" persistent.vim -- Persistent data " @Author: Tom Link (mailto:micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim]) " @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt) " @Created: 2012-05-11. " @Last Change: 2012-05-11. " @Revision: 7 " The directory for persistent data files. If empty, use " |tlib#dir#MyRuntime|.'/share'. TLet g:tlib_persistent = '' " :display: tlib#persistent#Dir(?mode = 'bg') " Return the full directory name for persistent data files. function! tlib#persistent#Dir() "{{{3 TVarArg ['mode', 'bg'] let dir = tlib#var#Get('tlib_persistent', mode) if empty(dir) let dir = tlib#file#Join([tlib#dir#MyRuntime(), 'share']) endif return dir endf " :def: function! tlib#persistent#Filename(type, ?file=%, ?mkdir=0) function! tlib#persistent#Filename(type, ...) "{{{3 " TLogDBG 'bufname='. bufname('.') let file = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : '' let mkdir = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : 0 return tlib#cache#Filename(a:type, file, mkdir, tlib#persistent#Dir()) endf function! tlib#persistent#Get(cfile) "{{{3 if !empty(a:cfile) && filereadable(a:cfile) let val = readfile(a:cfile, 'b') return eval(join(val, "\n")) else return {} endif endf function! tlib#persistent#Value(...) "{{{3 return call('tlib#cache#Value', a:000) endf function! tlib#persistent#Save(cfile, dictionary) "{{{3 if !empty(a:cfile) " TLogVAR a:dictionary call writefile([string(a:dictionary)], a:cfile, 'b') endif endf