" don't spam the user when Vim is started in Vi compatibility mode let s:cpo_save = &cpo set cpo&vim function! go#lsp#message#Initialize(wd) abort return { \ 'notification': 0, \ 'method': 'initialize', \ 'params': { \ 'processId': getpid(), \ 'rootUri': go#path#ToURI(a:wd), \ 'capabilities': { \ 'workspace': { \ 'workspaceFolders': v:true, \ 'didChangeConfiguration': { \ 'dynamicRegistration': v:true, \ }, \ 'configuration': v:true, \ }, \ 'textDocument': { \ 'hover': { \ 'contentFormat': ['plaintext'], \ }, \ } \ }, \ 'workspaceFolders': [s:workspaceFolder(0, a:wd)], \ } \ } endfunction function! go#lsp#message#Initialized() abort return { \ 'notification': 1, \ 'method': 'initialized', \ 'params': {}, \ } endfunction function! go#lsp#message#Shutdown() abort return { \ 'notification': 0, \ 'method': 'shutdown', \ } endfunction function! go#lsp#message#Exit() abort return { \ 'notification': 1, \ 'method': 'exit', \ } endfunction function! go#lsp#message#WorkspaceFoldersResult(dirs) abort return map(copy(a:dirs), function('s:workspaceFolder', [])) endfunction function! go#lsp#message#Definition(file, line, col) abort return { \ 'notification': 0, \ 'method': 'textDocument/definition', \ 'params': { \ 'textDocument': { \ 'uri': go#path#ToURI(a:file) \ }, \ 'position': s:position(a:line, a:col) \ } \ } endfunction function! go#lsp#message#TypeDefinition(file, line, col) abort return { \ 'notification': 0, \ 'method': 'textDocument/typeDefinition', \ 'params': { \ 'textDocument': { \ 'uri': go#path#ToURI(a:file) \ }, \ 'position': s:position(a:line, a:col) \ } \ } endfunction function! go#lsp#message#DidOpen(file, content) abort return { \ 'notification': 1, \ 'method': 'textDocument/didOpen', \ 'params': { \ 'textDocument': { \ 'uri': go#path#ToURI(a:file), \ 'languageId': 'go', \ 'text': a:content, \ } \ } \ } endfunction function! go#lsp#message#DidChange(file, content) abort return { \ 'notification': 1, \ 'method': 'textDocument/didChange', \ 'params': { \ 'textDocument': { \ 'uri': go#path#ToURI(a:file), \ }, \ 'contentChanges': [ \ { \ 'text': a:content, \ } \ ] \ } \ } endfunction function! go#lsp#message#DidClose(file) abort return { \ 'notification': 1, \ 'method': 'textDocument/didClose', \ 'params': { \ 'textDocument': { \ 'uri': go#path#ToURI(a:file), \ } \ } \ } endfunction function! go#lsp#message#Completion(file, line, col) abort return { \ 'notification': 0, \ 'method': 'textDocument/completion', \ 'params': { \ 'textDocument': { \ 'uri': go#path#ToURI(a:file) \ }, \ 'position': s:position(a:line, a:col), \ } \ } endfunction function! go#lsp#message#Hover(file, line, col) abort return { \ 'notification': 0, \ 'method': 'textDocument/hover', \ 'params': { \ 'textDocument': { \ 'uri': go#path#ToURI(a:file) \ }, \ 'position': s:position(a:line, a:col), \ } \ } endfunction function! go#lsp#message#ChangeWorkspaceFolders(add, remove) abort let l:addDirs = map(copy(a:add), function('s:workspaceFolder', [])) let l:removeDirs = map(copy(a:add), function('s:workspaceFolder', [])) return { \ 'notification': 1, \ 'method': 'workspace/didChangeWorkspaceFolders', \ 'params': { \ 'event': { \ 'removed': l:removeDirs, \ 'added': l:addDirs, \ }, \ } \ } endfunction function! go#lsp#message#ConfigurationResult(items) abort let l:result = [] " results must be in the same order as the items for l:item in a:items let l:config = { \ 'buildFlags': [], \ 'hoverKind': 'NoDocumentation', \ } let l:buildtags = go#config#BuildTags() if buildtags isnot '' let l:config.buildFlags = extend(l:config.buildFlags, ['-tags', go#config#BuildTags()]) endif let l:result = add(l:result, l:config) endfor return l:result endfunction function s:workspaceFolder(key, val) abort return {'uri': go#path#ToURI(a:val), 'name': a:val} endfunction function! s:position(line, col) abort return {'line': a:line, 'character': a:col} endfunction " restore Vi compatibility settings let &cpo = s:cpo_save unlet s:cpo_save " vim: sw=2 ts=2 et