require 'spec_helper' describe "Indenting" do specify "arrays" do assert_correct_indenting <<-EOF foo = [one, two, three] EOF end specify "tricky string interpolation" do # See for details assert_correct_indenting <<-EOF puts %{\#{}} puts "OK" EOF assert_correct_indenting <<-EOF while true begin puts %{\#{x}} rescue ArgumentError end end EOF end specify "continuations after round braces" do assert_correct_indenting <<-EOF opts.on('--coordinator host=HOST[,port=PORT]', 'Specify the HOST and the PORT of the coordinator') do |str| h = sub_opts_to_hash(str) puts h end EOF end specify "continuations after assignment" do assert_correct_indenting <<-EOF variable = if condition? 1 else 2 end EOF assert_correct_indenting <<-EOF variable = # evil comment case something when 'something' something_else else other end EOF end specify "continuations after hanging comma" do assert_correct_indenting <<-EOF array = [ :one, ].each do |x| puts x.to_s end EOF end specify "string interpolation" do # See for details assert_correct_indenting <<-EOF command = %|\#{file}|"Returning: \#{command}") EOF end specify "closing bracket not on its own line" do # See for details assert_correct_indenting <<-EOF one { two >> three } four EOF end specify "lonesome single parenthesis in a method definition" do # See for details assert_correct_indenting <<-EOF def bar( baz ) return baz+1 end EOF end specify "brackets on their own line, followed by a comma" do # See for details assert_correct_indenting <<-EOF bla = { :one => [ {:bla => :blub} ], :two => ( {:blub => :abc} ), :three => { :blub => :abc }, :four => 'five' } EOF end specify "string with an and#" do # See for details assert_correct_indenting <<-EOF outside_block "and#" do inside_block do end end EOF end specify "continuation with a symbol at the end" do # See for details assert_correct_indenting <<-EOF foo = :+ # Next indents correctly EOF end specify "continuation with a hanging comma" do # See for details assert_correct_indenting <<-EOF thing :foo thing 'a', 'b' EOF end end