;;; swank-c-p-c.lisp -- ILISP style Compound Prefix Completion ;; ;; Author: Luke Gorrie <luke@synap.se> ;; Edi Weitz <edi@agharta.de> ;; Matthias Koeppe <mkoeppe@mail.math.uni-magdeburg.de> ;; Tobias C. Rittweiler <tcr@freebits.de> ;; and others ;; ;; License: Public Domain ;; (in-package :swank) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (swank-require :swank-util)) (defslimefun completions (string default-package-name) "Return a list of completions for a symbol designator STRING. The result is the list (COMPLETION-SET COMPLETED-PREFIX), where COMPLETION-SET is the list of all matching completions, and COMPLETED-PREFIX is the best (partial) completion of the input string. Simple compound matching is supported on a per-hyphen basis: (completions \"m-v-\" \"COMMON-LISP\") ==> ((\"multiple-value-bind\" \"multiple-value-call\" \"multiple-value-list\" \"multiple-value-prog1\" \"multiple-value-setq\" \"multiple-values-limit\") \"multiple-value\") \(For more advanced compound matching, see FUZZY-COMPLETIONS.) If STRING is package qualified the result list will also be qualified. If string is non-qualified the result strings are also not qualified and are considered relative to DEFAULT-PACKAGE-NAME. The way symbols are matched depends on the symbol designator's format. The cases are as follows: FOO - Symbols with matching prefix and accessible in the buffer package. PKG:FOO - Symbols with matching prefix and external in package PKG. PKG::FOO - Symbols with matching prefix and accessible in package PKG. " (multiple-value-bind (name package-name package internal-p) (parse-completion-arguments string default-package-name) (let* ((symbol-set (symbol-completion-set name package-name package internal-p (make-compound-prefix-matcher #\-))) (package-set (package-completion-set name package-name package internal-p (make-compound-prefix-matcher '(#\. #\-)))) (completion-set (format-completion-set (nconc symbol-set package-set) internal-p package-name))) (when completion-set (list completion-set (longest-compound-prefix completion-set)))))) ;;;;; Find completion set (defun symbol-completion-set (name package-name package internal-p matchp) "Return the set of completion-candidates as strings." (mapcar (completion-output-symbol-converter name) (and package (mapcar #'symbol-name (find-matching-symbols name package (and (not internal-p) package-name) matchp))))) (defun package-completion-set (name package-name package internal-p matchp) (declare (ignore package internal-p)) (mapcar (completion-output-package-converter name) (and (not package-name) (find-matching-packages name matchp)))) (defun find-matching-symbols (string package external test) "Return a list of symbols in PACKAGE matching STRING. TEST is called with two strings. If EXTERNAL is true, only external symbols are returned." (let ((completions '()) (converter (completion-output-symbol-converter string))) (flet ((symbol-matches-p (symbol) (and (or (not external) (symbol-external-p symbol package)) (funcall test string (funcall converter (symbol-name symbol)))))) (do-symbols* (symbol package) (when (symbol-matches-p symbol) (push symbol completions)))) completions)) (defun find-matching-symbols-in-list (string list test) "Return a list of symbols in LIST matching STRING. TEST is called with two strings." (let ((completions '()) (converter (completion-output-symbol-converter string))) (flet ((symbol-matches-p (symbol) (funcall test string (funcall converter (symbol-name symbol))))) (dolist (symbol list) (when (symbol-matches-p symbol) (push symbol completions)))) (remove-duplicates completions))) (defun find-matching-packages (name matcher) "Return a list of package names matching NAME with MATCHER. MATCHER is a two-argument predicate." (let ((converter (completion-output-package-converter name))) (remove-if-not (lambda (x) (funcall matcher name (funcall converter x))) (mapcar (lambda (pkgname) (concatenate 'string pkgname ":")) (loop for package in (list-all-packages) nconcing (package-names package)))))) ;; PARSE-COMPLETION-ARGUMENTS return table: ;; ;; user behaviour | NAME | PACKAGE-NAME | PACKAGE ;; ----------------+--------+--------------+----------------------------------- ;; asdf [tab] | "asdf" | NIL | #<PACKAGE "DEFAULT-PACKAGE-NAME"> ;; | | | or *BUFFER-PACKAGE* ;; asdf: [tab] | "" | "asdf" | #<PACKAGE "ASDF"> ;; | | | ;; asdf:foo [tab] | "foo" | "asdf" | #<PACKAGE "ASDF"> ;; | | | ;; as:fo [tab] | "fo" | "as" | NIL ;; | | | ;; : [tab] | "" | "" | #<PACKAGE "KEYWORD"> ;; | | | ;; :foo [tab] | "foo" | "" | #<PACKAGE "KEYWORD"> ;; (defun parse-completion-arguments (string default-package-name) "Parse STRING as a symbol designator. Return these values: SYMBOL-NAME PACKAGE-NAME, or nil if the designator does not include an explicit package. PACKAGE, generally the package to complete in. (However, if PACKAGE-NAME is NIL, return the respective package of DEFAULT-PACKAGE-NAME instead; if PACKAGE is non-NIL but a package cannot be found under that name, return NIL.) INTERNAL-P, if the symbol is qualified with `::'." (multiple-value-bind (name package-name internal-p) (tokenize-symbol string) (flet ((default-package () (or (guess-package default-package-name) *buffer-package*))) (let ((package (cond ((not package-name) (default-package)) ((equal package-name "") (guess-package (symbol-name :keyword))) ((find-locally-nicknamed-package package-name (default-package))) (t (guess-package package-name))))) (values name package-name package internal-p))))) (defun completion-output-case-converter (input &optional with-escaping-p) "Return a function to convert strings for the completion output. INPUT is used to guess the preferred case." (ecase (readtable-case *readtable*) (:upcase (cond ((or with-escaping-p (and (plusp (length input)) (not (some #'lower-case-p input)))) #'identity) (t #'string-downcase))) (:invert (lambda (output) (multiple-value-bind (lower upper) (determine-case output) (cond ((and lower upper) output) (lower (string-upcase output)) (upper (string-downcase output)) (t output))))) (:downcase (cond ((or with-escaping-p (and (zerop (length input)) (not (some #'upper-case-p input)))) #'identity) (t #'string-upcase))) (:preserve #'identity))) (defun completion-output-package-converter (input) "Return a function to convert strings for the completion output. INPUT is used to guess the preferred case." (completion-output-case-converter input)) (defun completion-output-symbol-converter (input) "Return a function to convert strings for the completion output. INPUT is used to guess the preferred case. Escape symbols when needed." (let ((case-converter (completion-output-case-converter input)) (case-converter-with-escaping (completion-output-case-converter input t))) (lambda (str) (if (or (multiple-value-bind (lowercase uppercase) (determine-case str) ;; In these readtable cases, symbols with letters from ;; the wrong case need escaping (case (readtable-case *readtable*) (:upcase lowercase) (:downcase uppercase) (t nil))) (some (lambda (el) (or (member el '(#\: #\Space #\Newline #\Tab)) (multiple-value-bind (macrofun nonterminating) (get-macro-character el) (and macrofun (not nonterminating))))) str)) (concatenate 'string "|" (funcall case-converter-with-escaping str) "|") (funcall case-converter str))))) (defun determine-case (string) "Return two booleans LOWER and UPPER indicating whether STRING contains lower or upper case characters." (values (some #'lower-case-p string) (some #'upper-case-p string))) ;;;;; Compound-prefix matching (defun make-compound-prefix-matcher (delimiter &key (test #'char=)) "Returns a matching function that takes a `prefix' and a `target' string and which returns T if `prefix' is a compound-prefix of `target', and otherwise NIL. Viewing each of `prefix' and `target' as a series of substrings delimited by DELIMITER, if each substring of `prefix' is a prefix of the corresponding substring in `target' then we call `prefix' a compound-prefix of `target'. DELIMITER may be a character, or a list of characters." (let ((delimiters (etypecase delimiter (character (list delimiter)) (cons (assert (every #'characterp delimiter)) delimiter)))) (lambda (prefix target) (declare (type simple-string prefix target)) (loop with tpos = 0 for ch across prefix always (and (< tpos (length target)) (let ((delimiter (car (member ch delimiters :test test)))) (if delimiter (setf tpos (position delimiter target :start tpos)) (funcall test ch (aref target tpos))))) do (incf tpos))))) ;;;;; Extending the input string by completion (defun longest-compound-prefix (completions &optional (delimiter #\-)) "Return the longest compound _prefix_ for all COMPLETIONS." (flet ((tokenizer (string) (tokenize-completion string delimiter))) (untokenize-completion (loop for token-list in (transpose-lists (mapcar #'tokenizer completions)) if (notevery #'string= token-list (rest token-list)) ;; Note that we possibly collect the "" here as well, so that ;; UNTOKENIZE-COMPLETION will append a delimiter for us. collect (longest-common-prefix token-list) and do (loop-finish) else collect (first token-list)) delimiter))) (defun tokenize-completion (string delimiter) "Return all substrings of STRING delimited by DELIMITER." (loop with end for start = 0 then (1+ end) until (> start (length string)) do (setq end (or (position delimiter string :start start) (length string))) collect (subseq string start end))) (defun untokenize-completion (tokens &optional (delimiter #\-)) (format nil (format nil "~~{~~A~~^~a~~}" delimiter) tokens)) (defun transpose-lists (lists) "Turn a list-of-lists on its side. If the rows are of unequal length, truncate uniformly to the shortest. For example: \(transpose-lists '((ONE TWO THREE) (1 2))) => ((ONE 1) (TWO 2))" (cond ((null lists) '()) ((some #'null lists) '()) (t (cons (mapcar #'car lists) (transpose-lists (mapcar #'cdr lists)))))) ;;;; Completion for character names (defslimefun completions-for-character (prefix) (let* ((matcher (make-compound-prefix-matcher #\_ :test #'char-equal)) (completion-set (character-completion-set prefix matcher)) (completions (sort completion-set #'string<))) (list completions (longest-compound-prefix completions #\_)))) (provide :swank-c-p-c)