*commentary.txt* Comment stuff out Author: Tim Pope License: Same terms as Vim itself (see |license|) Comment stuff out. Then uncomment it later. Relies on 'commentstring' to be correctly set, or uses b:commentary_format if it is set. The gc mappings are preferred, while the \\ mappings are provided for backwards compatibility. *gc* *\\* gc{motion} Comment or uncomment lines that {motion} moves over. \\{motion} *gcc* *\\\* gcc Comment or uncomment [count] lines. \\\ *v_gc* *v_\\* {Visual}gc Comment or uncomment the highlighted lines. {Visual}\\ *gcu* *\\u* gcu Uncomment the current and adjacent commented lines. \\u The |User| CommentaryPost autocommand fires after a successful operation and can be used for advanced customization. vim:tw=78:et:ft=help:norl: