" Author: Eddie Lebow https://github.com/elebow " Description: Functions for integrating with Ruby tools " Find the nearest dir contining "app", "db", and "config", and assume it is " the root of a Rails app. function! ale#ruby#FindRailsRoot(buffer) abort for l:name in ['app', 'config', 'db'] let l:dir = fnamemodify( \ ale#path#FindNearestDirectory(a:buffer, l:name), \ ':h:h' \) if l:dir isnot# '.' \&& isdirectory(l:dir . '/app') \&& isdirectory(l:dir . '/config') \&& isdirectory(l:dir . '/db') return l:dir endif endfor return '' endfunction " Find the nearest dir containing a potential ruby project. function! ale#ruby#FindProjectRoot(buffer) abort let l:dir = ale#ruby#FindRailsRoot(a:buffer) if isdirectory(l:dir) return l:dir endif for l:name in ['.solargraph.yml', 'Rakefile', 'Gemfile'] let l:dir = fnamemodify( \ ale#path#FindNearestFile(a:buffer, l:name), \ ':h' \) if l:dir isnot# '.' && isdirectory(l:dir) return l:dir endif endfor return '' endfunction " Handle output from rubocop and linters that depend on it (e.b. standardrb) function! ale#ruby#HandleRubocopOutput(buffer, lines) abort try let l:errors = json_decode(a:lines[0]) catch return [] endtry if !has_key(l:errors, 'summary') \|| l:errors['summary']['offense_count'] == 0 \|| empty(l:errors['files']) return [] endif let l:output = [] for l:error in l:errors['files'][0]['offenses'] let l:start_col = l:error['location']['column'] + 0 call add(l:output, { \ 'lnum': l:error['location']['line'] + 0, \ 'col': l:start_col, \ 'end_col': l:start_col + l:error['location']['length'] - 1, \ 'code': l:error['cop_name'], \ 'text': l:error['message'], \ 'type': ale_linters#ruby#rubocop#GetType(l:error['severity']), \}) endfor return l:output endfunction