# Snippets for VIM Help Files priority -50 global !p def sec_title(snip, t): file_start = snip.fn.split('.')[0] sec_name = t[1].strip("1234567890. ").lower().replace(' ', '-') return ("*%s-%s*" % (file_start, sec_name)).rjust(78-len(t[1])) endglobal snippet sec "Section marker" b ============================================================================== ${1:SECTION}`!p snip.rv = sec_title(snip, t)` $0 endsnippet snippet ssec "Sub section marker" b ${1:Subsection}`!p snip.rv = sec_title(snip, t) snip += "-"*len(t[1])` $0 endsnippet snippet sssec "Subsub Section marker" b ${1:SubSubsection}:`!p snip.rv = sec_title(snip, t)` $0 endsnippet # For vim help, follow the same settings as the official docs. snippet modeline "Vim help modeline" `!v 'vim'`:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl: endsnippet # vim:ft=snippets: