" notify.vim " @Author: Tom Link (mailto:micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim]) " @Website: http://www.vim.org/account/profile.php?user_id=4037 " @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt) " @Created: 2008-09-19. " @Last Change: 2012-01-02. " @Revision: 0.0.19 let s:save_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim " :display: tlib#notify#Echo(text, ?style='') " Print text in the echo area. Temporarily disable 'ruler' and 'showcmd' " in order to prevent |press-enter| messages. function! tlib#notify#Echo(text, ...) TVarArg 'style' let ruler = &ruler let showcmd = &showcmd try set noruler set noshowcmd if !empty(style) exec 'echohl '. style endif echo strpart(a:text, 0, &columns - 1) finally if !empty(style) echohl None endif let &ruler = ruler let &showcmd = showcmd endtry endf " Contributed by Erik Falor: " If the line containing the message is too long, echoing it will cause " a 'Hit ENTER' prompt to appear. This function cleans up the line so " that does not happen. " The echoed line is too long if it is wider than the width of the " window, minus cmdline space taken up by the ruler and showcmd " features. function! tlib#notify#TrimMessage(message) "{{{3 let filler = '...' " If length of message with tabs converted into spaces + length of " line number + 2 (for the ': ' that follows the line number) is " greater than the width of the screen, truncate in the middle let to_fill = &columns " TLogVAR to_fill " Account for space used by elements in the command-line to avoid " 'Hit ENTER' prompts. " If showcmd is on, it will take up 12 columns. " If the ruler is enabled, but not displayed in the statusline, it " will in its default form take 17 columns. If the user defines a " custom &rulerformat, they will need to specify how wide it is. if has('cmdline_info') if &showcmd let to_fill -= 12 else let to_fill -= 1 endif " TLogVAR &showcmd, to_fill " TLogVAR &laststatus, &ruler, &rulerformat if &ruler if &laststatus == 0 || winnr('$') == 1 if has('statusline') if &rulerformat == '' " default ruler is 17 chars wide let to_fill -= 17 elseif exists('g:MP_rulerwidth') let to_fill -= g:MP_rulerwidth else " tml: fallback: guess length let to_fill -= strlen(&rulerformat) endif else endif endif else endif else let to_fill -= 1 endif " TLogVAR to_fill " TLogDBG strlen(a:message) if strlen(a:message) > to_fill let front = to_fill / 2 - 1 let back = front if to_fill % 2 == 0 | let back -= 1 | endif return strpart(a:message, 0, front) . filler . \strpart(a:message, strlen(a:message) - back) else return a:message endif endfunction let &cpo = s:save_cpo unlet s:save_cpo