" Make sure some options are set to sane defaults and output all messages in " English. " vint: -ProhibitSetNoCompatible " don't spam the user when Vim is started in Vi compatibility mode let s:cpo_save = &cpo set cpo&vim set nocompatible nomore shellslash encoding=utf-8 shortmess+=WIF lang mess C " Initialize variables. let s:total_started = reltime() let s:fail = 0 let s:done = 0 let s:logs = [] let s:gopath = $GOPATH if !exists('g:test_verbose') let g:test_verbose = 0 endif let g:go_echo_command_info = 0 function! s:logmessages() abort " Add all messages (usually errors). redir => s:mess silent messages redir END let s:logs = s:logs + filter(split(s:mess, "\n"), 'v:val !~ "^Messages maintainer"') silent messages clear endfunction " Source the passed test file. source % " cd into the folder of the test file. let s:cd = exists('*haslocaldir') && haslocaldir() ? 'lcd ' : 'cd ' let s:testfile = expand('%:t') let s:dir = expand('%:p:h') execute s:cd . s:dir " Export root path to vim-go dir. let g:vim_go_root = fnamemodify(getcwd(), ':p') " Get a list of all Test_ functions for the given file. redir @q silent function /^Test_ redir END let s:tests = split(substitute(@q, 'function \(\k\+()\)', '\1', 'g')) " log any messages that we may already accumulated. call s:logmessages() " Iterate over all tests and execute them. for s:test in sort(s:tests) " Since we extract the tests from a regexp the "abort" keyword is also in " the list, which is not a test name :-) if s:test == 'abort' continue endif let s:started = reltime() if g:test_verbose is 1 call add(s:logs, printf("=== RUN %s", s:test[:-3])) endif try exe 'call ' . s:test catch let v:errors += [v:exception] endtry " Restore GOPATH after each test. let $GOPATH = s:gopath " Restore the working directory after each test. execute s:cd . s:dir let s:elapsed_time = substitute(reltimestr(reltime(s:started)), '^\s*\(.\{-}\)\s*$', '\1', '') let s:done += 1 call s:logmessages() if len(v:errors) > 0 let s:fail += 1 call add(s:logs, printf("--- FAIL %s (%ss)", s:test[:-3], s:elapsed_time)) call extend(s:logs, map(v:errors, '" ". v:val')) " Reset so we can capture failures of the next test. let v:errors = [] else if g:test_verbose is 1 call add(s:logs, printf("--- PASS %s (%ss)", s:test[:-3], s:elapsed_time)) endif endif endfor " Create an empty fail to indicate that at least one test failed. if s:fail > 0 split /tmp/vim-go-test/FAILED silent write endif let s:total_elapsed_time = substitute(reltimestr(reltime(s:total_started)), '^\s*\(.\{-}\)\s*$', '\1', '') " Also store all internal messages from s:logs as well. silent! split /tmp/vim-go-test/test.tmp call append(line('$'), s:logs) call append(line('$'), printf("%s %s %s %ss / %s tests", \ (s:fail > 0 ? 'FAIL' : 'ok '), \ s:testfile, \ repeat(' ', 25 - len(s:testfile)), \ s:total_elapsed_time, s:done)) if g:test_verbose is 0 silent :g/^$/d endif silent! write " Our work here is done. qall! " restore Vi compatibility settings let &cpo = s:cpo_save unlet s:cpo_save " vim:ts=2:sts=2:sw=2:et