" autoload/editorconfig_core/ini.vim: Config-file parser for " editorconfig-core-vimscript and editorconfig-vim. " Modifed from the Python core's ini.py. " Copyright (c) 2012-2019 EditorConfig Team {{{2 " All rights reserved. " " Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without " modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: " " 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, " this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. " 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, " this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation " and/or other materials provided with the distribution. " " THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" " AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE " IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE " ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE " LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR " CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF " SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS " INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN " CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) " ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE " POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. }}}2 let s:saved_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim " variables {{{2 if !exists('g:editorconfig_core_vimscript_debug') let g:editorconfig_core_vimscript_debug = 0 endif " }}}2 " === Constants, including regexes ====================================== {{{2 " Regular expressions for parsing section headers and options. " Allow ``]`` and escaped ``;`` and ``#`` characters in section headers. " In fact, allow \ to escape any single character - it needs to cover at " least \ * ? [ ! ] { }. unlockvar s:SECTCRE s:OPTCRE s:MAX_SECTION_NAME s:MAX_PROPERTY_NAME s:MAX_PROPERTY_VALUE let s:SECTCRE = '\v^\s*\[(%([^\\#;]|\\.)+)\]' " Regular expression for parsing option name/values. " Allow any amount of whitespaces, followed by separator " (either ``:`` or ``=``), followed by any amount of whitespace and then " any characters to eol let s:OPTCRE = '\v\s*([^:=[:space:]][^:=]*)\s*([:=])\s*(.*)$' let s:MAX_SECTION_NAME = 4096 let s:MAX_PROPERTY_NAME = 1024 let s:MAX_PROPERTY_VALUE = 4096 lockvar s:SECTCRE s:OPTCRE s:MAX_SECTION_NAME s:MAX_PROPERTY_NAME s:MAX_PROPERTY_VALUE " }}}2 " === Main ============================================================== {{{1 " Read \p config_filename and return the options applicable to " \p target_filename. This is the main entry point in this file. function! editorconfig_core#ini#read_ini_file(config_filename, target_filename) if !filereadable(a:config_filename) return {} endif try let l:lines = readfile(a:config_filename) if &encoding !=? 'utf-8' " strip BOM if len(l:lines) > 0 && l:lines[0][:2] ==# "\xEF\xBB\xBF" let l:lines[0] = l:lines[0][3:] endif " convert from UTF-8 to 'encoding' call map(l:lines, 'iconv(v:val, "utf-8", &encoding)') endif let result = s:parse(a:config_filename, a:target_filename, l:lines) catch " rethrow, but with a prefix since throw 'Vim...' fails. throw 'Could not read editorconfig file at ' . v:throwpoint . ': ' . string(v:exception) endtry return result endfunction function! s:parse(config_filename, target_filename, lines) " Parse a sectioned setup file. " The sections in setup file contains a title line at the top, " indicated by a name in square brackets (`[]'), plus key/value " options lines, indicated by `name: value' format lines. " Continuations are represented by an embedded newline then " leading whitespace. Blank lines, lines beginning with a '#', " and just about everything else are ignored. let l:in_section = 0 let l:matching_section = 0 let l:optname = '' let l:lineno = 0 let l:e = [] " Errors, if any let l:options = {} " Options applicable to this file let l:is_root = 0 " Whether a:config_filename declares root=true while 1 if l:lineno == len(a:lines) break endif let l:line = a:lines[l:lineno] let l:lineno = l:lineno + 1 " comment or blank line? if editorconfig_core#util#strip(l:line) ==# '' continue endif if l:line =~# '\v^[#;]' continue endif " is it a section header? if g:editorconfig_core_vimscript_debug echom "Header? <" . l:line . ">" endif let l:mo = matchlist(l:line, s:SECTCRE) if len(l:mo) let l:sectname = l:mo[1] let l:in_section = 1 if strlen(l:sectname) > s:MAX_SECTION_NAME " Section name too long => ignore the section let l:matching_section = 0 else let l:matching_section = s:matches_filename( \ a:config_filename, a:target_filename, l:sectname) endif if g:editorconfig_core_vimscript_debug echom 'In section ' . l:sectname . ', which ' . \ (l:matching_section ? 