extends verilog

# Foreach Loop
snippet forea
	foreach (${1}) begin
# Do-while statement
snippet dowh
	do begin
	end while (${1});
# Combinational always block
snippet alc
	always_comb begin ${1:: statement_label}
	end $1
# Sequential logic
snippet alff
	always_ff @(posedge ${1:clk}) begin ${2:: statement_label}
	end $2
# Latched logic
snippet all
	always_latch begin ${1:: statement_label}
	end $1
# Class
snippet cl
	class ${1:class_name};
		// data or class properties

		// initialization
		function new();
		endfunction : new

	endclass : $1
# Typedef structure
snippet types
	typedef struct {
	} ${1:name_t};
# Program block
snippet prog
	program ${1:program_name} ();
	endprogram : $1
# Interface block
snippet intf
	interface ${1:program_name} ();
		// nets
		// clocking

		// modports

	endinterface : $1
# Clocking Block
snippet clock
	clocking ${1:clocking_name} @(${2:posedge} ${3:clk});
	endclocking : $1
# Covergroup construct
snippet cg
	covergroup ${1:group_name} @(${2:posedge} ${3:clk});
	endgroup : $1
# Package declaration
snippet pkg
	package ${1:package_name};
	endpackage : $1

snippet uvm_object
	//  Class: $1
	class ${1:my_class} extends ${2:uvm_object};

		//  Group: Variables

		//  Group: Constraints

		//  Group: Functions

		//  Constructor: new
		function new(string name = "$1");
		endfunction: new
	endclass: $1

snippet uvm_object_with_parameters
	//  Class: $1
	class ${1:my_class} #(${2:parameters}) extends ${3:uvm_object};
		typedef $1 #(${2/(\b(parameter|type)\s+([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_$]*)(\s*=\s*([A-Za-z0-9_$]+))?)*\b/$3/g}) this_type_t;

		//  Group: Variables

		//  Group: Constraints

		//  Group: Functions

		//  Constructor: new
		function new(string name = "$1");
		endfunction: new
	endclass: $1

snippet uvm_component
	//  Class: $1
	class ${1:my_class} extends ${2:uvm_component};

		//  Group: Configuration Object(s)

		//  Var: config_obj
		${3:config_obj_t} config_obj;

		//  Group: Components

		//  Group: Variables

		//  Group: Functions

		//  Constructor: new
		function new(string name = "$1", uvm_component parent);
			super.new(name, parent);
		endfunction: new

	endclass: $1

snippet uvm_component_with_parameters
	//  Class: $1
	class ${1:my_class} #(${2:parameters}) extends ${3:uvm_component};
		typedef $1 #(${2/(\b(parameter|type)\s+([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_$]*)(\s*=\s*([A-Za-z0-9_$]+))?)*\b/$3/g}) this_type_t;

		//  Group: Configuration Object(s)

		//  Var: config_obj
		${4:config_obj_t} config_obj;

		//  Group: Components

		//  Group: Variables

		//  Constructor: new
		function new(string name = "$1", uvm_component parent);
			super.new(name, parent);
		endfunction: new

	endclass: $1

snippet uvm_component_extended
	//  Class: $1
	class ${1:my_class} extends ${2:base_class};

		//  Group: Configuration Object(s)

		//  Group: Components

		//  Group: Variables

		//  Group: Functions

		//  Constructor: new
		function new(string name = "$1", uvm_component parent);
			super.new(name, parent);
		endfunction: new

		/*---  UVM Build Phases            ---*/
		//  Function: build_phase
		extern function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase);
		//  Function: connect_phase
		extern function void connect_phase(uvm_phase phase);
		//  Function: end_of_elaboration_phase
		extern function void end_of_elaboration_phase(uvm_phase phase);

		/*---  UVM Run Phases              ---*/
		//  Function: start_of_simulation_phase
		extern function void start_of_simulation_phase(uvm_phase phase);
		//  Function: reset_phase
		extern task reset_phase(uvm_phase phase);
		//  Function: configure_phase
		extern task configure_phase(uvm_phase phase);
		//  Function: main_phase
		extern task main_phase(uvm_phase phase);
		//  Function: shutdown_phase
		extern task shutdown_phase(uvm_phase phase);

		/*---  UVM Cleanup Phases          ---*/
		//  Function: extract_phase
		extern function void extract_phase(uvm_phase phase);
		//  Function: report_phase
		extern function void report_phase(uvm_phase phase);
	endclass: $1

	/*  UVM Build Phases                                                          */
	function void $1::build_phase(uvm_phase phase);
		/*  note: Do not call super.build_phase() from any class that is extended from an UVM base class!  */
		/*  For more information see UVM Cookbook v1800.2 p.503  */
		// super.build_phase(phase);
	endfunction: build_phase

	function void $1::connect_phase(uvm_phase phase);
	endfunction: connect_phase

	function void $1::end_of_elaboration_phase(uvm_phase phase);
	endfunction: end_of_elaboration_phase

	/*  UVM Run Phases                                                            */
	function void $1::start_of_simulation_phase(uvm_phase phase);
	endfunction: start_of_simulation_phase

	task $1::reset_phase(uvm_phase phase);
	endtask: reset_phase

	task $1::configure_phase(uvm_phase phase);
	endtask: configure_phase

	task $1::main_phase(uvm_phase phase);
	endtask: main_phase

	task $1::shutdown_phase(uvm_phase phase);
	endtask: shutdown_phase

	/*  UVM Cleanup Phases                                                        */
	function void $1::report_phase(uvm_phase phase);
	endfunction: report_phase

	function void $1::extract_phase(uvm_phase phase);
	endfunction: extract_phase

snippet uvm_sequence
	//  Class: $1
	class ${1:my_class} extends ${2:uvm_sequence};

		//  Group: Variables

		//  Group: Constraints

		//  Group: Functions

		//  Constructor: new
		function new(string name = "$1");
		endfunction: new

		//  Task: pre_start
		//  This task is a user-definable callback that is called before the optional 
		//  execution of <pre_body>.
		// extern virtual task pre_start();

		//  Task: pre_body
		//  This task is a user-definable callback that is called before the execution 
		//  of <body> ~only~ when the sequence is started with <start>.
		//  If <start> is called with ~call_pre_post~ set to 0, ~pre_body~ is not called.
		// extern virtual task pre_body();

		//  Task: pre_do
		//  This task is a user-definable callback task that is called ~on the parent 
		//  sequence~, if any. The sequence has issued a wait_for_grant() call and after
		//  the sequencer has selected this sequence, and before the item is randomized.
		//  Although pre_do is a task, consuming simulation cycles may result in unexpected
		//  behavior on the driver.
		// extern virtual task pre_do(bit is_item);

		//  Function: mid_do
		//  This function is a user-definable callback function that is called after the 
		//  sequence item has been randomized, and just before the item is sent to the 
		//  driver.
		// extern virtual function void mid_do(uvm_sequence_item this_item);

		//  Task: body
		//  This is the user-defined task where the main sequence code resides.
		extern virtual task body();

		//  Function: post_do
		//  This function is a user-definable callback function that is called after the 
		//  driver has indicated that it has completed the item, using either this 
		//  item_done or put methods. 
		// extern virtual function void post_do(uvm_sequence_item this_item);

		//  Task: post_body
		//  This task is a user-definable callback task that is called after the execution 
		//  of <body> ~only~ when the sequence is started with <start>.
		//  If <start> is called with ~call_pre_post~ set to 0, ~post_body~ is not called.
		// extern virtual task post_body();

		//  Task: post_start
		//  This task is a user-definable callback that is called after the optional 
		//  execution of <post_body>.
		// extern virtual task post_start();
	endclass: $1

snippet uvm_sequence_with_parameters
	//  Class: $1
	class ${1:my_class} #(${2:parameters}) extends ${3:uvm_sequence};
		typedef $1 #(${2/(\b(parameter|type)\s+([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_$]*)(\s*=\s*([A-Za-z0-9_$]+))?)*\b/$3/g}) this_type_t;

		//  Group: Variables

		//  Group: Constraints

		//  Group: Functions

		//  Constructor: new
		function new(string name = "$1");
		endfunction: new

		//  Task: pre_start
		//  This task is a user-definable callback that is called before the optional 
		//  execution of <pre_body>.
		// extern virtual task pre_start();

		//  Task: pre_body
		//  This task is a user-definable callback that is called before the execution 
		//  of <body> ~only~ when the sequence is started with <start>.
		//  If <start> is called with ~call_pre_post~ set to 0, ~pre_body~ is not called.
		// extern virtual task pre_body();

		//  Task: pre_do
		//  This task is a user-definable callback task that is called ~on the parent 
		//  sequence~, if any. The sequence has issued a wait_for_grant() call and after
		//  the sequencer has selected this sequence, and before the item is randomized.
		//  Although pre_do is a task, consuming simulation cycles may result in unexpected
		//  behavior on the driver.
		// extern virtual task pre_do(bit is_item);

		//  Function: mid_do
		//  This function is a user-definable callback function that is called after the 
		//  sequence item has been randomized, and just before the item is sent to the 
		//  driver.
		// extern virtual function void mid_do(uvm_sequence_item this_item);

		//  Task: body
		//  This is the user-defined task where the main sequence code resides.
		extern virtual task body();

		//  Function: post_do
		//  This function is a user-definable callback function that is called after the 
		//  driver has indicated that it has completed the item, using either this 
		//  item_done or put methods. 
		// extern virtual function void post_do(uvm_sequence_item this_item);

		//  Task: post_body
		//  This task is a user-definable callback task that is called after the execution 
		//  of <body> ~only~ when the sequence is started with <start>.
		//  If <start> is called with ~call_pre_post~ set to 0, ~post_body~ is not called.
		// extern virtual task post_body();

		//  Task: post_start
		//  This task is a user-definable callback that is called after the optional 
		//  execution of <post_body>.
		// extern virtual task post_start();
	endclass: $1

snippet uvm_sequence_functions
	// task ${1:my_class::}pre_start();
	// endtask: pre_start

	// task $1pre_body();
	// endtask: pre_body

	// task $1pre_do(bit is_item);
	// endtask: pre_do

	// function void $1mid_do(uvm_sequence_item this_item);
	// endfunction: mid_do

	task $1body();
	endtask: body

	// function void $1post_do(uvm_sequence_item this_item);
	// endfunction: post_do

	// task $1post_body();
	// endtask: post_body

	// task $1post_start();
	// endtask: post_start

snippet uvm_sequence_item
	//  Class: $1
	class ${1:my_class} extends ${2:uvm_sequence_item};
		typedef $1 this_type_t;

		//  Group: Variables

		//  Group: Constraints

		//  Group: Functions

		//  Constructor: new
		function new(string name = "$1");
		endfunction: new

		//  Function: do_copy
		// extern function void do_copy(uvm_object rhs);
		//  Function: do_compare
		// extern function bit do_compare(uvm_object rhs, uvm_comparer comparer);
		//  Function: convert2string
		// extern function string convert2string();
		//  Function: do_print
		// extern function void do_print(uvm_printer printer);
		//  Function: do_record
		// extern function void do_record(uvm_recorder recorder);
		//  Function: do_pack
		// extern function void do_pack();
		//  Function: do_unpack
		// extern function void do_unpack();
	endclass: $1

	/*  Constraints                                                               */

	/*  Functions                                                                 */

snippet uvm_sequence_item_with_parameters
	//  Class: $1
	class ${1:my_class} #(${2:parameters}) extends ${3:uvm_sequence_item};
		typedef $1 #(${2/(\b(parameter|type)\s+([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_$]*)(\s*=\s*([A-Za-z0-9_$]+))?)*\b/$3/g}) this_type_t;

		//  Group: Variables

		//  Group: Constraints

		//  Group: Functions

		//  Constructor: new
		function new(string name = "$1");
		endfunction: new

		//  Function: do_copy
		// extern function void do_copy(uvm_object rhs);
		//  Function: do_compare
		// extern function bit do_compare(uvm_object rhs, uvm_comparer comparer);
		//  Function: convert2string
		// extern function string convert2string();
		//  Function: do_print
		// extern function void do_print(uvm_printer printer);
		//  Function: do_record
		// extern function void do_record(uvm_recorder recorder);
		//  Function: do_pack
		// extern function void do_pack();
		//  Function: do_unpack
		// extern function void do_unpack();
	endclass: $1

	/*  Constraints                                                               */

	/*  Functions                                                                 */

snippet uvm_sequence_item_do_copy
	function void ${1:my_class}${2:::}do_copy(uvm_object rhs);
		this_type_t rhs_;

		if (!\$cast(rhs_, rhs)) begin
			\`uvm_error({this.get_name(), ".do_copy()"}, "Cast failed!");
		// \`uvm_info({this.get_name(), ".do_copy()"}, "Cast succeded.", UVM_HIGH);

		/*  chain the copy with parent classes  */

		/*  list of local properties to be copied  */
		// <this.property_name = rhs_.property_name>;
	endfunction: do_copy$0

snippet uvm_sequence_item_do_compare
	function bit ${1:my_class}${2:::}do_compare(uvm_object rhs, uvm_comparer comparer);
		this_type_t rhs_;

		if (!\$cast(rhs_, rhs)) begin
			\`uvm_error({this.get_name(), ".do_compare()"}, "Cast failed!");
		// \`uvm_info({this.get_name(), ".do_compare()"}, "Cast succeded.", UVM_HIGH);

		/*  chain the compare with parent classes  */
		do_compare = super.do_compare(rhs, comparer);

		/*  list of local properties to be compared:  */
		do_compare &= (
			// <this.property_name == rhs_.property_name> &&
			// <this.property_name == rhs_.property_name>
	endfunction: do_compare$0

snippet uvm_sequence_item_convert2string
	function string ${1:my_class}${2:::}convert2string();
		string s;

		/*  chain the convert2string with parent classes  */
		s = super.convert2string();

		/*  list of local properties to be printed:  */
		//  guide             0---4---8--12--16--20--24--28--32--36--40--44--48--
		// s = {s, \$sformatf("property_label      : 0x%0h\n", property_name)};
		// s = {s, \$sformatf("property_label      :   %0d\n", property_name)};

		return s;
	endfunction: convert2string$0

snippet uvm_sequence_item_do_print
	function void ${1:my_class}${2:::}do_print(uvm_printer printer)
		/*  chain the print with parent classes  */

		/*  list of local properties to be printed:  */
		// printer.print_string("property_label", property_name);
		// printer.print_field_int("property_label", property_name, \$bits(property_name), UVM_HEX);
	endfunction: do_print$0

snippet uvm_sequence_item_do_record
	function void ${1:my_class}${2:::}do_record(uvm_recorder recorder);
		/*  chain the record with parent classes  */

		/*  list of local properties to be recorded:  */
		/*  note: use uvm_record_int, uvm_record_string, uvm_record_time, uvm_record_real for known basic types.  */
		// \`uvm_record_string("property_label", property_name);
		// \`uvm_record_int("property_label", property_name, \$bits(property_name), UVM_HEX);
	endfunction: do_record$0

snippet uvm_sequence_item_do_pack
	function void ${1:my_class}${2:::}do_pack(uvm_packer packer);
		/*  chain the pack with parent classes  */

		/*  list of local properties to be packed:  */
		//  note: look up the appropriate macro(s) for your properties!
		// \`uvm_pack_int(property_name);
		// \`uvm_pack_queue(property_name);
		// \`uvm_pack_string(property_name);
	endfunction: do_pack$0

snippet uvm_sequence_item_do_unpack
	function void ${1:my_class}${2:::}do_unpack(uvm_packer packer);
		/*  chain the unpack with parent classes  */

		/*  list of local properties to be unpacked:  */
		//  note: look up the appropriate macro(s) for your properties!
		// \`uvm_unpack_int(property_name);
		// \`uvm_unpack_queue(property_name);
		// \`uvm_unpack_string(property_name);
	endfunction: do_unpack$0