc file. let l:proj_options = fnamemodify(ale#path#FindNearestFile(a:buffer, '_astylerc'), ':t') if !empty(l:proj_options) return l:proj_options endif " If no project options file is found return an empty string. return '' endfunction function! ale#fixers#astyle#Fix(buffer) abort let l:executable = ale#fixers#astyle#Var(a:buffer, 'executable') let l:proj_options = ale#fixers#astyle#FindProjectOptions(a:buffer) let l:command = ' --stdin=' . ale#Escape(expand('#' . a:buffer)) return { \ 'command': ale#Escape(l:executable) \ . (empty(l:proj_options) ? '' : ' --project=' . l:proj_options) \ . l:command \} endfunction