'matches' : 'does not match') \ ' file ' . a:target_filename . ' (config ' . \ a:config_filename . ')' endif " So sections can't start with a continuation line let l:optname = '' " Is it an option line? else let l:mo = matchlist(l:line, s:OPTCRE) if len(l:mo) let l:optname = mo[1] let l:optval = mo[3] if g:editorconfig_core_vimscript_debug echom printf('Saw raw opt <%s>=<%s>', l:optname, l:optval) endif let l:optval = editorconfig_core#util#strip(l:optval) " allow empty values if l:optval ==? '""' let l:optval = '' endif let l:optname = s:optionxform(l:optname) if !l:in_section && optname ==? 'root' let l:is_root = (optval ==? 'true') endif if g:editorconfig_core_vimscript_debug echom printf('Saw opt <%s>=<%s>', l:optname, l:optval) endif if l:matching_section && \ strlen(l:optname) <= s:MAX_PROPERTY_NAME && \ strlen(l:optval) <= s:MAX_PROPERTY_VALUE let l:options[l:optname] = l:optval endif else " a non-fatal parsing error occurred. set up the " exception but keep going. the exception will be " raised at the end of the file and will contain a " list of all bogus lines call add(e, "Parse error in '" . a:config_filename . "' at line " . \ l:lineno . ": '" . l:line . "'") endif endif endwhile " if any parsing errors occurred, raise an exception if len(l:e) throw string(l:e) endif return {'root': l:is_root, 'options': l:options} endfunction! " }}}1 " === Helpers =========================================================== {{{1 " Preprocess option names function! s:optionxform(optionstr) let l:result = substitute(a:optionstr, '\v\s+$', '', 'g') " rstrip return tolower(l:result) endfunction " Return true if \p glob matches \p target_filename function! s:matches_filename(config_filename, target_filename, glob) " config_dirname = normpath(dirname(config_filename)).replace(sep, '/') let l:config_dirname = fnamemodify(a:config_filename, ':p:h') . '/' if editorconfig_core#util#is_win() " Regardless of whether shellslash is set, make everything slashes let l:config_dirname = \ tolower(substitute(l:config_dirname, '\v\\', '/', 'g')) endif let l:glob = substitute(a:glob, '\v\\([#;])', '\1', 'g') " Take account of the path to the editorconfig file. " editorconfig-core-c/src/lib/editorconfig.c says: " "Pattern would be: /dir/of/editorconfig/file[double_star]/[section] if " section does not contain '/', or /dir/of/editorconfig/file[section] " if section starts with a '/', or /dir/of/editorconfig/file/[section] if " section contains '/' but does not start with '/'." if stridx(l:glob, '/') != -1 " contains a slash if l:glob[0] ==# '/' let l:glob = l:glob[1:] " trim leading slash endif " This will be done by fnmatch " let l:glob = l:config_dirname . l:glob else " does not contain a slash let l:config_dirname = l:config_dirname[:-2] " Trim trailing slash let l:glob = '**/' . l:glob endif if g:editorconfig_core_vimscript_debug echom '- ini#matches_filename: checking <' . a:target_filename . \ '> against <' . l:glob . '> with respect to config file <' . \ a:config_filename . '>' echom '- ini#matches_filename: config_dirname is ' . l:config_dirname endif return editorconfig_core#fnmatch#fnmatch(a:target_filename, \ l:config_dirname, l:glob) endfunction " matches_filename " }}}1 " === Copyright notices ================================================= {{{2 " Based on code from ConfigParser.py file distributed with Python 2.6. " Portions Copyright (c) 2001-2010 Python Software Foundation; " All Rights Reserved. Licensed under PSF License (see LICENSE.PSF file). " " Changes to original ConfigParser: " " - Special characters can be used in section names " - Octothorpe can be used for comments (not just at beginning of line) " - Only track INI options in sections that match target filename " - Stop parsing files with when ``root = true`` is found " }}}2 let &cpo = s:saved_cpo unlet! s:saved_cpo " vi: set fdm=marker fdl=1: