if exists("g:loaded_syntastic_notifiers") finish endif let g:loaded_syntastic_notifiers = 1 let g:SyntasticNotifiers = {} let s:notifier_types = ['signs', 'balloons', 'highlighting', 'cursor', 'autoloclist'] " Public methods {{{1 function! g:SyntasticNotifiers.Instance() if !exists('s:SyntasticNotifiersInstance') let s:SyntasticNotifiersInstance = copy(self) call s:SyntasticNotifiersInstance._initNotifiers() endif return s:SyntasticNotifiersInstance endfunction function! g:SyntasticNotifiers.refresh(loclist) call syntastic#log#debug(g:SyntasticDebugNotifications, 'notifiers: refresh') for type in self._enabled_types let class = substitute(type, '\m.*', 'Syntastic\u&Notifier', '') if !has_key(g:{class}, 'enabled') || self._notifier[type].enabled() call self._notifier[type].refresh(a:loclist) endif endfor endfunction function! g:SyntasticNotifiers.reset(loclist) call syntastic#log#debug(g:SyntasticDebugNotifications, 'notifiers: reset') for type in self._enabled_types let class = substitute(type, '\m.*', 'Syntastic\u&Notifier', '') " reset notifiers regardless if they are enabled or not, since " the user might have disabled them since the last refresh(); " notifiers MUST be prepared to deal with reset() when disabled if has_key(g:{class}, 'reset') call self._notifier[type].reset(a:loclist) endif endfor endfunction " Private methods {{{1 function! g:SyntasticNotifiers._initNotifiers() let self._notifier = {} for type in s:notifier_types let class = substitute(type, '\m.*', 'Syntastic\u&Notifier', '') let self._notifier[type] = g:{class}.New() endfor let self._enabled_types = copy(s:notifier_types) endfunction " vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et fdm=marker: