" -*- text -*- " oracle.vim -- Vim integration for the Go oracle. " " Part of this plugin was taken directly from the oracle repo, however it's " massively changed for a better integration into vim-go. Thanks Alan Donovan " for the first iteration based on quickfix! - Fatih Arslan " if !exists("g:go_oracle_bin") let g:go_oracle_bin = "oracle" endif func! s:qflist(output) let qflist = [] " Parse GNU-style 'file:line.col-line.col: message' format. let mx = '^\(\a:[\\/][^:]\+\|[^:]\+\):\(\d\+\):\(\d\+\):\(.*\)$' for line in split(a:output, "\n") let ml = matchlist(line, mx) " Ignore non-match lines or warnings if ml == [] || ml[4] =~ '^ warning:' continue endif let item = { \ 'filename': ml[1], \ 'text': ml[4], \ 'lnum': ml[2], \ 'col': ml[3], \} let bnr = bufnr(fnameescape(ml[1])) if bnr != -1 let item['bufnr'] = bnr endif call add(qflist, item) endfor call setqflist(qflist) cwindow endfun func! s:getpos(l, c) if &encoding != 'utf-8' let buf = a:l == 1 ? '' : (join(getline(1, a:l-1), "\n") . "\n") let buf .= a:c == 1 ? '' : getline('.')[:a:c-2] return len(iconv(buf, &encoding, 'utf-8')) endif return line2byte(a:l) + (a:c-2) endfun func! s:RunOracle(mode, selected) range abort let fname = expand('%:p') let dname = expand('%:p:h') let pkg = go#package#ImportPath(dname) if exists('g:go_oracle_scope_file') " let the user defines the scope let sname = shellescape(get(g:, 'go_oracle_scope_file')) elseif exists('g:go_oracle_include_tests') && pkg != -1 " give import path so it includes all _test.go files too let sname = shellescape(pkg) else " best usable way, only pass the package itself, without the test " files let sname = join(go#tool#Files(), ' ') endif "return with a warning if the bin doesn't exist let bin_path = go#tool#BinPath(g:go_oracle_bin) if empty(bin_path) return endif if a:selected != -1 let pos1 = s:getpos(line("'<"), col("'<")) let pos2 = s:getpos(line("'>"), col("'>")) let cmd = printf('%s -format json -pos=%s:#%d,#%d %s %s', \ bin_path, \ shellescape(fname), pos1, pos2, a:mode, sname) else let pos = s:getpos(line('.'), col('.')) let cmd = printf('%s -format json -pos=%s:#%d %s %s', \ bin_path, \ shellescape(fname), pos, a:mode, sname) endif echon "vim-go: " | echohl Identifier | echon "analysing ..." | echohl None let out = system(cmd) if v:shell_error " unfortunaly oracle outputs a very long stack trace that is not " parsable to show the real error. But the main issue is usually the " package which doesn't build. redraw | echon "vim-go: " | echohl Statement | echon out | echohl None return {} else let json_decoded = webapi#json#decode(out) return json_decoded endif endfun " Show 'implements' relation for selected package function! go#oracle#Implements(selected) let out = s:RunOracle('implements', a:selected) if empty(out) return endif " be sure they exists before we retrieve them from the map if !has_key(out, "implements") return endif if has_key(out.implements, "from") let interfaces = out.implements.from elseif has_key(out.implements, "fromptr") let interfaces = out.implements.fromptr else redraw | echon "vim-go: " | echon "does not satisfy any interface"| echohl None return endif " get the type name from the type under the cursor let typeName = out.implements.type.name " prepare the title let title = typeName . " implements:" " start to populate our buffer content let result = [title, ""] for interface in interfaces " don't add runtime interfaces if interface.name !~ '^runtime' let line = interface.name . "\t" . interface.pos call add(result, line) endif endfor " open a window and put the result call go#ui#OpenWindow("Implements", result) " define some buffer related mappings: " " go to definition when hit enter nnoremap :call go#ui#OpenDefinition("implements") " close the window when hit ctrl-c nnoremap :call go#ui#CloseWindow() endfunction " Describe selected syntax: definition, methods, etc function! go#oracle#Describe(selected) let out = s:RunOracle('describe', a:selected) if empty(out) return endif echo out return let detail = out["describe"]["detail"] let desc = out["describe"]["desc"] echo '# detail: '. detail " package, constant, variable, type, function or statement labe if detail == "package" echo desc return endif if detail == "value" echo desc echo out["describe"]["value"] return endif " the rest needs to be implemented echo desc endfunction " Show possible targets of selected function call function! go#oracle#Callees(selected) let out = s:RunOracle('callees', a:selected) if empty(out) return endif " be sure the callees object exists which contains the position and names " of the callees, before we continue if !has_key(out, "callees") return endif " get the callees list if has_key(out.callees, "callees") let callees = out.callees.callees else redraw | echon "vim-go: " | echon "no callees available"| echohl None return endif let title = "Call targets:" " start to populate our buffer content let result = [title, ""] for calls in callees let line = calls.name . "\t" . calls.pos call add(result, line) endfor " open a window and put the result call go#ui#OpenWindow("Callees", result) " define some buffer related mappings: " " go to definition when hit enter nnoremap :call go#ui#OpenDefinition("call targets") " close the window when hit ctrl-c nnoremap :call go#ui#CloseWindow() endfunction " Show possible callers of selected function function! go#oracle#Callers(selected) let out = s:RunOracle('callers', a:selected) echo out endfunction " Show the callgraph of the current program. function! go#oracle#Callgraph(selected) let out = s:RunOracle('callgraph', a:selected) echo out endfunction " Show path from callgraph root to selected function function! go#oracle#Callstack(selected) let out = s:RunOracle('callstack', a:selected) echo out endfunction " Show free variables of selection function! go#oracle#Freevars(selected) let out = s:RunOracle('freevars', a:selected) echo out endfunction " Show send/receive corresponding to selected channel op function! go#oracle#Peers(selected) let out = s:RunOracle('peers', a:selected) echo out endfunction " Show all refs to entity denoted by selected identifier function! go#oracle#Referrers(selected) let out = s:RunOracle('referrers', a:selected) echo out endfunction " vim:ts=4:sw=4:et